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Some graphic novels I've read lately. Reviews inside! (Batman: Year One, League...)

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A friend of mine recently lent me 4 graphic novels. Each one was very different from the rest so I guess you could say I've had some nice variety in the books I've been reading lately.

Batman: Year One

I've been meaning to read this for a while now. Now that I have I think it's slightly overrated, albeit still a solid read. To me this book wasn't about Batman; it was about Gordon and the way he struggles to make a new life for his family. And boy does he ever struggle, working for a corrupt police force while still trying to do the right thing at all times. However, what I really liked about his character here is that despite the fact that he really is a "good guy", he's still human. That came accross really well when he began cheating on his wife and felt so much remorse for it. It just went to show that even a man with hardened values and ethics can become a little corrupted under the right circumstances. Gordon was my favourite part of the book because I actually felt sympathic towards him and his noble intentions. Even when he strayed I wanted to see him land on his feet again.

The way the book switches between narrators is done really well. I never felt lost and the writing itself was solid. You really got a sense that Batman wasn't fully prepared for his work early on, as he makes a few mistakes his first couple of nights out.

Anyways, I really would have liked to have seen more of Catwoman but what's here is already really good. 8.5/10

League of Extraordinary Gentlemen Volume 1

I'll start off by saying that this was a joy to read. I loved the characters from the very beginning and the sense of mischief with guys like Griffin was golden. I didn't expect the book to be as humourous as it was, but was pleasantly surprised with the constant string of funny dialogue and situations. The artwork was completely stellar too. I loved the big splash pages, especially in the finale, as they were filled to the brim with detail. Really, I think that the art and colours really suit the time period that the story takes place in.

The concept of this book could have been done really badly. Instead, under the capable pen of Alan Moore, we got a truly memorable book filled with interesting characters you actually care about and can't wait to revisit. Captain Nemo is a badass. Bring on Volume 2. 9/10

30 Days of Night

I'm not terribly big into horror comics but this one was pretty cool. The art and colouring are stunning and really bring this creepy book to life. The only thing that really bothered me was the role of a couple of characters. Otherwise, this was a fun and grotesque read. It makes sense that it's being translated over to film since the story is already there and the events could make for a pretty gruesome slasher flick. Good stuff. 8/10

The Witching Hour

Well...this book has some really nice art. I was actually really impressed and a little surprised to see Chris Bachalo's name on a book that looks as beautiful as this. The splash pages in particular are eye-catching. But while the art is great, the story isn't all that interesting. At least it wasn't to me. The problem I had with it was that there were far too many characters and stories going on at once and you never really got to care for any of them. Well, maybe Blue because he never says anything and is a bit of an enigma, but otherwise I didn't find myself caring what happened to anyone in the book. Maybe because I'm just not big on Wiccan? I dunno. Regardless, it was forgettable to me, even though it's really nice to look at. 6.5/10

Graphic novels and trades I'd like to pick up (or just read) in the near future:
Batman: The Long Halloween
Top 10
The Walking Dead Volume 1
Alucard said:
League of Extraordinary Gentlemen Volume 1

I think the only problem with the trades for League was that the "victorian era" advertisements were taken out? Some of those really cracked me up, like the marvel insult, or, well, just about all of it. The insultingly high class letters were worth a read too.

I don't have much to say for your reading list, other than that Top 10 is two trades and one six issue spinoff miniseries, and I still think it's the best work Alan Moore has ever done. Between the transformer and crossover crisis, I cry out on occasion, wishing he would have continued Top 10 instead of the far more stale Tom Strong or Anthology series.

Ah well.


Knows the Score
After you read Watchmen, get Supreme - Story of the Year. Possibly my favourite Alan Moore work just because it's so much fun compared to his serious works.


If you ever re-read Year One, try to see how many parallels they place between Jim and Bruce. That's pretty much the major literary tactic that's used throught the book. Then if you ever read The Long Halloween and Dark Victory, (both of which are semi-sequels to Year One), it sets up an even better parallel between Bruce and Harvey Dent, something that Frank Miller did originally in The Dark Knight Returns.

"...got the whole world to smile at me... got them all to keep their lunch down when they saw my face... saying I was cured, saying I was fixed. The scars go deep, too deep.Take a look, have your laugh. I'm fixed alright. At least both sides match.I close my eyes and listen. Not fooled by sight, I see him... Have your laugh, Batman, take a look! As he is. I see him, I see... I see... a reflection, Harvey. A reflection."


Alucard said:
Graphic novels and trades I'd like to pick up (or just read) in the near future:
Batman: The Long Halloween
Top 10
The Walking Dead Volume 1

That's a damn solid list right there. Have you checked to see if your local library has Watchmen? If not, they may be able to get it via interlibrary loan. Hey, if it saves you $25, it's worth checking out.

Meanwhile, a couple of short reviews about my own graphic novel reading as of late:

Lucifer Vol. 1-5 - This series is the perfect example of Vertigo's usual modus operendi: milk Neil Gaiman's old comics for all they're worth. Not that I have a problem with this, mind you, especially when it's as good as Lucifer. Spun directly out of the fourth volume of Sandman, Season of Mists, we find our title character at loose ends and with grandoise plans. I can't go into detail without major spoilers, so I'll just say that any Sandman fan will enjoy this. If you're not a Sandman fan, go read Sandman, then read this.

The Collected Omaha the Cat Dancer Vol. 1-6 - Let me go ahead and get this out of the way: Omaha is furry porn about a stripper who is a cat girl. Now, take whatevever preconceptions you have and chuck 'em out the window. After a couple of early issues of entertaining smut, Kate Worley arrives to take over writing duties from artist Reed Waller, and the result is a wonderful soap opera about the ordinary (and occasionally extrordinarily) lives of our protagonists...that just happens to have explicit sex scenes featuring "funny animals". Alas, thanks to an acromonious break-up (and, after finally patching things up, Worley's recent death from cancer), Omaha breaks off in mid-story arc, never to be completed. However, what exists is positively delightful - and pretty damn sexy to boot. Highly recomended. No, really, I'm dead serious, highly recommended.



I just finished Batman: Year One and Marvels recently, I`ll chime in with some comments-

B: YO - Amazing, good dialogue, good art, good plot, but too short. I wanted more after finishing the book (It took me like 20 minutes :p)

Marvels - Amazing art, amazing plot with subtle messages, the only negative I have is that there should`ve been more Spidey in the final chapter.

Next I plan on picking up A Superman For All Seasons, Batman: The Long Halloween, Batman: The Dark Knight Returns, Spiderman Blue and Watchmen.

if you dig batman, check out batman: the cult. i'm not sure if they ever released a compilation (it was four issues), but you should be able to find it at a comic shop pretty easily.

as for the dark knight returns, it's excellent. frank miller rocks! out of curiousity, has anyone read the sequel? i wan't even aware they made one (i got out of comics long ago) until i was at borders the other day. i'm actually considering picking it up.


mattx5, enjoy Spider-Man Blue. I actually just picked up the issues out of my collection again to browse the beautiful artwork. I'd love to read more Loeb and Sale stuff.
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