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Sorry but I just can't let this go...

Everytime I see MTV2's "Video Mods" where game characters lip sync the latest pop songs, I die a little inside. Seriously. It was on again today. This time they had what must be the cast of Jade Empire dancing around to some song that sounded like Janet Jackson or X-tina Aguilera. Something about making your man "pop". How terribly inappropriate this just looked.

Being a pretty big gamer like I am, I can't help but wonder who the fuck came up with this idea, and then gave it the thumbs up after seeing it? Its insulting in a way to me because I love games so much and this is clearly an example of whoring/selling out at its most disgusting. My reaction was kinda like what you'd see from a devoted Catholic at the sight of Jesus dressed up in Chicago Bulls garb to sell tickets. To some its just not a big deal but to them, its so completely wrong.

Here's hoping that show tanks hard and fast.
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