That says nothing about the scope of the titles, though. A lot of them are ports of PS3 digital only games and small F2P titles.
Didn't Shu state later that he wasn't including PS3 ports?
That says nothing about the scope of the titles, though. A lot of them are ports of PS3 digital only games and small F2P titles.
Sony need to make their presentations more professional.
Design them as if they are being made for TV. Microsoft's E3 was a slick presentation even if you disagree about the quality of the content.
That says nothing about the scope of the titles, though. A lot of them are ports of PS3 digital only games and small F2P titles.
Didn't Shu state later that he wasn't including PS3 ports?
I have a feeling they're going to announce a major feature firmware update 2.0.
Gravity Rush 2 is a possibility
The GT rumor is interesting and makes sense given the franchise's European popularity. One way to do it would be to exclusively bundle a prologue version with Driveclub and release the full game in 2015. This would be very much a win for everybody involved. It would boost interest in Driveclub, hype the new Grand Turismo and give fans more content.
I have the same feeling
usually Sony announces their major FW at gamescom and then later releases it in September
Unlikely since Yamauchi said there won't be a prologue for GT7. While Gamescom is getting bigger, the conference is usually only 1 hour and rarely has more than 1 AAA reveal and that looks like it'll be Media Molecule's new game, this year.
I think they'll focus on showing Driveclub as their driving game, some new games from smaller studies and have a big segment with more info (and more supporting games, probably from some third parties) on Morpheus.
Gravity Rush 2 is a possibility
Seems more likely for TGS.
Plus, would that be for Vita or PS4?
and that's why i hardly believe gt is the jap games we're are talking about in the last pages
Because Vita is only slightly relevant in one country in the world.
not right now, maybe close to the conferenceoooh i remember you, the lbp3 guy
do you know something that you can share with us?![]()
That one country is the main country this game would be appealing to.
That one country is the main country this game would be appealing to. I could understand if they made it on PS4 and Vita, but if it's going to be only on one platform then it has to be Vita.
Come on now... That's a racial slur. If you absolutely have to shorten the word Japanese, use JP.
GR isn't a Japanese-centric game. It's actually not even close when you look at all the MH clones on Vita nowadays.
Besides, PS4 needs all the support it can get in Japan, which is why SCEJ has shifted all in-house AAA titles from Vita to PS4
GR isn't a Japanese-centric game. It's actually not even close when you look at all the MH clones on Vita nowadays.
Besides, PS4 needs all the support it can get in Japan, which is why SCEJ has shifted all in-house AAA titles from Vita to PS4
Seems more likely for TGS.
Plus, would that be for Vita or PS4?
It is wishful thinking. He has been saying the same things in many threads, especially about GR2 being a PS4 game.What AAA titles have they shifted from vita to PS4?
Honestly a lot of this sounds like wishful thinking to me. I mean if the success of the platform always dictated the success of the game then games like puppeteer wouldn't have bombed on the ps3. A PS4 release also means a bigger budget for the game and hence higher expectations, especially if it's ps4 only. It's also a mistake to compare the situation of the vita when GR1 came out to the one right now in Japan. It can move a really healthy amount of software in that market (see Freedom Wars). PS4 can't yet.
SCEJ should make separate games targeted at the PS4 audience.
It is wishful thinking. He has been saying the same things in many threads, especially about GR2 being a PS4 game.
I mean I understand that the biggest reason that this kind of thinking is enforced is thanks to the sheer what's-a-vita attitude by SCEA/E these days but SCEJ would be insane to do the same. They market the system, push bundles/new colors all the time and most of all the system gets games in that market. FW did 300k+ in a month I believe. No way in hell they abandon the system. At least I hope not.
I have a feeling they're going to announce a major feature firmware update 2.0.
I mean I understand that the biggest reason that this kind of thinking is enforced is thanks to the sheer what's-a-vita attitude by SCEA/E these days but SCEJ would be insane to do the same. They market the system, push bundles/new colors all the time and most of all the system gets games in that market. FW did 300k+ in a month I believe. No way in hell they abandon the system. At least I hope not.
Hopefully for PS4. It's such a great IP they'd be wasting it by keeping it exclusive to Vita.Gravity Rush 2 is a possibility
Hopefully for PS4. It's such a great IP they'b be wasting it by keeping it exclusive to Vita.
It´s the only Sony gaming device that is viable in Japan now that consoles are dead. They would be stupid to not make games for it.
Hopefully for PS4. It's such a great IP they'd be wasting it by keeping it exclusive to Vita.
1. Third parties still make Vita games.
2. Consoles are only dead in Japan because there's a lack of support. Sony has to sell PS4s so that third parties will feel comfortable making games for it too. Eventually, PS3 developers will shift to PS4.
3. PS4 is relevant in the rest of the world. If a game doesn't sell well in Japan it doesn't mean it's the end of the road elsewhere, unlike Vita.
Freedom Wars and GR are completely different types of games though. Vita's best sellers are MH-like games such as God Eater 2, Toukiden, Soul Sacrifice etc. GR is a singleplayer adventure game that originally began development on a console.
It´s the only Sony gaming device that is viable in Japan now that consoles are dead. They would be stupid to not make games for it.
Hopefully for PS4. It's such a great IP they'd be wasting it by keeping it exclusive to Vita.
Wasn't it said that development on the PS4 was significantly easier than development on the PS3?Vita keeping Sony afloat in Japanese gaming market, and it´s great that they have been supporting it well.
Sony should support the Vita and not just rely on third parties, and making console games are very expensive that´s why Japanese went handheld last gen.
That´s not relevant in Japan whatsoever. PS4 is irrelevant in Japan and most third parties will not develop for it since the cost of HD development is very prohibitive to them.
GR isn't a Japanese-centric game. It's actually not even close when you look at all the MH clones on Vita nowadays.
Besides, PS4 needs all the support it can get in Japan, which is why SCEJ has shifted all in-house AAA titles from Vita to PS4
Wasn't it said that development on the PS4 was significantly easier than development on the PS3?
If anything (even though I only own a PS3/360 right now, myself) I just want old gen to die in Japan, since the architecture made everything much more difficult than it needed to be.
Oreshika? HSG?Can you move what never existed? We're 2+ years into the platform, and Gravity Rush is the sole game they've put out. Everything else has been an external project. Based on a lot of the reports coming from Japan, their "major" external Vita projects are of questionable quality as well.
What will Sony have for Q2 and Q3 2015? Uncharted 4 is more likely to be released in Q4.
Oreshika? HSG?
not right now, maybe close to the conference![]()
It´s very easy developing for the Vita as well. And developing for the PS4 still require
1- More developers per title
2- Longer developing time
3- Competing with the very experienced western developers for the HD market.
All of those cost significantly more money than making a handheld/smart device game.
The third one is very challenging since a lot of Japanese devs teams who make handheld games are small and need to compete with much bigger studios in the west who have been developing HD titles for 7 years.
Can't agree with that at all.On the contrary, I think the games mechanics work best on a portable. If you are referring to sales my answer is the same one I gave above to Kyoufu
Your post makes it sound like every game on PS4 is a AAA title. There are plenty of games on PS4 made by small teams on 20-30 people. Ironically, a lot of them are also on Vita. And PC. And Xbox.
Making something on PS4 does not at all mean you need a bigger team, more time, or more money. The game you make and how fully you intend to realize the vision of that game determines those things.
Yeah, just look at Tales games on PS3. They're not exactly lookers or technical marvels, but they do enough to appeal to the fanbase. Eventually Tales will be on PS4 and it won't look like The Witcher 3 and it doesn't have to.