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Some new GTA:SA pics?


Junior Member
Wrong forum.

From game informer:
But I heard 'Respect' points, ala GTA2 is making a comeback. You have to battle for areas and after collecting enough respect, you can throw gang signs to new recruits. The Dpad will then be used to attack/defend/etc.

God, why can't I have no life for the next few months.

Ace Combat 5
Metroid Prime 2
Resident Evil 4
Halo 2

I'm sure I am missing some. But damn.
skinnyrattler said:
Wrong forum.

From game informer:
But I heard 'Respect' points, ala GTA2 is making a comeback. You have to battle for areas and after collecting enough respect, you can throw gang signs to new recruits. The Dpad will then be used to attack/defend/etc.

God, why can't I have no life for the next few months.

Ace Combat 5
Metroid Prime 2
Resident Evil 4
Halo 2

I'm sure I am missing some. But damn.

Damn, I wanted that respect point thing since GTA3...always wondered why they cut that and gang recruitment out when moving the series into 3D. Guess they didn't have the time/resources to be able to implement it. Only a few more weeks...

Just imagine grabbing a hog and riding off the top of this, DROOL.


Junior Member
Pedigree Chum said:
Damn, I wanted that respect point thing since GTA3...always wondered why they cut that and gang recruitment out when moving the series into 3D. Guess they didn't have the time/resources to be able to implement it. Only a few more weeks...

I missed the respect thing even if it was missing only in a HUD display, only. You still got shitted on after fuckin up a territory in 3 and VC but I am assuming they will have a HUD display or some meter to track your respect and as opposed to the last 2 games, you'll be able to reverse your respect from various gangs by completing different objectives ie killing a certain number of rival gang members, ala GTA2. I don't know if it's been posted but here's a quote from GI:

'Paper Mario 2 sucks. But back to Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas'

In addition to San Andreas' dazzling adaptation of Sin City, we also got insight into some of the game’s more subtle improvements, most notably Respect points (brought back from Grand Theft Auto 2) and the complex system of territorial control. Respect is paramount to your success in the gangland of Los Santos, and can be earned by completing missions or by side activities like "tagging" Orange Grove Families graffiti and offing rival gang members. As your respect grows, you can begin to recruit greater numbers of OG members to assist you in missions. To do this, all you have to do is walk up to a pedestrian wearing the Orange Grove's trademark green colors, target them and then press up or down on the d-pad to attempt to recruit them. If they flash a gang sign back at you, they are now on your squad and can be commanded to follow, defend, or attack with the d-pad. During drivebys, this teamwork is invaluable, as your NPC homies will actually shoot at threatening targets on their own.

Of course, growing a criminal empire is what San Andreas is all about, and we also saw how CJ and the crew can expand their turf. The onscreen map now shows certain areas shaded to indicate that a particular gang controls a region. We entered a purple-colored area, which alerted us that we were entering a hood affiliated with CJ's fierce enemies, the Ballas. You won't instantly be attacked upon arrival, but once CJ started blasting, the map screen flashed red to indicate that a territorial battle had begun. Now, it's simply a matter of kill or be killed. Enemies come in waves, and if you survive each successive onslaught, you'll achieve control of the neighborhood and its color will switch to OG green. Of course, other gangs will also make assaults on your turf, so you'll frequently have to come to the aid of your homies in order to maintain your spot in the hierarchy of the streets.

Looking better and better each day.


Pedigree Chum said:
Damn, I wanted that respect point thing since GTA3...always wondered why they cut that and gang recruitment out when moving the series into 3D. Guess they didn't have the time/resources to be able to implement it. Only a few more weeks...

Yeah, let's just hope that the next feature to make a reappearance is online play. I've been itching for another online GTA ever since 3 came out.

While it's probably a whole lot of wishful thinking, it would be nice if the respect points had an affect on the main storyline. One thing I never really liked about GTA3 (never played VC) was the strict linearity of the storyline, and how nothing you did outside of the missions affected the missions themselves. I could go on a complete rampage in mafia turf, killing every gang member I saw for days on end, and yet Salvatore will still keep throwing jobs in my lap.

As others have said, it'd be nice to be able to redeem yourself with gangs, too. I never liked how St Marks became a no-man's land after a certain point in GTA3, due to the shotgun-toting mafiosos littering the streets.

Which reminds me, has there been any word on if gang members will actually be able to recognize you as you're flying down the street at 100+ mph? I always thought it was a little silly how every single person in a rival gang would be able to instantly recognize you in whatever car you were driving, no matter what.


While it's probably a whole lot of wishful thinking, it would be nice if the respect points had an affect on the main storyline. One thing I never really liked about GTA3 (never played VC) was the strict linearity of the storyline, and how nothing you did outside of the missions affected the missions themselves. I could go on a complete rampage in mafia turf, killing every gang member I saw for days on end, and yet Salvatore will still keep throwing jobs in my lap.

I don't that'll change, maybe R* will surprise us all and I'll be wrong. But this issue in GTA3 never really bothered me, I can see your point, but I never really thought about it until you mentioned it.

As others have said, it'd be nice to be able to redeem yourself with gangs, too. I never liked how St Marks became a no-man's land after a certain point in GTA3, due to the shotgun-toting mafiosos littering the streets.

Same here, but you've gotta admit that it made every trip to that part of town tense as hell.

Which reminds me, has there been any word on if gang members will actually be able to recognize you as you're flying down the street at 100+ mph? I always thought it was a little silly how every single person in a rival gang would be able to instantly recognize you in whatever car you were driving, no matter what.

Yeah, that made no sense in GTA3 and I too hope they fix that in SA, but I highly doubt they'll address that. It'd be funny to do a drive by in a cop car and peds/gangs think it's the popo.
belgurdo said:

Hahaha. To olimario: I see the light, there is no discussion in this thread.


Junior Member
Vlad said:
Which reminds me, has there been any word on if gang members will actually be able to recognize you as you're flying down the street at 100+ mph? I always thought it was a little silly how every single person in a rival gang would be able to instantly recognize you in whatever car you were driving, no matter what.

Suspension of disbelief.

Police are the same, even in different vehicles.
skinnyrattler said:
Wrong forum.

From game informer:
But I heard 'Respect' points, ala GTA2 is making a comeback. You have to battle for areas and after collecting enough respect, you can throw gang signs to new recruits. The Dpad will then be used to attack/defend/etc.

God, why can't I have no life for the next few months.

Ace Combat 5
Metroid Prime 2
Resident Evil 4
Halo 2

I'm sure I am missing some. But damn.

i thought re4 comes out in january?!


Junior Member
Next few months. I don't even have time to complete AC5 over a month. My (god damn, the titans are killing the favre's) gaming time has dwindles to nil, unfortunately. I'll be completing these bad boys well into the summer.


Pedigree Chum said:
Same here, but you've gotta admit that it made every trip to that part of town tense as hell.

Well, "tense" is one thing, but I found that unless I either flew straight through that area as fast as possible, or took a heavy-duty car, I was toast. Their shotguns, combines with the instant recognition, made for a quick death if you so much as slowed down in their area.

Yeah, that made no sense in GTA3 and I too hope they fix that in SA, but I highly doubt they'll address that. It'd be funny to do a drive by in a cop car and peds/gangs think it's the popo.

Heh, that'd be awesome. I'd love to see the NPCs react differently depending on the kind of car you were driving. Like you'd be more likely to get carjacked if you were driving a really nice sports car or something.

Suspension of disbelief.

Police are the same, even in different vehicles.

Well, I've got no problem with suspension of disbelief, but I figured that since they're adding a lot of other little bells and whistles, they may be fixing some of the little issues that have always bugged me.
"Well, "tense" is one thing, but I found that unless I either flew straight through that area as fast as possible, or took a heavy-duty car, I was toast. Their shotguns, combines with the instant recognition, made for a quick death if you so much as slowed down in their area."

Well I've had some interesting encounters there. Once I got shot at, car was on fire, got out and ran, shotgun-toting mafioso chasing me, gets blown up by car, I grab a mafia sentinal and make a quick getaway. That was intense, was sweating like a mofo...I guess it comes down to how various people experiences with these things.


It's definetly improved. You now have multiple fighting styles. Street fighting, martial arts and boxing.

Damn that sux! Now there is one more game I want but dont have the time to play =(
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