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Some HD Loader N00b questions


Fclvat sbe Pnanqn, ru?
I skimmed some of the HD Loader topic questions (good thing the search engine now accepts less than four letters ;) but didn't find an answer to my specific questions. Hope some of you can help me out.

I own a crappy old PS2 with a fucked up laser. So, a HD Loader seems like a good idea. It's also more convenient regarind travelling, playing games back at my parents home on my brothers PS2 or at friends' houses. But:

Two games I'm playing a lot lately (GTA:SA and Burnout 3, both PAL) are said not to work with the HD Loader. I don't know if it's true, but some sources I checked on the net state they don't work. Also, I found a list ( http://homepage.ntlworld.com/casey.miller/HD Loader Compatibility.htm ) that has a lot of titles, but probably hasn't been updated in a while.

Now, is there a trend going that recent games won't work on the HD? And does anyone know a site that keeps a fairly updated list with recent games tested?


Rei_Toei said:
Two games I'm playing a lot lately (GTA:SA and Burnout 3, both PAL) are said not to work with the HD Loader. I don't know if it's true, but some sources I checked on the net state they don't work.

The US versions of those games both work on HDLoader. As far as new games most still work with HDLoader.


Fclvat sbe Pnanqn, ru?
Thanks for the site and response. I read the faq over there, good read. But what does 'mode 3' do? It's said Burnout 3 works with this.


Finally bought a new PSP, but then pushed the demon onto someone else. Jesus.
Your only obstacle booting the CD.

I have over 20 something games on my HD and none require any mode changes. So far anyway.


Fclvat sbe Pnanqn, ru?
So you can enable various modes in the HDD Loader gamelist screen, and some games work in specific modes?

Ed: Maggo007: I gave the link to that list in my first post :)


Maggo007 said:
GTA:SA has more framerate problems (freezing for a very short time) when playing from HD. Anyone else got this problem?

Haven't had that issue off the HD, but it's one I've had playing off the disc. Usually as it's loading a new track or something for the radio. However it's not there if I play from the HD.
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