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Some TS3 pics

Funky Papa

Not so hot at this moment IMHO.







A clearer yet artifacted picture (xbox screen?)


As long as it has the insane multiplayer and challenge scenarios of TS2, I don't even care about the graphics.


$50/hour, but no kissing on the lips and colors must be pre-separated
So which screenshots are from the N64 port and which from the PSX one?


Queen of Denmark
Prospero said:
As long as it has the insane multiplayer and challenge scenarios of TS2, I don't even care about the graphics.

Although, it would be nice to have some halfway decent graphics. Not like they would do much for TimeSplitters' terrible art style, though.


human5892 said:

Although, it would be nice to have some halfway decent graphics. Not like they would do much for TimeSplitters' terrible art style, though.

I think the biggest problem with TS is the art. A change in art direction could make a substantial difference. The lighting could also stand to see a boost.


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
TS2 was extremely simple looking as well. What made it decently impressive at times was the quality of the animation combined with a perfect framerate.


dark10x said:
TS2 was extremely simple looking as well. What made it decently impressive at times was the quality of the animation combined with a perfect framerate.

Plus a large number of enemies on-screen at once with no slowdown.

Personally, I like the cartoonish look of TS2's graphics, low polygon count or no. A nice change of pace from cliched "gritty realism."
dark10x said:
TS2 was extremely simple looking as well. What made it decently impressive at times was the quality of the animation combined with a perfect framerate.

Well put. The game moved very fluidly, which helped to give it a polished arcade type of feeling. Furthermore, the game had that classic Goldeneye hit detection. I remember going from Goldeneye to Unreal Tournament and being so angry that Unreal Tournament's hit detection was so loose ("How was that a head shot!?") Having good hit detection for shots makes the game feel really tight, not unlike the system in RE4.


I have no problem with the cartoony look, it's just that the style is off putting. I'm glad they have made the right sacrifices so that we can have frentically paced fps. There aren't too many console fps that offer the kind fast and entertaining gameplay of TS.


Hope its not as shit as the last 2 TS games. Its online right? I guess it might be fun then, depends if its released before Halo 2. If its post Halo 2 im going to give this a miss.


Queen of Denmark
Prine said:
Hope its not as shit as the last 2 TS games. Its online right? I guess it might be fun then, depends if its released before Halo 2. If its post Halo 2 im going to give this a miss.
Looks like you're not playing, then -- the most recent release date I've heard is February 2005.
I really hope that lighting/shadowing hasn't been implemented yet because as of now, those shadowless character models are standing out like sore thumbs.


Prospero said:
Personally, I like the cartoonish look of TS2's graphics, low polygon count or no. A nice change of pace from cliched "gritty realism."

agreed, I enjoyed the visuals in TS2 much more than I did in other games simply because it was a drastic change from the retarded look that every fucking FPS out now has...not suprising that all the drones that eat those games up didn't like the look, however
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