Gold Member
Unless you're fucking jacked like Bruce Willis, Joe Rogan, or Jason Statham
I think that's the exception
People hate bald heads with no facial hair
So get jacked, brother
Unless you're fucking jacked like Bruce Willis, Joe Rogan, or Jason Statham
I think that's the exception
People hate bald heads with no facial hair
When I see these dudes I just think they should bring back the draft. It’s actually a challenge to find masculine white men in a crowd now. Increasingly rare. Single moms.
Group of men from the 40s, Construction workers.
Lol. "What's 'mirin? Do you even lift?"Why you 'mirin these beards,Cunth ? You have some tendencies you need to tell us about?
When I see these dudes I just think they should bring back the draft. It’s actually a challenge to find masculine white men in a crowd now. Increasingly rare. Single moms.
Group of men from the 40s, Construction workers.
Not sure the last guy deserves to be there. If he wasn't wearing that shirt he'd look like a normal bro.
Handsome men with beards.![]()
Posts clean shaven emoji.... I see you.Handsome men with beards.![]()
When I see these dudes I just think they should bring back the draft. It’s actually a challenge to find masculine white men in a crowd now. Increasingly rare. Single moms.
Group of men from the 40s, Construction workers.
When I see these dudes I just think they should bring back the draft. It’s actually a challenge to find masculine white men in a crowd now. Increasingly rare. Single moms.
Group of men from the 40s, Construction workers.
As a bald guy, you absolutely need to have some form of facial hair
I don't know why, but every single time I shave people give me shit
I assume it makes me look like Moby if he ate too much Arby's or something
NOBODY wants to see that
Another thing is most of them just look worse by adding the beard. They would probably realize they look better clean shaven after the initial shock of not having facial hair wore off.I don't think the beards are soy, it's the betas growing a beard that is a problem. If any of the men in the OP weren't wearing the NPC glasses with the cum shot accepting pose there wouldn't be anything wrong with their beards. Hate the soy, not the beard.
I don't think the beards are soy, it's the betas growing a beard that is a problem. If any of the men in the OP weren't wearing the NPC glasses with the cum shot accepting pose there wouldn't be anything wrong with their beards. Hate the soy, not the beard.
Check the thread where users post photos, I posted one recently, you tell meu soy?
No soy detected. You look like someone I would like to have a conversation with!Check the thread where users post photos, I posted one recently, you tell me
Looks fine. I think the best way to put it is your facial hair works with your facial features. Unlike the vast majority of the people pictured in this thread.Check the thread where users post photos, I posted one recently, you tell me
Even a broken clock is right once a day...he thinks Japan is the greatest country ever
Here's the real oneTheres no way that's real
Oh my God please tell me that's not real
That's real isnt it?
Have you ever been there?Even a broken clock is right once a day...
They need to close their mouths before birds start nesting in there.
I've considered 'tache a few times on and off through the years, and always ended up shaving it off after a couple of weeks.Honest to god im just growing a mustache, im done with beard vs no beard vs kneckbeard.
Mustache FTW plebs!!!
Strange thread, it's always been my experience that the guys you'd classify as "soy boys" who also have a beard, have these sort of patchy unkempt beards that's grown more out of a lack of personal grooming and hygiene than any sort of effort to look more masculine. In fact I have a acquaintance who's very much like this (posts about feminism and BLM almost daily, proud voter of the Red party in Norway (communists), and criminally displeasing to look at), his beard is patchy as hell, goes all the way up to his cheekbones and his overall sense of personal grooming and hygiene is lacking.
Dudes who have well-maintained beards (like the guy in the last photo) whether short or long have understood that it's simply a style choice, and not something that lends them masculinity. They could be "soy" they could be normal, they could be whatever the hell the real world opposite extreme of "soy" is, the beard alone doesn't inform this.
It’s youYou don't know who that is I take it?
It’s you
Aaah gotcha, no intrest in actual discussion, just drive by posting and trolling, I should've known from the thread itself really, that's on me.
Is...is that our taysan in the lower left corner?Found this!
I see that you are new to Cunth threads.
Cunth doesnt deserve a permaban. However, he does derserve to be a cunth permanently.I've seen him around acting like this, but never directly encountered him before. In the past I've seen posters like this have short lifespans before getting banned so I generally ignore them as it isn't worth my time, besides drive-by posters make shit debate opponents. Looking at his post history I'm surprised he's lasted this long, typically these guys tend to overstep in one way or another and get a perma.
You don't spend much time in off topic, do you?I've seen him around acting like this, but never directly encountered him before. In the past I've seen posters like this have short lifespans before getting banned so I generally ignore them as it isn't worth my time, besides drive-by posters make shit debate opponents. Looking at his post history I'm surprised he's lasted this long, typically these guys tend to overstep in one way or another and get a perma.
You don't spend much time in off topic, do you?