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Some Suggestions for G4TechTV


G4TV.com is lame. Get rid of the 2 idiots, and start over with a new premise. Get some people who follow the industry, and just aren't gamers.

Pulse was actually decent before that dumb woman joined as co-anchor. Why the hell did G4 knock the other guy down to correspondent?

Bring back Call For Help, and Tech Live. TSS is getting bogged down in doing just answering questions when they could have more interviews & segments on other things. Pulse says they cover technology but they don't, and shouldn't.

Arena needs a woman who isn't irritating. What is with this gen X wannabe chick? Aren't there nice looking, knowledgeable women to do interviews?

Up the presentation. Shouldn't G4 have a decent budget now? At least bring it up to Tech TV standards.
G4TV.com is lame. Get rid of the 2 idiots, and start over with a new premise. Get some people who follow the industry, and just aren't gamers.

I only watched G4TV once....once

Is that the show with the Xtreme L33T chick and the barbie girl that arguee about really stupid shit like what defines a gamer?


works for Gamestop (lol)
They have a chick on Pulse now? Haha.

G4TV can die. Piece of crap....give me my fucking Techtv back


Junior Ace
MaddenNFL64 said:
Pulse was actually decent before that dumb woman joined as co-anchor. Why the hell did G4 knock the other guy down to correspondent?

You think she's bad? You should've seen the girl they had co-hosting it up until about 2 months ago.


Bog said:
You think she's bad? You should've seen the girl they had co-hosting it up until about 2 months ago.


Sadly, I know of which you speak. Remember that hot british woman from E3? Guess she thought different about sticking around for the real deal :\.


The Motorcycle That Wouldn't Slow Down
MaddenNFL64 said:
Probably would have to re-edit the old shows. They most likely have extra footage left out to fill the gap.

i would like to point out that that has never happened in the history of television.


I just got digital cable and subsequently G4/TTV a couple days ago....so far it's not bad...not bad at all. All the just shows have been cool so far and certainly beats the plethora of shit floating elswhere in cableland. But I agree, they are repeating these shows way too many times during the day. They need to come up with fresh, new innovative programming to keep it from going stale.

Last but not least.....Morgan Webb.

Morgan Webb is fucking hideous!!!!! This is the chick you guys were drooling over??? Man.... Diane Mizota is where it's at. Now THAT is a hot fucking gaming babe! Diane Mizota>>>>>Morgan Webb by a country mile!!! The only other girl I would pick over Diane is Dragona.


I seriously find a lot of the hosts on the various shows irritating. On X-Play, Adam Sessler used to be very tolerable and a good host, but now, he just acts too goofy for his own good. All the various shows seem to cover are PC games, shooters, etc. The lack of Nintendo coverage is questionable, yet totally expected since I believe Microsoft funds the network. The network itself has potential to grow, but I hope they get some decent competition in the future in order to spice things up.


Diane Mizota knows shit about games. She does cosplay & reads off cue cards. It works somewhat though, since she's pretty fine.

Morgan Webb has a nice rack, and anything else is secondary. Plus she plays off of Adam Sessler very well. I don't know if she actually plays games, but she acts the part well.


I think all of the G4 shows that suck have potential and just need to be reworked, except players, that show is just pathetic.

Arena- Could be reworked into a serious competition show. All they need are more serious, hardcore host who can really analyze their playing style and give much more interesting comentary. Along with that, give the show a wider variety of games to play, that's one of the main downfalls of the show, it's always the exact same games over and over.

Roleplaying Show- There needs to be a show for rpg fans, the show could cover all kinds of rpgs, pc, console style, online, G4 needs to spread out and do more specific genres like what Sweat and Blister *tried* to do. I was thinking maybe they could just convert the Roleplayers Realm from Gamepro into a show, I would love to see those guys doing an rpg show.

Cheat- This show is pretty bad, but I do enjoy the codes and tips, I think they should drop this show and let the guy from Tips and Tricks who they are always interviewing on Filter host. He's very tv friendly and I really think he has the charisma to host a show.

G4Specials- How about some actual specials here, cover gaming events for real, do specials on important things in gaming like covering important press conferences and awards, right now there isn't a damn thing special about G4Specials.

Filter- Filter is ok, yet Diane is just so boring, but the flow of the show doesn't exactly scream for host with gaming knowledge. Instead of Diane, I think they should get the lady who did the voice of VAL the AI control system to guide people through episodes of Filter, it could be like Shodan hosting the show instead.

Machinimation- Ok, we all know this technology is growing in popularity, and we all know shows like Red vs. Blue have shown how awesome gaming humor with this new technology can be. Why on earth does G4 not have any new Machinimation other than Portal? It's probably the cheapest form of filmaking out, yet they do nothing with this.

Sweat- This show can easily be reworked into a serious sport gaming competition/review show, there are so many hardcore fans of sports games they have no excuse for letting this show be as cheap and casual as it is, Sweat's current format is only cheating them out of the success they could have if they made the show more serious.

Icons- Like many have said, this needs to be an hour. One of the reasons the show has remained 30 mins is because Tina Wood is one the main writers for Icons, making the show an hour is a huge work load for her considering G4TV.com. Solution.........kick her to the fucking curb! It's not as if the show will die without her, the Final Fantasy episode was just a rushed tragedy. I'm sick of all these lame 6 and 10 year games in gaming history, it's the best show on the whole damn channel, just give it an hour already.

Pulse- I like this show, but I think they should up the ante and make this bi-weekly, if they would cut back on all the cheest fluff, they could have a real network quality news show
that totally caters to us gamers. They also need to focus on better tech news.

Cinematech- This show is great, the only things I wish is for an equivalent of this show totally devoted to gameplay footage and I'd like both shows to feature more older titles, they are pretty damn rare.

Starcade Update- Game On was awful, and Starcade was a little corny in 02-03', but I think a new arcade competition show could totally rock. Not only would it be good to see Starcade revived, it would also spark a little bit of life into the waning arcade scene.

Last but not least.....Morgan Webb.

Morgan Webb is fucking hideous!!!!! This is the chick you guys were drooling over??? Man.... Diane Mizota is where it's at. Now THAT is a hot fucking gaming babe! Diane Mizota>>>>>Morgan Webb by a country mile!!! The only other girl I would pick over Diane is Dragona.

I also don't get it, if her chin was any more pointy, she'd be stabbing Adam on the set everyday.

You think she's bad? You should've seen the girl they had co-hosting it up until about 2 months ago.

You didn't like Ronilyn? I thought she was a great cohost, not to mention she had the sexiest gothic look to her, she reminded me of Morticia from the Adams Family.
I'm so glad I don't get the channel anymore, otherwise I'd be at least 10% more angry everday.

And all the Morgan haters can fuck off. So what she not some goddamn bimbo, some of use find her quite attractive and rather cute.


G4 should drop its name and just become TechTV. Then fire the whole G4 crew. Cancel all their shows. And make sure that the name G4 is erased from the history of this channel.
Mr_Furious said:
Make Icons an hour long.

In addition to this, change your lineup to the following

The Screen Savers

The only good shows on the channel, and as such they're the only ones we need.


0G M3mbeR
I have a suggestion. Drop ALL of TechTV. That channel was total garbage and their "thunderbirds" and "Robot wars" ruined my morning StarCade sessions. I can't believe you guys buy into that garbage channel.
FortNinety said:
I'm so glad I don't get the channel anymore, otherwise I'd be at least 10% more angry everday.

And all the Morgan haters can fuck off. So what she not some goddamn bimbo, some of use find her quite attractive and rather cute.

You can't be serious. The fact is, she is a bimbo, her attitude on the show is fucking annoying as hell, and she just plum comes off as a fake.

I would also like to say that Adam Sessler was actually likeable on Extended Play, but apparently that wasn't XTREME enough. I can't stand his spaz act on Xplay. If that was your idea Satterfield, you should be ashamed. (I know you're reading this)


Hail to the KING baby
Both are OK, though Screen Savers and X-Play are the two best shows overall. Particularly on the G4 side of things, the shows could use a lot more polish (not in terms of production value so much as smarter production), and I 100x prefer hosts who clearly know games vs. "cute faces," this is what makes X-Play watchable, Sessler in particular may be a jackass but you can tell he cares about and plays the games he's discussing, unlike some other hosts (e.g. Diane Mizota).

Some shows are interesting ideas, just god-awfully executed, such as Arena, where you have no idea what the hell is going on half the time (other than a bunch of kills in some FPS usually) and it's one team who has seemingly never played the game before vs. some other team that is just blowing them away. There's nothing interesting about that. Rather than have some random games, why not show us contests where people (or clans) who are actually great at the games they're playing face off; if I wanted to see idiots who can't aim running around and getting killed by other idiots who know, at least, how to shoot, I'd go over to my friends' places. I don't know how watchable gaming really is, but I can guarantee it's at its least watchable when some CS clan is facing some SOCOM clan in Soul Calibur 2.


I agree G4 has ruined the only good tech channel on television. TechTV was (and the few shows from the channel that remain at G4TechTV) interested in actually educating people and providing information about all things technology. It was far more in depth, knowledgable, and reliable than any "regular" news channel for getting tech news.

The G4 shows just care about being cool, with no regard for having any decent content. Filter is quite possibly the most worthless show on television with the most worthless host ever (I think that girl and Vanna White tie for having the most worthless jobs in America) and cheat shows have no place in a modern society that has Gamefaqs.com available. I've never really liked video game review shows, they always seem so shallow and never really provide in depth reviews, but I'd have to pick Xplay over Judgment Day. Adam genuinely likes the games (though he's obviously N-biased), and at least he and Morgan have some hint of chemistry.

Of course, the crown jewel is The Screensavers, which has diminished since the take-over, but is still the most worthwhile show on the channel (I just wish they'd not waste time on yet another Yoshi mod, who gives a crap??) I do wish they had time to do more interviews and in-depth features like they used to.

In any case, for the most part TechTV and the shows that remain actually care about technology and their subject matter. G4 and all of its shows care more about being cool and having "hip" hosts that know nothing about gaming but are just there to give it that MTV for games vibe.


Leo? He's still on from time-to-time. I don't reall know what he's up to, I haven't visited his website in a loooong time.

Too bad anyone over 30 isn't "hip" enough for G4.


Hail to the KING baby
teiresias said:
Leo? He's still on from time-to-time. I don't reall know what he's up to, I haven't visited his website in a loooong time.

Too bad anyone over 30 isn't "hip" enough for G4.

Yeah, I liked that guy; he knew his shit.


The lack of Nintendo coverage is questionable, yet totally expected since I believe Microsoft funds the network.

I think it's because Nintendo doesn't have much out.

Really, the last SEGA review I saw was VF3 for the PS2 when it first came out.

Plus, you won't see a Nintendo sports product, so scratch shows like Sweat.

Now, if you're asking why there aren't much GC reviews. I wouldn't know, but the reviews for each console are pretty much proportional to the NA userbase (PS2, then Xbox, then GC).


Tag of Excellence
I hate Tommy. I hate Tommy. I hate Tommy. I hate Tommy. I hate Tommy. I hate Tommy. I hate Tommy. I hate Tommy. I hate Tommy. I hate Tommy. I hate Tommy. I hate Tommy. I hate Tommy. I hate Tommy. I hate Tommy. I hate Tommy. I hate Tommy. I hate Tommy. I hate Tommy. I hate Tommy. I hate Tommy. I hate Tommy. I hate Tommy. I hate Tommy. I hate Tommy. I hate Tommy. I hate Tommy. I hate Tommy. I hate Tommy. I hate Tommy. I hate Tommy. I hate Tommy. I hate Tommy.

I loved The Screensavers!


Older people, in my experience, tend to understand how to explain things a whole lot better than younger people. Leo knew how to give a demonstration of how something works without getting bogged down with technicalities.

It's been my same experience in college, too. My older professors most often can explain something in a way that makes sense to me. My younger professors tend to be geeky, "I'm a hacker!" types who wouldn't dare admit that they don't know something. There are certainly exceptions in my experience, but that's what they are: exceptions, not rules.


teiresias said:
I agree G4 has ruined the only good tech channel on television. TechTV was (and the few shows from the channel that remain at G4TechTV) interested in actually educating people and providing information about all things technology. It was far more in depth, knowledgable, and reliable than any "regular" news channel for getting tech news.

....yeah, and Tech TV was losing so much money appealing to its l33t group of Ars Technica forum posters that it would have shut its doors within six months had Comcast not bought the network and saved it by merging it with G4. Think about it.

Here's a tip: the GAF crowd will never, ever like most of G4. Just as the hardcore music snobs will never, ever like most of MTV.

G4 isn't great, but it's totally fucking new guys. Give it a chance. Like any network they have great shows and there have crap shows. I know people who love CHEAT and PLAYERS but then again, they probably watch shit like the Real World as well.

That doesn't stop the rest of us from enjoying Pulse and Icons.


I agree, it's still fairly new. I think they are headed in the right direction.

How about a reality TV show dealing with games? A Big Brother clone with gaming challenges would be kinda interesting.

Perhaps a ripoff of the movie "The Wizard" except you do it with different 16 bit games each week? :p

My biggest complaint is that the gaming shows are all so similar. Reviews...previews...watch some looped footage...not very exciting. Screen Savers is great because they do a lot of different things.

The way I picture a gaming TV network is that they do stuff like game shows (why not a Jeopardy-like show with game trivia?), reality shows (stuff like Arena), news shows, etc. Kinda reach across all types of television shows. Well, maybe not a fictional drama.


How come no one has talked about Unscrewed...I actually like that show. Has nothing to do with games, but still a pretty cool show if you're into internet culture. And when they merged I like that they did cross-over hosting...that was cool. I think the channel needs some like old video game cartoons like: Dragon Warrior, DK, Mario, Captain N, Frogger, Battletoads, Double Dragon, Pole Possition, Pac Man, Power Team, etc, etc... What I would also like is an hour long show called "fanboys" where they set it up like a new roundtable with a MS fanboy, Sony fanboy & a Nintendo fanboy there to argue like a bunch of nerds would...THAT would be entertaining! And we need LIVE! coverage of E3 next year. Less celebrity BS on G4's award show and more industry people.


I set my television to skip G4 when channel surfing. It's that bad, as far as I am concerned. There's no way they'll salvage any aspect of it, realisticly.


Whats up with all the G4 shows covering up all the blood and gore, but then I turn around and watch X-Play and see it all?
TekunoRobby said:
I hate Tommy. I hate Tommy. I hate Tommy. I hate Tommy. I hate Tommy. I hate Tommy. I hate Tommy. I hate Tommy. I hate Tommy. I hate Tommy. I hate Tommy. I hate Tommy. I hate Tommy. I hate Tommy. I hate Tommy. I hate Tommy. I hate Tommy. I hate Tommy. I hate Tommy. I hate Tommy. I hate Tommy. I hate Tommy. I hate Tommy. I hate Tommy. I hate Tommy. I hate Tommy. I hate Tommy. I hate Tommy. I hate Tommy. I hate Tommy. I hate Tommy. I hate Tommy. I hate Tommy.



Hail to the KING baby
Hey at least Tommy gives good reasons for his ratings of games, like Viewtiful Joe having a "stupid name."


Junior Ace
TekunoRobby said:
I loved The Screensavers!

The Screensavers was good back when it was Patrick and Leo. I can't stand Kevin Rose and his not exactly attractive g/f.
Kevin was way better on Pulse. They actually made me laugh. Too bad. I like Judgement Day, Electric Playground, The Screen Savers, and Pulse. Fresh Gear is cool as well, but I think what they are showing is like 6 months old. That guy on Unscrewed could be pretty good if he got a bigger budget.


huh? You mean to tell me that's a women co-anchoring pulse? All this time I thought she was a robot.

Because seriously, she's single handedly the worst cue-reader I've ever seen on TV, I don't know who hired her, the previous guy was leaps above this. The other dude is "ok." But they need a new set for that show stat, it sucks horribly. Where did they get that crappy orange peacock hairball looking backdrop?

I was watching Electric Playground a long while back just to see what kind of show it was and that girl on that show was "ok" as well, at least she seemed like a human being, sorta hyper, but she'd make a better host for pulse (maybe), since I'm pretty sure they are trying to add diversity on that show. Though EP is brought down by that Tommy Tallarico fellow. As is X-play brought down by Adam Sandler, what an idiot, the whole Xtreme 'tude of the show makes gaming look like a big joke.

I say TSS and Techlive (is this show still on?) should move to a different network.


Hail to the KING baby
Senretsu said:
huh? You mean to tell me that's a women co-anchoring pulse? All this time I thought she was a robot.

Because seriously, she's single handedly the worst cue-reader I've ever seen on TV, I don't know who hired her, the previous guy was leaps above this. The other dude is "ok." But they need a new set for that show stat, it sucks horribly. Where did they get that crappy orange peacock hairball looking backdrop?

I was watching Electric Playground a long while back just to see what kind of show it was and that girl on that show was "ok" as well, at least she seemed like a human being, sorta hyper, but she'd make a better host for pulse (maybe), since I'm pretty sure they are trying to add diversity on that show. Though EP is brought down by that Tommy Tallarico fellow. As is X-play brought down by Adam Sandler, what an idiot, the whole Xtreme 'tude of the show makes gaming look like a big joke.

I say TSS and Techlive (is this show still on?) should move to a different network.

I don't get this whole "extreme attitude" thing a couple of posters have described Sessler as having. He's just kind of a dork; he may have been a little more sedate back in the Extended Play days, but I don't get this total sense of fraudulence from him, just more a dorky guy trying to be funny once in a while. That and Webb is leaps and bounds above Sessler's Extended Play co-host; she's got an awkward speaking style at first, but once you get past that (and the inevitable lame jokes) it's pretty evident that she does at least care about video games. She may not approach it from the same fanboy angle we're more accustomed to, as Sessler does, but the genuine interest is still there. It's decent. Four...

...Out of Five.


AstroLad said:
I don't get this whole "extreme attitude" thing a couple of posters have described Sessler as having. He's just kind of a dork; he may have been a little more sedate back in the Extended Play days, but I don't get this total sense of fraudulence from him, just more a dorky guy trying to be funny once in a while. That and Webb is leaps and bounds above Sessler's Extended Play co-host; she's got an awkward speaking style at first, but once you get past that (and the inevitable lame jokes) it's pretty evident that she does at least care about video games. She may not approach it from the same fanboy angle we're more accustomed to, as Sessler does, but the genuine interest is still there. It's decent. Four...

...Out of Five.



keep your strippers out of my American football
I think that G4 just needs some tweaking to be a better network. The #1 thing is to actually take their network seriously. Pulse is pretty much the only show that does that. I really don't watch much else as I think the other shows just don't even come close to reaching their potential. I agree with most of Maddenfl64's ideas in the original post. I have mentioned things like this to Scot and Rossi when I met them and they fully agreed, but they said their hands were tied in alot of cases.

The Madden Challenge coverage was great last year, so why not cover a Halo tourney, or a Doom 3 tourney or something similiar every now and then? I was told that G4 got the most response from the viewers to the Madden shows from any other show. So the same format could work for other games. I am sure Bungie would be happy to get some free pub for Halo 2 by broadcasting a Halo tourney.

There are very simple, inexpensive ideas that they could execute to make the network better. But I really am not sure if the powers that be really know how to make it happen.


Okay I just had to laugh...

On Filter they were discussing hottest/ugliest characters in games or something...and Scottie Pippen was the first one mentioned in the ugly segment.



AstroLad said:
I don't get this whole "extreme attitude" thing a couple of posters have described Sessler as having. He's just kind of a dork; he may have been a little more sedate back in the Extended Play days, but I don't get this total sense of fraudulence from him, just more a dorky guy trying to be funny once in a while. That and Webb is leaps and bounds above Sessler's Extended Play co-host; she's got an awkward speaking style at first, but once you get past that (and the inevitable lame jokes) it's pretty evident that she does at least care about video games. She may not approach it from the same fanboy angle we're more accustomed to, as Sessler does, but the genuine interest is still there. It's decent. Four...

...Out of Five.

He was cool during Extended Play, but now he just comes off as very irritating, despite your observations above. :p


Hail to the KING baby
He was cool during Extended Play, but now he just comes off as very irritating, despite your observations above. :p

Yeah, I guess I never thought he was cool, but then again I don't find him super-irritating now. I actually find his Final Fantasy/Japanese character rants somewhat entertaining, almost like a GA persona on TV.
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