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South Park: The Stick of Truth |OT| Bigger, Longer, and Uncut (In select regions)

What a great game...but I don't think I could give it a second play through for the part where
you go inside Mr. Salve's ass.

That was literally nauseating. I was on the verge of gagging a bit. It just got to be too much, and I'm not all that good with gross-out/toilet humour to begin with.

Still, great game.


mh, is it normal that I'm getting super low experience? I need 200 for level 3 and I keep getting 5-6. even cleared the mongolian dungeon + boss (lol) and still got almost no experience.
Just finished this game, absolutely amazing. The last seasons were some disappointing hipster trash, but this game made all up for it. Crazy fan service until the very last second, but even the new jokes are all better than most in the show currently. Probably because they actually took their sweet time and not rush something out to bash the latest pop culture trend or headline right in time. One bad thing was that the Hitler clips got old preeetty quickly though (EURE SCHULE).

Also, seems like I missed quite a bit, even though I've only got the homeless- and kindergarten quest left in my log. Still 11 friends for the next update and I remember screens in which you battle crab people, which I haven't found.


I really liked the game, it felt like playing a very long episode with a lot of stuff happening and as a South Park fan I enjoyed it a lot.
but I can't say that I'm not disappointed, the content that the game offers isn't as much as I hoped, and also I didn't find the 'rpg side' of the game particularly good or compelling at all.
First thing first, I am enjoying the hell out of this. But I just ran into a problem...

I am in the school trying to rescue Craig from detention. I fought/killed a few gingers and now here I am completely stuck at a loading screen. It is the all black screen with the chicken with utters. I guess I'll just turn off my game and restart from the last save? :/

I am playing on PS3 by the way

EDIT: I just restarted and it is stuck on the same load screen. What the fuck?
Just finished it! Great game, absolutely hilarious. Canada is awesome... Wish I got to play with Stan and Kyle a bit more at the start though. Can't wait to see if there's gonna be some expansions worth getting and sequels.

Maybe the Christmas critters, Saddam and Satan can make an appearance next time?


I got this recently from my friend who worked on it, and my first run was about 11 hours. Missed some stuff, so I went back and did everything in about 8 hours. I was thinking how if you made a route, you could probably do a speedrun in about 3-4 hours. Then I checked online to see if anyone had done it, and they had.

One hour and eighteen minutes? Holy crap, man.
So I'm a mage. I only recently finished the first day. As of right now there seems to be little reason to stick around with mage clothing because my strap ons for clothing give me enough pp per match.

Do I get better mage equipment as the game goes on where using mage clothing is worth it? Because so far I played a sizable amount with non mage stuff and still did just as much damage with my pp skills.
Just beat this today. I really enjoyed it. It really was a long episode of South Park that you can play. I was not a fan of the fart mechanics. Messed them up more than I care to admit as I feel they are explained poorly. But, great game. Hope to see more in the future.


Decided to load up the game again since I remembered liking it but never finishing it. And immediately I remembered why I didn't finish it.

In the bathroom with Randy, and immediately he wants me to fart on him. The on-screen instructions are completely wrong, I can't do the fart properly, and then he berates me in an unskippable bit of dialogue before I have to try again. Fail this 5 or so times, not being able to skip Randy's lecture in-between and I quickly turn the game off in disgust.

I know from playing with my sister that the entire next section of the game (going into the destroyed mall) is 'fart-heavy', so even if I could get past Randy, I know I still wouldn't be enjoying myself for a while yet.

Fart controls were the worst thing in the game. Seriously. I hope it gets re-released onto the PS4 and the touch pad is put to good use to make the farting mechanic easier.


Decided to load up the game again since I remembered liking it but never finishing it. And immediately I remembered why I didn't finish it.

In the bathroom with Randy, and immediately he wants me to fart on him. The on-screen instructions are completely wrong, I can't do the fart properly, and then he berates me in an unskippable bit of dialogue before I have to try again. Fail this 5 or so times, not being able to skip Randy's lecture in-between and I quickly turn the game off in disgust.

I know from playing with my sister that the entire next section of the game (going into the destroyed mall) is 'fart-heavy', so even if I could get past Randy, I know I still wouldn't be enjoying myself for a while yet.

Fart controls were the worst thing in the game. Seriously. I hope it gets re-released onto the PS4 and the touch pad is put to good use to make the farting mechanic easier.

Fart controls outside of the tutorials are actually easy to do, especially walking around town. The problem is really just the poor instructions in the tutorials themselves.


Decided to load up the game again since I remembered liking it but never finishing it. And immediately I remembered why I didn't finish it.

In the bathroom with Randy, and immediately he wants me to fart on him. The on-screen instructions are completely wrong, I can't do the fart properly, and then he berates me in an unskippable bit of dialogue before I have to try again. Fail this 5 or so times, not being able to skip Randy's lecture in-between and I quickly turn the game off in disgust.

I know from playing with my sister that the entire next section of the game (going into the destroyed mall) is 'fart-heavy', so even if I could get past Randy, I know I still wouldn't be enjoying myself for a while yet.

Fart controls were the worst thing in the game. Seriously. I hope it gets re-released onto the PS4 and the touch pad is put to good use to make the farting mechanic easier.

Fart controls outside of the tutorials are actually easy to do, especially walking around town. The problem is really just the poor instructions in the tutorials themselves.

Yeah it makes zero sense but if you can make it past the tutorials you'll have no problems with farts moving forward. Farting in the game is nothing like the tutorials. It's like they wanted to make the tutorials little mini games for fun but failed horribly because they are not fun at all and act more to discourage people from moving forward. I had a lot of trouble as well with the farting tutorials.

So is this game available for ps4?? If so then wow i missed it !!

Nope it's not. I wish it were I'd buy it.
Yeah it makes zero sense but if you can make it past the tutorials you'll have no problems with farts moving forward. Farting in the game is nothing like the tutorials. It's like they wanted to make the tutorials little mini games for fun but failed horribly because they are not fun at all and act more to discourage people from moving forward. I had a lot of trouble as well with the farting tutorials.

It was just such a simple thing to fix - they just had the on-screen prompts wrong. I had to go to the internet to find somebody who had figured it out just by trial and error. And the worst part is, there are all of these jokes built in that get waaaay less funny after the 25th time you've heard them, due to their broken game mechanic.

I don't know, I found this to be a really good South Park episode and a very mediocre, borderline-bad game. There are a lot of little broken/unbalanced things that we'd never forgive in another game.
I see this game on amazon for $30 (PS3). Is it worth it or should I wait for a lower price to play?

I've kept myself away from any exposure to the game so I'll be going in blind.

Pick whatever you like as they're all pretty overpowered.

Put the game on hard too.
I'll do this though.


I have to say, I'm surprised we haven't heard about any DLC yet.

After the high fantasy theme, they should try something a new direction. I think not doing a superheroes expansion would be a huge missed opportunity. Or maybe anime/JRPG like that one episode, although not in that art style the entire game obviously. Only during special attacks in battle.



I have to say, I'm surprised we haven't heard about any DLC yet.

Not going to be any. Matt and Trey if I remember didn't want to do any, making the game was enough, took a lot from their time. I think they are back at making South Park episodes which is coming back to TV soon.


Seeing this topic again reminded me how much I loved this game. I was really hoping we'd see some DLC for this - the game seems perfectly set up to slot in missions here and there - and I really like playing in this world.

Lan Dong Mik

And why would I want them?
"There once was a maiden from st-st-stoneberry hollow. She didn't talk much, but boy did she swa-sw-swallow"

Still my GOTY so far. Give me some fuckin DLC!!


Neo Member
late pass here, just played this game. OMG, the atmosphere..... freaking incredible.... not even the snooze-fest combat could wipe the smile off of my face

basically felt like I was playing an episode of South Park, I'll buy any sequels that come out along the lines of this


Not sure if I'm allowed to make a LTTP thread since March isn't a long time ago, so sorry for the necrobump, but I just finished this and shiiiiiit what a great game, hahaha. Combat might not be special, but damn if it's not packed with countless of hilarious moments. Obviously 2014 isn't over yet, but so far this is my GOTY!

I'd totally be down with a new one about Mysterion, The Coon and the rest of the gang. BRING IT, OBSIDIAN!


Just picked this up and have two questions:
Are any of the dlc costume packs worth picking up?
How is the replay value for this? I usually play rpgs at least couple of times to try different classes/choices/etc.
Picked this up a few days ago during the Humble sale, and I'm pretty shocked by how well South Park lends itself to an RPG and that a South Park RPG is actually pretty damn great. Best licensed game ever material, IMO. They absolutely nailed the look, it's almost uncanny how much the game looks exactly like the show. I'm really enjoying the combat and I like how the action prompts add a sense of urgency and interactivity to the turn based combat.

Never thought I'd say it, but Stick of Truth is definitely one of my favorite games of 2014 and I seriously hope Obsidian makes another South Park RPG


Or is it just one of Phil's balls in my throat?
Help!! Is this game very glitchy? About to purchase it for $20 but I need to know before I lose the bid

Is it coming to PS4?

No its not announced for PS4 so far.

No the game isn't glitchy at all. I would go ahead and say this is the most stable game Obsidian has ever made. I have played through the PS3 version twice .. besides some frame rate hithces whenever the game is auto-saving, its a very stable game.


Neo Member
I'm playing on the PC and enjoying it, although mainly for the humour rather than the combat.

I'm probably just being stupid but I don't understand why whenever I select a weapon in combat and it says something like "when your weapon flashes, left click to attack, right click to power attack or press f to fart south park" then pressing f to fart does nothing, he just stands there, even when the flash is green and I have full mana. Am I missing something? I've read it should make the attack deal gross out damage as well?


Guys what am I missing in the bathroom with the PTA guy trying to teach me a new farting spell...theres a little QTE with the left and right analog to do but it fails all the time...


I cant beat the Foetus nazi zombie thing...the game is not that easy.

I hate that theres a lot of part that you cant avoid doing,the story just kicks in and you are stuck doing that...I had 3 or 4 quests that I could turn in but noooo the game wont let me...

LMAO at the Canada part...awesome ;)

Dash Kappei

Not actually that important
I'm missing something guys: Enemy in riposte stance, if Butters melee (his only action atm) he's gonna get counter and killed but I don't see how to skip his action??!

Am I forced to attack even when knowingly will be countered?!
My buddy has no PP, no ranged nor magic, can only melee so... I mean, that can't be right, I must be missing some inputs or commands or something


Guys what am I missing in the bathroom with
the PTA guy trying to teach me a new farting spell...theres a little QTE with the left and right analog to do but it fails all the time.

I cant beat the
Foetus nazi zombie thing...the game is not that easy.

I hate that theres a lot of part that you cant avoid doing,the story just kicks in and you are stuck doing that...I had 3 or 4 quests that I could turn in but noooo the game wont let me...

LMAO at the Canada part...awesome

What the flying fuck?!
Thanks for fucking spoiling me a bunch of surprises dude, how kind of you... this shit should be bannable for fuck's sake
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