Smiles and Cries
in Boca Chica that is. This thing is going to do a flight test sometime next month. It is not the final product but they have been working out how to build it
If you have not been following the videos this stacking is super cool
channels to watch
mostly live
more info:
last test was StarHopper flight!! WATCH THIS

If you have not been following the videos this stacking is super cool
channels to watch
NASASpaceFlight, now in its 14th year of operations, is already a leading online news resource for everyone interested in space flight specific news, supplyi...
mostly live
SpaceX Boca Chica, Texas Live Launches and Testing, South Padre Island Events. NASA Updates. Spring Break, Extreme 4x4 off road, and other fun videos and liv...
more info:
last test was StarHopper flight!! WATCH THIS
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