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SouthEnd Interactive(Deathrow) developing for Xbox/Xenon


I just saw this on their hiring page:

SouthEnd Interactive is looking for an experienced Lead Game Designer for our high profile Xbox game currently under development.

They are hiring a lot of other people too. Looks like they secured a publisher, I expect a Xenon launch/near launch game from them, most likely published by MS?.

They are a very talented team, I would be glad to see what they could do with a game that will have a broader appeal than Deathrow.

Xenon lineup is looking pretty promising at this point, I would say.

Maybe somebody who is closer to this company could comment..


Official GAF Bottom Feeder
Fleming said:
Probobly for Ubi Soft

God I hope not, they totally dropped the ball on Deathrow's advertising/distribution.

That was a really fantastic game that got no love at all.
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