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Some Suggestions for G4TechTV


dskillzhtown said:
The Madden Challenge coverage was great last year, so why not cover a Halo tourney, or a Doom 3 tourney or something similiar every now and then? I was told that G4 got the most response from the viewers to the Madden shows from any other show. So the same format could work for other games. I am sure Bungie would be happy to get some free pub for Halo 2 by broadcasting a Halo tourney.

There are very simple, inexpensive ideas that they could execute to make the network better. But I really am not sure if the powers that be really know how to make it happen.

They covered the official Halo championships over a year back in quite a lot of detail. Hopefully they do the same for Halo 2...
fliping through again I stopped on G4 and I'm kinda watching the top 10 Arcade games...or what should be called a shouting annoying MTV VJ reject reading cue cards about shit she doens't care about in a not so cleverly deisguised 30 minuet commercial for EB.

I do like how they interviewed a 12 year old kid about rembering Space invaders.
Adam Sessler was cool on Gamespot TV, when all he did was read reviews off of Gamespot's site. He's probably doing all right for himself, considering he's had his job since '98 or '99.


works for Gamestop (lol)
Well Adam Sessler still reads reviews that are done by other people, heh. Sometimes he'll write his own review every now and then, but usually Xplay's reviews aren't done by the hosts of the show
Well, I know that much. I just found it irritating that the old show was just two people readings reviews I'd seen on a website weeks or even months before.


Does anyone know what enthinicity Diane Mizota is? I can't tell if she's Japanese, Korean, Chinese, or all three.







Her eyes look Japanese to me, as she looks similar to Mari Ijima(Japanese actress who played Minmay from Macross, whom I know personally). And "Mizota" does sound like a Japanese name, but it has a Z instead of an S....indicating that it is a last name of a different heritage. I have heard of "Misota" but not "Mizota"

The Filipina angle is also a possibility, as looking at her face, you *could* believe that she is Filipina, but not those kind of eyes. An expert in this field would be helpful :D


TekunoRobby said:
I hate Tommy. I hate Tommy. I hate Tommy. I hate Tommy. I hate Tommy. I hate Tommy. I hate Tommy. I hate Tommy. I hate Tommy. I hate Tommy. I hate Tommy. I hate Tommy. I hate Tommy. I hate Tommy. I hate Tommy. I hate Tommy. I hate Tommy. I hate Tommy. I hate Tommy. I hate Tommy. I hate Tommy. I hate Tommy. I hate Tommy. I hate Tommy. I hate Tommy. I hate Tommy. I hate Tommy. I hate Tommy. I hate Tommy. I hate Tommy. I hate Tommy. I hate Tommy. I hate Tommy.

I loved The Screensavers!

After hearing him, I do too.


PanopticBlue said:
I would also like to say that Adam Sessler was actually likeable on Extended Play, but apparently that wasn't XTREME enough. I can't stand his spaz act on Xplay. If that was your idea Satterfield, you should be ashamed. (I know you're reading this)

Yes, it's all my fault that Adam is allowed to be himself on his television show. He has been forced to unfurl his quick wits, selflessness, and impeccable timing upon the world, and for that, we have all been permanently damaged. I am ashamed and have brought dishonor to my family's name. May god, and all the gamers in heaven, forgive me. I never wanted to make baby Jesus cry.
satterfield said:
Yes, it's all my fault that Adam is allowed to be himself on his television show. He has been forced to unfurl his quick wits, selflessness, and impeccable timing upon the world, and for that, we have all been permanently damaged. I am ashamed and have brought dishonor to my family's name. May god, and all the gamers in heaven, forgive me. I never wanted to make baby Jesus cry.

LOL That's fucking cool, man.
satterfield said:
Yes, it's all my fault that Adam is allowed to be himself on his television show. He has been forced to unfurl his quick wits, selflessness, and impeccable timing upon the world, and for that, we have all been permanently damaged. I am ashamed and have brought dishonor to my family's name. May god, and all the gamers in heaven, forgive me. I never wanted to make baby Jesus cry.
Do you go by the name Keldroc online? That guy told me the show doesn't suck because Michelle Rodriguez said Adam Sessler was funny.
So the same format could work for other games. I am sure Bungie would be happy to get some free pub for Halo 2 by broadcasting a Halo tourney.

Well not exactly "free". Microsoft owns somewhere around 115 million shares in Comcast ;) .
Cut Filter. Who seriously is interested in spending 30 minutes watching/hearing about what FF character random internet fanboys identify with? Or which video game character should have their own movie, or other nonsense like that? Sure, Diane Mizota is pretty damn attractive, despite whatever embarassing cosplay outfit the producers throw on her, but it doesn't make for an entertaining half-hour.

Bring back Unscrewed and restore TSS to its original state. Like Pulse, as dskillzhtown said, these are the only shows that seem to take their subject matter -- not to mention their audience -- seriously, and were great because of it.

Icons is G4's Biography and should be treated as such. Make it an hour-long show.

XPlay seriously needs some work. It's a good review show, but Sessler's obnoxious behavior and Webb's vapid line readings REALLY need work. I do agree that they've got great chemistry and that they really work off of each other well, and that should be expanded. Make them more likeable -- and give them some better writers -- and the show can really work again.

G4TV.com. Either give the girls more interetsing topics to discuss and less tubs of pudding to pour on each other, or just cut the damn show.

Judgment Day. Ugh... Um, ok Victor Lucas works well here, and is obviously interested in making a reputable show out of this mess, but for God's sake CUT TOMMY TALLARICO! He actually manages to be more useless than Mizota, and he doesn't even have the breasts to fall back on! Seriously, when you knock points off game's because you don't like their names (!), you can't possibly take yourself seriously -- let alone expect other people to.


Hail to the KING baby
Bring back Unscrewed

Man, I must be the only one on here who doesn't like Unscrewed (though I think with a little work, it could be good), but it's still on isn't it? I do like Swisher though.


Yeah it's still on. I like unscrewed and it's good for what it does. I love it when he has those webcam whore's do trivia...HA HA HA. Ah yes, and Laura Swisher...
Is Unscrewed taped in front of an audience? I ask because I never see one.

Also, I hate how the host sits and stares at the camera while reciting his monologue.

Oni Jazar

I'll be the first one to say it: I love Tommy.

I never look at Tommy as a reviewer to be taken seriously. He makes the show interesting to watch. It's like an adventure show where Victor is always fighting for what's good and holy about videogames while vicious Tommy always fights with the forces of evil. The way those two mix it up makes the show.

Admit it: Tommy is a guy you love to hate.
satterfield said:
Yes, it's all my fault that Adam is allowed to be himself on his television show. He has been forced to unfurl his quick wits, selflessness, and impeccable timing upon the world, and for that, we have all been permanently damaged. I am ashamed and have brought dishonor to my family's name. May god, and all the gamers in heaven, forgive me. I never wanted to make baby Jesus cry.

I'm glad you agree with me.


Oni Jazar said:
I'll be the first one to say it: I love Tommy.

I never look at Tommy as a reviewer to be taken seriously. He makes the show interesting to watch. It's like an adventure show where Victor is always fighting for what's good and holy about videogames while vicious Tommy always fights with the forces of evil. The way those two mix it up makes the show.

Admit it: Tommy is a guy you love to hate.


My real problem with G4TechTV is that it's mainly focused on games and trying to present it itself as being cool and extreme. Once in a awhile I catch Xplay, but that's it. These last few months have made me really appreciate what was being accomplished byTechTV.


All I want to say is I HATE, HATE (i cant stress it enough) Tommy Tallarico.

I cant stand the sight of that guy.

And oh NO, teresias you didn't just say tommy is hot. Just NO. I wouldnt touch him with a stick.

Otherwise, X Play is fun to watch. I like the hosts. G phoria was awful tough.


Ronin said:
Whats up with all the G4 shows covering up all the blood and gore, but then I turn around and watch X-Play and see it all?

G4 had a no-blood rule. Tech TV didn't. Now that the channels have merged they've tossed the rule.


Unscrewed is awesome. If it was an hour long and had more money behind it, it could be something like G4TTV's Late Night (David Letterman era, anyway)


Duckhuntdog said:
Scrap the whole network and start over. It's the only right thing to do.

j00 can scrap the network just keep diane :)


Fight for Freeform said:
I think it's because Nintendo doesn't have much out.

Really, the last SEGA review I saw was VF3 for the PS2 when it first came out.

Plus, you won't see a Nintendo sports product, so scratch shows like Sweat.

Now, if you're asking why there aren't much GC reviews. I wouldn't know, but the reviews for each console are pretty much proportional to the NA userbase (PS2, then Xbox, then GC).

umm I thought the same thing at 1st watchng the shows the last few months, but now I think there is no question on the whole most shows make it seem like Nintendo doesn't even exist. They defintely cover the Xbox the most, its maybe understandable considering its a tech geek channel. But will be real interesting to see what happens if next xbox doesn't have better tech specs out of next gen systems, it will be a spooge fest the 1st few months while its the next big thing but funny to see if they backtrack and start focusing on gameplay and games then tech.
I posted this in the Tommy T Hate thread but figured it fit better here:

Mr_Furious said:
Placing dumb, big tittied women on these various VG shows is part of what's wrong with the show. They're eye candy and nothing else yet express their stupid opinions on games they obviously wouldn't play if they weren't co-hosting the show. Their opinions are worth less than Tommy's, imo.
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