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Sony Working Towards Making PS3 Backward-Compatible


Gold Member
From Gamedev.net

Sony has officially confirmed that the PlayStation 3 will use Blu-ray discs at the PlayStation Business Briefing held in Japan today. In addition, the company is working towards making the platform compatible with PlayStation 2 and PlayStation games.

The Blu-ray Disc ROM (BD-ROM) will store up to 54 GB on a single (two-layered) disc, more than six times what dual-layered DVD-ROMS hold. Competing with the High Density DVD, a format which is easier to make backwards compatible but holds much less space, PlayStation father Ken Kutaragi justified the move by asserting that the limiting factor in next-generation games will be disc space.

In addition to video game consoles, the Blu-ray technology will also be used in other media such as video and PC software.

Kutaragi also confirmed that work is underway to make the PS3 compatible with previous generation PlayStations, but that challenges lie ahead. "[Backwards compatibility] is our desire and it's something we need to take on. We really want to make backwards compatibility happen--we think that's the beauty of the PS," said Kutaragi.

Then next-gen PlayStation will be unveiled at next year's E3 in May, and will make its playable debut at the 2005 Tokyo Game Show.


Finally bought a new PSP, but then pushed the demon onto someone else. Jesus.

I don't think I really want that this go 'round.


Queen of Denmark
Not surprising in the least.

Not having BC would be a detriment to any console, but it would particularly hurt the PS3, since Sony customers have come to expect that.


"GAF's biggest wanker"
It's good to see that their intent is to offer BC, but Kutaragi's comment leaves the door open to not doing it as well. It's not a foregone conclusion at this point.


PS3 bc with PS2 and PS1 = confirmed

Revolution bc with GC = confirmed

Xbox2 bc with Xbox = unconfirmed and very unlikely


GigaDrive said:
PS3 bc with PS2 and PS1 = confirmed

Revolution bc with GC = confirmed

Xbox2 bc with Xbox = unconfirmed and very unlikely

Perhaps, perhaps not. It is interesting that the XBox2 team is working on getting native hardware emulation for Virtual PC (Windows emulation software for OS X) that will give GeForce3 emulation for Power Mac machines.



Queen of Denmark
crestfallen said:
wait, Revolution bc with GCN, what? where'd you get that info? o_0
Iwata made a statement to that effect several months ago. Someone with better Internet-searching skills than I will have to find it for you. :p
Just a few weeks ago I'd say I didn't care about BC... but now that I'm moving out on my own, I just do not have the same interest in collecting games in the way I once was. BC is a really big deal in my mind now... I don't want to have to keep two or three times as many systems as I could if BC was enabled for all three.


"GAF's biggest wanker"
GaimeGuy, if a developer needs 20 gig for a game, that's more than a DVD can provide. Doesn't matter if they need to use the full 54 gig or not.


"Saturated fat causes heart disease as much as Brawndo is what plants crave."
"Do we really need 54 GB games?"

What kind of question is that? Like, do we really need new consoles?

Not only should they up the bar on texture sizes and variety, but also I expect all video and audio to be of the upmost quality. Not compression like Divx and prologic. I want to see Dolby 5.1 standard on everything.

Games that take on 720p for CG are going to need the space. If not, you'd see like 5 DVD disc games common for games like final fantasy. Let's not even talk about GC's disc capacity. That would be as bad as carts for next gen consoles.

1.5 GB does what? Like 10 minutes of 720p video?


How many games on PS2 require more than one DVD? I can't think of any (maybe Star Ocean 3, but are those DVD9?).


Volunteer Deputy Campaign Director, Obama for America '16
Miburou said:
How many games on PS2 require more than one DVD? I can't think of any (maybe Star Ocean 3, but are those DVD9?).

DMC2 was 2 DVDs, I believe. I can't think of any others.


"GAF's biggest wanker"
Xenosaga was dual layer DVD.

Champions of Norrath filled a dual layer DVD to the gills

GT4 is supposed to be dual layer.

Again, its not a matter of whether you need all the space a BRD can offer, its just a matter of whether you need more space than a DVD can supply.


GaimeGuy said:
DMC2 was 2 DVDs, I believe. I can't think of any others.

It's actually 2 DVD5, it could have easily been a single DVD9 game. There really isn't any PS2/XBOX game that required more than 2 DVDs.


kaching said:
Xenosaga was dual layer DVD.

Champions of Norrath filled a dual layer DVD to the gills

GT4 is supposed to be dual layer.

Again, its not a matter of whether you need all the space a BRD can offer, its just a matter of whether you need more space than a DVD can supply.

I was just wondering whether we've reached the limit of DVD with the current gen of systems, that's all.

If anything, I welcome the increased space. FFX had beautiful FMV, but it's clear that it would've looked better if it didn't need to be compressed as much.


tenchir said:
It's actually 2 DVD5, it could have easily been a single DVD9 game. There really isn't any PS2/XBOX game that required more than 2 DVDs.

Don't you mean "that requires more than 1 DVD"? I'm curious whether one of the Star Ocean 3 DVDs is a DVD9?

BTW, there's this PS2 game called The Fear that comes on 4 DVDs, but it's a FMV game, so that doesn't really count.


Miburou said:
Don't you mean "that requires more than 1 DVD"? I'm curious whether one of the Star Ocean 3 DVDs is a DVD9?

BTW, there's this PS2 game called The Fear that comes on 4 DVDs, but it's a FMV game, so that doesn't really count.

Ack, yeah, you right, I mean more than 1. I also remember that Cygirls was also two DVD that could have easily been one 1 DVD. As for FMV, it's going to be used a lot less in the next generation when the hardware will be powerful enough to do all cutscene with in-game engine. StarOcean is a DVD9, I heard like XenoSaga, it has a lot of FMV.


Volunteer Deputy Campaign Director, Obama for America '16
tenchir said:
Ack, yeah, you right, I mean more than 1. I also remember that Cygirls was also two DVD that could have easily been one 1 DVD. As for FMV, it's going to be used a lot less in the next generation when the hardware will be powerful enough to do all cutscene with in-game engine. StarOcean is a DVD9, I heard like XenoSaga, it has a lot of FMV.

Meh, FMV has never been necessary. People's fascination with the fact that you could put high-quality cinematic cutscenes on VIDEO GAMES OMG has just weakened a bit over time.

Laguna X

Nintendogs Member
FFXI takes up well over 10 GBs on a the hard drive. Remember the time it took to install it? With all the info on one BR disk, I'd imagine you wouldn't have to go through all that crap again... barring patches and upgrades of course.


I would not really mind at all if FMV was taken out of all games. we didn't have it in the 80s, so who cares? :p heh, i know that's a lame reason, but seriously, anyone who judges a game based on FMV is NOT a true gamer :) not that i'm imply anyone here does that.

anyway, no doubt, with Blu-Ray being the standard for PS3, i'm sure we'll see more and more stunning & elaborate FMV CGI sequences. but who cares. make better games, not better FMV.


Volunteer Deputy Campaign Director, Obama for America '16
GigaDrive said:
I would not really mind at all if FMV was taken out of all games. we didn't have it in the 80s, so who cares? :p heh, i know that's a lame reason, but seriously, anyone who judges a game based on FMV is NOT a true gamer :) not that i'm imply anyone here does that.

anyway, no doubt, with Blu-Ray being the standard for PS3, i'm sure we'll see more and more stunning & elaborate FMV CGI sequences. but who cares. make better games, not better FMV.

I love you.


Volunteer Deputy Campaign Director, Obama for America '16
I don't care about FMV. Never have, never will. If it's a good cutscene, great. If it sucks, it sucks. I don't care if a cutscene is FMV or in-game.

The format of the non-interactive portion of an interactive form of entertainment just doesn't matter to me, since it's so trivial.


"GAF's biggest wanker"
Champions of Norrath has no FMV - the cutscenes it does have are done with the game engine and are short and limited. And yet, the devs are on record as saying that they had to cut to squeeze it on DVD9. Likewise, GT4 is supposed to be on DVD9 and you know that's not heavy on FMV.

As our demands and expectations for games grow, game designers will find themselves crafting more and more bonafide content for games. And they'll need to do it for higher resolutions, using more detailed polymodels and applying more layers of effects. The sound design will have to be increasingly convincing and immersive and it will all have to be offered within worlds that are more lively with more objects and environments to interact with.

Don't get sidetracked into thinking FMV is the issue here.


Having that much extra space to work with should only mean that what FMV is still in a game is of superb quality , also things like voice acting won't need to be compressed as much.

Look at the current set of PC games, unreal 2004, sims 2 etc, FFXI even. They all eat up alot of install space and computer games are usually really compressed. I doubt a single game will come out that'll actually fill a blue ray disc to capacity though. Unless it has 3 or 4 hours of HD video on it with the game...


The ghost of Dreamcast past
Competing with the High Density DVD, a format which is easier to make backwards compatible but holds much less space, PlayStation father Ken Kutaragi justified the move by asserting that the limiting factor in next-generation games will be disc space.
Most modern games and all of the assets they use to build their game worlds don't even challenge the storage capacity of regular old CDs. Also, optical media is cheap, so using multiple discs for the rare games that are loaded with FMV and/or dozens of hours of speech is not a problem either and would be needed by some rare devs even if the medium had a lot more storage than even Blu-ray promises. HD-DVD with its 20+ GB of space would certainly not be the limiting factor for even next-generation games.

Since the need for a new format comes from the upcoming delivery of home releases of full length, high definition movies and their accompanying bonus materials, HD-DVD is acceptable if it can meet that requirement. It's wasteful of resources to perform more dramatic retooling of media manufacturing lines if this newer format can't offer some critical advantage.

Sony's been dissatisfied with the position they're allowed in the DVD consortium since the beginning. Even as an active member, they acted in bad faith by attempting to impede the progress of the group's development of a next-generation standard while working to advance their rival Blu-ray effort. The real reason for Sony's adoption of Blu-ray is to push a next-generation standard over which they'd have greater control.


Lazy8s said:
The real reason for Sony's adoption of Blu-ray is to push a next-generation standard over which they'd have greater control.

Bingo. That said, there's nothing fundamentally wrong with Sony offering developers the large storage space afforded by Blu-ray discs. It's always better to have more than less as far as memory and storage space is concerned. The only issue that we as gamers should worry about at this point is if the adoption of this newer format for the PS3 means that PS3 games will be more expensive than their DVD/HD-DVD(?) counterparts.


I think more space will at least make life easier for developers. Next-gen, we will have higher quality graphics, which in turn means developers will use higher quality textures for example, which will take up more space. Probably not as much as 54 GB, but perhaps more than 8-9 GB at times.


The black man everyone at Activision can agree on
Does it not concern anyone that the statement says "working towards", and not "confirmed"?
GaimeGuy said:
Do we really need 54 GB games?

tbh I'm with u on this one. Biggest PC games are around 6gb at max now, i cannot see any game filling a full disk, even square-enix wont get close unless they decide to up the resolution on their 8427452842894284 cut scenes


HD-DVD with its 20+ GB of space would certainly not be the limiting factor for even next-generation games.

Well it certainly would be, for gta esque games, mmorps, massive rpgs, massive racing games, and any large game. Highest detail models in next-gen games could easily get pass 100+k, with even larger textures, remember this gen we finally got a decent draw distant next. gen we get to see outrageous LODs, and as you've seen say GT4 it fills the dvd and any massive next-gen game will have a higher number of models whose highest detail version exceeds these GT4 models complexity by at least an order of magnitude.

Today we've levels with 500k+poly sizes(whole level), thanks to next-gen capabilities complexity for highest detail versions(seen at highest LOD, when you got close to that portion of the level) could easily be over 100 times that, I'd wager. Massive Space is a necessity, especially for ambitious games with massive worlds.



is beloved, despite what anyone might say
Hmm, Star Ocean 3 is another 2 DVD game... what I'd like to see the 54gb of space used for... every game should have redbook audio, no more chip music... comparing the audio in Star Ocean 3 and Tales of Symphonia totally proves my point. Also, I think games with voices should now be able to contain both English and Japanese tracks.


GAF's Pleasant Genius
loxy said:
Bingo. That said, there's nothing fundamentally wrong with Sony offering developers the large storage space afforded by Blu-ray discs. It's always better to have more than less as far as memory and storage space is concerned. The only issue that we as gamers should worry about at this point is if the adoption of this newer format for the PS3 means that PS3 games will be more expensive than their DVD/HD-DVD(?) counterparts.

Not really and the console can still read DVD-ROMs ;).


"GAF's biggest wanker"
DarienA said:
Does it not concern anyone that the statement says "working towards", and not "confirmed"?
Yeah, I made reference to it on the first page. It's basically puts them in the same state about BC as MS at the moment, with the only clear difference being that they've been making more positive noises about it.
kaching said:
Yeah, I made reference to it on the first page. It's basically puts them in the same state about BC as MS at the moment, with the only clear difference being that they've been making more positive noises about it.

And that they've confirmed that the PS3 will be able to read all previous formats of PS media.


"GAF's biggest wanker"
^Exactly. I'd put more stock in the words coming out of Kutaragi's mouth than I would a slide that says that their next console can ostensibly read PS1 and PS2 discs...of course it can since they're just CDs and DVDs, but will it actually be able to play the games?


Well, PS1 and PS2 games come on regular CDs/DVDs.

That slide from that presentation a few days ago that shows all the different discs that each machine can read specifically makes a distinction between a PS1 CD and a regular CD and it also makes a distinction between a regular DVD and a PS2 DVD. The next gen part of the slide shows both regular CD and DVD AND the PS1 and PS2 CDs and DVDs.


Panajev2001a said:
Not really

Uhhh yes really!

NEC & Toshiba aren't as gung-ho about their next generation format 'cos they want the current fastest growing, widely accepted, standerd and PROFITABLE format (DVD) to stick around for a while. And I tend to agree with them, it's too soon to tell a bad world economy that: "hey, there's a new format better than DVD and as soon as we can we're going to start replacing the format you love with this new and improved one". DVD has come into it's prime in the last 5 years and is the most successful, fastest growing format ever, faster than CD's, faster than TV, hell faster then the damned AM radio...and these electronic giants and content providers want us to start all over again on a new format...what, every 5 years?

Don't get me wrong, I see the benifits of a higher definition picture 'cos one day we're all going to have HDTV's and it's a very beautiful thing to behold...BUT...DVD is good enough for now. While it's good to think of the "next thing", jumping ahead to it prematurly leads to bad overall business for companies & consumers: Betamax, Laser Discs, VCD's, MD's, etc. And two of those pretell, are Sony initiated and controlled formats!

Sony wants to quickly push out BR so that people will buy all new HDTV's, all new players and eventually re-buy all of their DVD library with an all new BR library instead. And while there's other companies backing BR heavily, most people are already calling/thinking BR is Sony's baby...especially if PS3 is going to be a premier BR product for the American masses.

You say "not really" but I disagree, Sony wants a format in which they have more control and they're doing a WHOLE lot to force it on people: egging the DVD consortium to come up with a new next-generation format too soon, creating their own outer-consortium to replace the "powers that be", using their strongest label (the PlayStation line) to push BR and most telling of all they ***bought*** MGM!!! With their already large Columbia/TriStar label together with MGM's past & future content they have enough push to force the entertainment industry to go the way they want it to go...naaa, doesn't sound like Sony wants control at all. Pfft...


And what exactly is so "evil" about Sony wanting control? They should have sat back and let a studio aligned with the DVD Forum, that is pusing HD-DVD over BR, get their hands on MGM instead, simply to make you think better of them, because . . . OMG . . . they intend to compete for a new market!!!! Wow, someone get the torches, storm the castle, we can't let such monstrosities persist in this world!!!

Where's the damn rolleyes!!!!

And I believe all of MGM's pre-1986 library is still in the hands of Warner (or someone, not sure who, but this recent sale didn't include that back library).


The black man everyone at Activision can agree on
teiresias said:
And what exactly is so "evil" about Sony wanting control? They should have sat back and let a studio aligned with the DVD Forum, that is pusing HD-DVD over BR, get their hands on MGM instead, simply to make you think better of them, because . . . OMG . . . they intend to compete for a new market!!!! Wow, someone get the torches, storm the castle, we can't let such monstrosities persist in this world!!!

Where the damn rolleyes!!!!

And I believe all of MGM's pre-1986 library is still in the hands of Warner (or someone, not sure who, but this recent sale didn't include that back library).

Yup just checked a few news items Time Warner does own much of the pre 86 stuff.


The only issue that we as gamers should worry about at this point is if the adoption of this newer format for the PS3 means that PS3 games will be more expensive than their DVD/HD-DVD(?) counterparts.

It does not mean this at all.
One, I'll be surprise if PS3 game disks are more than 27GB (single layer/single sided BRD).
It has been posted many times that BR disks are not more expensive than HD-DVDs.

I love how people always say "Do we really need XX size games?" The answer us YES, we do need bigger and bigger sizes. Do people use their brains here?


teiresias said:
That slide from that presentation a few days ago that shows all the different discs that each machine can read specifically makes a distinction between a PS1 CD and a regular CD and it also makes a distinction between a regular DVD and a PS2 DVD. The next gen part of the slide shows both regular CD and DVD AND the PS1 and PS2 CDs and DVDs.

Actually, it only lists one type of DVD (there's no PS2 DVD on that slide), but it does list 3 types of CDs, which so happen to differ in the color of the back of the disc (silver, black, blue). Seems like a way to list as many different media types for PS3 as possible.
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