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Spider-Man 2 - The SPOILER Thread

Chuck Berry

Gold Member
Alright guys…sooooooo how about that third act?


Anything involving Venom I was totally floored. Loved Tony Todd’s performance.

And then we get the closing..


Norman sporting that GREEN jacket.

And then….


Blaming the the Spider-Men for what happened to Harry. I knew that’d be the catalyst to cause him to lose his shit. But going to visit Otto at The RAFT? Wasn’t expecting that whstsofuckingever

Green Goblin and Doc Ock teaming up in 3? Sign me the fuck up!

Also I saw people crying about Peter “retiring” at the end? No dude. He’s clearly taking a break to build his company and is gonna let Miles handle things for a bit. As soon as Goblin and Ock are on the scene with whoever is left of The Sinister Six, you know Pete is gonna get a call.

It could really go places. Li could end up being an ally. Hell even Hammerhead might end up helping out at some point.

Also since Harry isn’t exactly dead yet, there’s a total probability of Venom coming back in some way. And then we got that Carnage tease too at the end of the Flame sidequest 🤘🏼
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This snippet is everything I’ve wanted and more from a modern Ultimate Spider-Man inspired Venom game. I just hope they take it all the way as it was still very sterile here. Kraven fight was the only time you see blood in the entire game I think and even that was a little splash after the man is visibly beheaded.
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I really liked the Giger style designs. Also... finish the spider bot missions, I have some guesses about spider man 3 or a dlc


Gold Member
Beat me to it!

My God The last act was like plating a Marvel movie. It restored my faith in the need consoles. Was I the only one amazed by the fidelity in the symbiote fight. I would have been impressed that fidelity was restricted to cutscenes but we had it with gameplay🔥🔥🔥



Chuck Berry

Gold Member
Beat me to it!

My God The last act was like plating a Marvel movie. It restored my faith in the need consoles. Was I the only one amazed by the fidelity in the symbiote fight. I would have been impressed that fidelity was restricted to cutscenes but we had it with gameplay🔥🔥🔥



This series really likes to crank the intensity and drama up to 11 for those final 4-5 missions. In the first game I feel like as soon as Ock goes nuts, breaks the gang out of jail and beats the shit out of you on that rooftop it was just boss fight, boss fight, boss fight, May dies, finale. It was great.

Chuck Berry

Gold Member
So I really missed the individual suit abilities and the way you could add those different types of buffs and skills to the suits in the first game.

There was one in particular that when doing a perfect dodge, it would trigger a Bayonetta like Witch Time slo down effect and you'd do increased damage. It was fucking badass and I really wish they kept something like that in

Each battle in 2 I would start just by rapid firing all of my gadgets. That would usually wipe out most mobs in an instant, especially around midway and beyond. I never parried. Spider-Man isnt a parrying kind of fighter lol he's acrobatic and quick. That move made zero sense to me.

I feel like I was way more focused on what I was doing during fights in the first game. I know reviews were saying that the combat requires a lot more strategy or whatever, but I didnt find this to be the case AT ALL. Unloading all of the gadgets and then spamming all of the skills usually wiped out everyone. I never kept my eyes on the fight. I was mostly staring at the cooldown levels of the goddamn skills lol which blows. In SM1, between ping ponging between thugs I was always changing up which gadget Id use depending on the circumstances. Heavy webs always for the heavies. The vortex singularity thing for mobs or the jetpack guys etc.

I did love that web line though. And the dual takedowns on it was super cool.


Welp it's time for me to rant about Venom.

Hated mostly everything Venom or symbiote related stuff outside of controlling Venom against Kraven and his goons because a lot of it was a bunch of references with no real substance. It's like hey guys remember Agent Venom? Hey remember Scream? Remember Knull infected symbiotes? Remember Anti-Venom (God that was terrible)? Remember when Venom sprouted wings against his fight with Knull? The final act with Venom, it's literally just a Planet of Symbiotes again (or if you want a videogame with the same storyline Web of Shadows), but just rushed, and no real build up to it. Don't get me started on Harry being Venom because holy shit, I can't understand why Marvel is still trying to make Harry Osborn be Venom a thing. He sucks as the host of Venom. He's a weak and ineffectual character. Insomniac is using Harry to riff on better and superior Venom characters like Flash Thompson and Eddie Brock. Shit Eddie Brock was even referenced in the last game so there's no reason for them not to use him. Harry's whole mantra is to cleanse the world, which I have to ask, wtf does even mean? Cleanse the world of what? Climate change? War? Disease? I have to say that I'm surprised that Harry just didn't admit he was gay for Peter because it kinda felt that way in several scenes. Symbiote itself is yet again undoubtedly evil. There isn't ambiguity about whether the suit is truly evil or is just looking out for its own survival. I can't imagine them pushing Harry as Venom again because they literally kill off the symbiote and every symbiote in NY. Also funny enough, out of all references and little nods to Venom and symbiote lore. They seemingly forgot that Venom can camouflage but we can't have that because we can't have Miles look like more of a second fiddle than what he already is.

But you know what's funny, I don't think Venom nearly has the worst character assassination. Do you know who did though? Parker

Chuck Berry

Gold Member
Welp it's time for me to rant about Venom.

Hated mostly everything Venom or symbiote related stuff outside of controlling Venom against Kraven and his goons because a lot of it was a bunch of references with no real substance. It's like hey guys remember Agent Venom? Hey remember Scream? Remember Knull infected symbiotes? Remember Anti-Venom (God that was terrible)? Remember when Venom sprouted wings against his fight with Knull? The final act with Venom, it's literally just a Planet of Symbiotes again (or if you want a videogame with the same storyline Web of Shadows), but just rushed, and no real build up to it. Don't get me started on Harry being Venom because holy shit, I can't understand why Marvel is still trying to make Harry Osborn be Venom a thing. He sucks as the host of Venom. He's a weak and ineffectual character. Insomniac is using Harry to riff on better and superior Venom characters like Flash Thompson and Eddie Brock. Shit Eddie Brock was even referenced in the last game so there's no reason for them not to use him. Harry's whole mantra is to cleanse the world, which I have to ask, wtf does even mean? Cleanse the world of what? Climate change? War? Disease? I have to say that I'm surprised that Harry just didn't admit he was gay for Peter because it kinda felt that way in several scenes. Symbiote itself is yet again undoubtedly evil. There isn't ambiguity about whether the suit is truly evil or is just looking out for its own survival. I can't imagine them pushing Harry as Venom again because they literally kill off the symbiote and every symbiote in NY. Also funny enough, out of all references and little nods to Venom and symbiote lore. They seemingly forgot that Venom can camouflage but we can't have that because we can't have Miles look like more of a second fiddle than what he already is.

But you know what's funny, I don't think Venom nearly has the worst character assassination. Do you know who did though? Parker

I only know the basic info of the Spider-Man lore so its always cool to read up on people's thoughts who know their shit. I couldve sworn Brock was mentioned in 1 and thanks for clarifying. Thats wild how they just threw the entire kitchen sink history of him and jammed everything they could about him in those final few missions lol

And Scream really was a thing in the comics? Was it Mary Jane? God that part was so fucking corny :messenger_grinning_smiling:


I only know the basic info of the Spider-Man lore so its always cool to read up on people's thoughts who know their shit. I couldve sworn Brock was mentioned in 1 and thanks for clarifying. Thats wild how they just threw the entire kitchen sink history of him and jammed everything they could about him in those final few missions lol

And Scream really was a thing in the comics? Was it Mary Jane? God that part was so fucking corny :messenger_grinning_smiling:
No problem, yeah Scream is a thing in the comics. Originally, debuted as part of a group called the Life Foundation. A group that captured Eddie Brock and forcibly remove parts of the symbiote to create 5 new symbiotes and Scream was one of them, this is after Carnage btw. And no, MJ was never Scream. The original host of Scream is Donna Diego, then she got killed off then Patricia Robertson (host of a Venom clone), then I think she got kill off and then the new Scream host finally became Andi Benton (host of Mania).

Chuck Berry

Gold Member
No problem, yeah Scream is a thing in the comics. Originally, debuted as part of a group called the Life Foundation. A group that captured Eddie Brock and forcibly remove parts of the symbiote to create 5 new symbiotes and Scream was one of them, this is after Carnage btw. And no, MJ was never Scream. The original host of Scream is Donna Diego, then she got killed off then Patricia Robertson (host of a Venom clone), then I think she got kill off and then the new Scream host finally became Andi Benton (host of Mania).

Wow damn. Welp, I know who I'm seeking out if I have questions about characters or history :geek:🙌

Chuck Berry

Gold Member
Finally a Spider-man 2 Thread opened by someone who is actually playing the Game, and loving it.

Keep posting pics, I wanna come.

I actually finished it last night, platinum and all. And while I didnt love it per se (I do like the first one more) I still think its a pretty phenomenal achievement, blemishes and all.


I actually finished it last night, platinum and all. And while I didnt love it per se (I do like the first one more) I still think its a pretty phenomenal achievement, blemishes and all.
Did you prefer the Story of the first one ? I know, it's off Topic, but I still prefer GTA4 to GTA5 even though GTA5 is technically much more advanced, bigger, more things to do, better graphics, etc, just because GTA4 had a more Intimate and exciting story. Now, I'm not comparing the two games, just curious why you prefer the first one :)

Chuck Berry

Gold Member
Did you prefer the Story of the first one ? I know, it's off Topic, but I still prefer GTA4 to GTA5 even though GTA5 is technically much more advanced, bigger, more things to do, better graphics, etc, just because GTA4 had a more Intimate and exciting story. Now, I'm not comparing the two games, just curious why you prefer the first one :)

I did enjoy the story of the first more because of the wider variety of notorious bad guys (Kingpin, Vulture, Shocker, Doc Ock, Li, Scorpion, Rhino) and it felt more focused. Liked the combat more as well. And the sidequests as a whole I found to be more enjoyable. I also really liked having bios on all of the characters as someone that isnt super familiar with the universe. Another thing that was weirdly lacking in the sequel.

2 definitely kills it on mobility and getting around, visuals and the finale though.
Final act was my favorite. But feels rushed and clunky a little bit.

Seem like the whole game story forgot about Miles's invisible power. They need something to fit MJ in whenever they can. When Peter lured Venom out of the nest, Mile could easily use his power to sneak in. But no, they need to have MJ stupid mission to steal the rock @.@.

The ending feel a bit forced to me personally. Harry is not dead, why tf Norman angry on Spider-man. They kept their words to save his son life. He should know that this is his fault from the start when he gave symbiote to Harry.
I think Insomniac should let Harry die, make more sense to me.
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Chuck Berry

Gold Member
Final act was my favorite. But feels rushed and clunky a little bit.

Seem like the whole game story forgot about Miles's invisible power. They need something to fit MJ in whenever they can. When Peter lured Venom out of the nest, Mile could easily use his power to sneak in. But no, they need to have MJ stupid mission to steal the rock @.@.

The ending feel a bit forced to me personally. Harry is not dead, why tf Norman angry on Spider-man. They kept their words to save his son life. He should know that this is his fault from the start when he gave symbiote to Harry.
I think Insomniac should let Harry die, make more sense to me.

This was a huge bummer. Final mission. Awesome. Lets go beat some ass. I was super pumped.

And then you start it all off playing as MJ. Fucking really dude? I never rushed a segment in that game as much as I did that part. Talk about pace killing.


Neo Member
Just finished it, pretty epic game, they really polished everything the original offered and then some.

Not let down, but had higher next-gen expectations before we've seen anything of the game. The Acting loses some impact due to the sometimes liveless character models, Ragnarok and Horizon have the edge here.
I also would have hoped they would take a cue from GOW and find a way to automatically segue you into an sequences and only then start using cuts. The start of the cut scenes still feels a bit disjointed. Also hoped for better motion matching animations in general, but the game basically is Spider Man 1 amped up. Fighting is okay, but a little too arcade style for me.

TLOUII set my expectations very high for in game immersion in next gen, but it still feels like the most next gen game available. I hope they'le write a new engine for Wolverine and that will be a bigger leap game mechanics and animation wise than SPII.

Nonetheless a great game, with insane production values.


Loved the game, but not as much as the first game. Cutting a bunch of suits in order to keep both characters at the same level was a terrible decision.

Most of the characters nail their characterization. But turning Venom into not only a villain, but a herald/henchman of Knull is really boring. Not what the character is about at all. I also felt that he was really odd looking when either standing upright, mouth closed or flying around with his wings. Also sad to see a bunch of rogues get killed off-screen.

Gameplay was really tight, both travesal and combat. Miles suit selection is great. Voice acting was top tier.
I completely forgot about Anti-Venom so that was a cool surprise.

Also, crazy that we got story threads for Green Goblin, Superior Spider-Man (maybe), and Silk.


Welp it's time for me to rant about Venom.

Hated mostly everything Venom or symbiote related stuff outside of controlling Venom against Kraven and his goons because a lot of it was a bunch of references with no real substance. It's like hey guys remember Agent Venom? Hey remember Scream? Remember Knull infected symbiotes? Remember Anti-Venom (God that was terrible)? Remember when Venom sprouted wings against his fight with Knull? The final act with Venom, it's literally just a Planet of Symbiotes again (or if you want a videogame with the same storyline Web of Shadows), but just rushed, and no real build up to it. Don't get me started on Harry being Venom because holy shit, I can't understand why Marvel is still trying to make Harry Osborn be Venom a thing. He sucks as the host of Venom. He's a weak and ineffectual character. Insomniac is using Harry to riff on better and superior Venom characters like Flash Thompson and Eddie Brock. Shit Eddie Brock was even referenced in the last game so there's no reason for them not to use him. Harry's whole mantra is to cleanse the world, which I have to ask, wtf does even mean? Cleanse the world of what? Climate change? War? Disease? I have to say that I'm surprised that Harry just didn't admit he was gay for Peter because it kinda felt that way in several scenes. Symbiote itself is yet again undoubtedly evil. There isn't ambiguity about whether the suit is truly evil or is just looking out for its own survival. I can't imagine them pushing Harry as Venom again because they literally kill off the symbiote and every symbiote in NY. Also funny enough, out of all references and little nods to Venom and symbiote lore. They seemingly forgot that Venom can camouflage but we can't have that because we can't have Miles look like more of a second fiddle than what he already is.

But you know what's funny, I don't think Venom nearly has the worst character assassination. Do you know who did though? Parker
Turning Spider-Man into Anti-Venom is pretty odd too. Seeing how the main ability is supposed to be healing, which in turn cures Spidey of his powers since they are tied to his radiation poisoning. But having some payoff with Mr Negative was cool.


Perpetually Tired
Alright guys…sooooooo how about that third act?


Anything involving Venom I was totally floored. Loved Tony Todd’s performance.

And then we get the closing..


Norman sporting that GREEN jacket.

And then….


Blaming the the Spider-Men for what happened to Harry. I knew that’d be the catalyst to cause him to lose his shit. But going to visit Otto at The RAFT? Wasn’t expecting that whstsofuckingever

Green Goblin and Doc Ock teaming up in 3? Sign me the fuck up!

Also I saw people crying about Peter “retiring” at the end? No dude. He’s clearly taking a break to build his company and is gonna let Miles handle things for a bit. As soon as Goblin and Ock are on the scene with whoever is left of The Sinister Six, you know Pete is gonna get a call.

It could really go places. Li could end up being an ally. Hell even Hammerhead might end up helping out at some point.

Also since Harry isn’t exactly dead yet, there’s a total probability of Venom coming back in some way. And then we got that Carnage tease too at the end of the Flame sidequest 🤘🏼
Some random thoughts in no particular order:

I enjoyed Venom for the most part, but I was a bit... weirded out at how juvenile he spoke. All the talk about how Pete "abandoned" him and what not - it just felt childish. That isn't how I want Venom. However, everything else about him was fantastic. The design, the voice, the animations - perfect.

For some reason I forgot that Ock was still alive. I thought I killed him at the end of Spidey 1 and completely forgot.

I am disappointed they just unceremoniously killed off Vulture and Scorpion, but at least the latter had a decent scene. I enjoyed Kraven as a villain and his want/desire felt very human and matched well as a juxtaposition with Harry.

Carnage was fantastic. Absolutely loved that teaser and it is clear that, if not DLC, we will see Carnage, Goblin, and Ock as the big villains for the "final act".

I feel insulted/patronized with the Black Cat situation though. For some reason they turned her into some bipolar person who can't decide on an emotion to stick with and she served no point in the narrative. You could remove her section from the game and *nothing* would change.
Venom was bad and it's because they didn't go with Eddie Brock. That legitimate hate and resentment was absent from the Peter-Harry dynamic.

Didn't really enjoy Kraven at all.

He hardly spoke, his motivations were paper-thin and his men talked him up.
Did we even fight him more than once?...

Would've been awesome if Kraven was always prowling and, you know, actually hunting for you somewhere in the city.

I played the first game at the launch of Ps5 with Miles and it felt like a more complete game due to the included DLC. This game felt rushed and really lacks anything to do once finished.

Good while it lasted though.


That last act of the game really brings it - Yuri crushes the emotion. Martin Li and Miles’ reconciliation also nearly steal the show.


I enjoyed what they did with Venom, but yea to me Eddie Brock IS Venom so it being Harry was more of a "What If" kinda deal to me but thats fine, they wouldn't keep rehashing the Venom storyline again anyway

So my predictions for the next game:
  • Carnage will be the 3 act DLC for this game like the City that never sleeps was for the original - all the symbiote stuff is in game already so it makes sense
  • Green Goblin and Ock are back for 3, but this will lead to a bigger villain team up
  • The Spider family will get bigger, Silk was teased at the end and I can guarantee they want to bring in Gwen/Ghost Spider at some point, so making it 2 men, 2 Women would be the goal (and pretty cool imo, they all have different powers but maybe only have Peter use Anti Venom stuff)
  • People are goina die, especially on Miles' side, Spiderman does not get happy endings, I think Aaron is a good choice, reformed and a beacon of hope! Not for Carnage!


Gold Member
Just finished, the final part was kinda stupid.

Risking mj life like that because they had to include her somehow in the finale, norman being mad at spidey for no reason, he literally ask him to save his son and he knows that henry was already dying so why the fuck he is mad at spidey? The dude literally saved the city and your son from venom. What a forced way to make him mad, he is a bad person but not stupid.

And they are retiring peter for the chipmunk? Ugh.

Venom stuff was good and at least we got carnage and otto in the next one, not sure if i care about another game with henry as a villain, he is no dafoe alright.

Overall, venom was the standout but i prefer the plot of the first one, kraven was a wet fart and negative man was already meh in the first game and they doubled down his screentime just to give some easy drama for miles.


just some small random thoughts

- final boss with Venom was disappointing, never got any of that Spider-Men v Venom fighting across the city and instead got two small arenas with only one Spider-Man fighting Venom at once, downright false/misleading marketing given how they rinsed that notion for all the trailers.

- Miles NEEDS a different suit for SM3 as that "evolved" suit is the ugliest shit I've ever seen, the pineapple hair top, the nasty blue all over, the tacky adidas shoes, the hoodie it just felt so tacky.

- The third act overall was actually pretty good but rushed way too much, game could've easily benefited from adding another 2/3 hours onto that final act, allowing more time for Venom AND Kraven.

- Norman outburst on Spidey was stupid and clear motivation bait for the third game.

- MJ sections aren't boring anymore but are now just completely stupid, taking down trained killers and ALIENS with a space nerf gun...

- Miles is a weak character with awful writing sadly, and his whole Martin Li arc felt so out of place given he didn't care at all in HIS OWN GAME.

- Peter spending his half of the game doing serious shit whilst Miles writes an essay, finds missing trumpets and falls in love with a deaf girl.

- No major swinging and fighting boss fights outside of Sandman (which was amazing), give me more serious chase like bosses like the Electro/Vulture fight in SM1

- disappointing how Rhino, Scorpion, Shocker and Vulture are all seemingly killed on/offscreen, meaning that along with Kraven 2/3 of the Sinister Six are now dead?
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The more I think of the game, the more I realise how much of a mess the final act is. At first I thought it was a better final act than the first game but now i'm questioning even that.

Game goes severely downhill after the Venom fight against Kraven.

Nothing is explained properly. Why does Venom want to take over the city/planet? The stone is confusing and not explained properly. How can he turn others into symbiotes? Why is MJ the only one who becomes powerful after being infected unlike random pedestrians?

Let alone how rushed it whole final act is. Literally only like 6 of the 31 missions are Venom related. If it were just Venom in isolation it might have worked but adding the stone, him wanting to take over the world and everything else at the same time was just outright messy.

Don't get me started on how Harry was so bland as Venom too, it was literally 95% Venom and 5% Harry once he turns, needed far more of a better mix rather than it just being a generic psycho Venom out to kill Spider-Man.

Symbiote hives as side content were horrific, the worst side content in any of the three games, even worse than Screwball's content in the first game's DLC.

Enjoyed the boss fight with Venom at the school, but the Miles one as the final one was not very good. Plus, not getting Miles and Peter taking on Venom at the same time or in iconic NY locations (like the advertising showed) was a disappointment, not even a chase mission around the city.

Like everyone else has also said, the forced Norman hate for the two Spider-Men was a joke too. If Harry died I would understand it but keeping him alive and him acting that way makes zero sense.

I love the gameplay in this game so much and I absolutely loved the first two acts but the final one is an absolute mess. What a shame.
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And then we got that Carnage tease too at the end of the Flame sidequest 🤘🏼
My guess is we'll get a DLC (hopefully not in three parts as previously) with Carnage. Venom is cool and all, but now that Insomniac has nailed that (as far as visuals/mechanics go), I think they'll go for something different in the inevitable sequel.

But I have a few questions for those more invested in Marvel lore/games. First, the ending of the Spiderbots collectathon. Is that a reference to an old Spider-Man game? Just judging by the (I'm assuming very intentional) low-poly graphics, but I have no idea who that was.

And then there's whatshername, Miles' mother, and her new boyfriend. When I completed the main story it was so late I don't remember his or his daughter's name anymore (and didn't ring a bell then), but I'm guessing I should be able to tell who that character is. So... whodat?
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Chuck Berry

Gold Member
My guess is we'll get a DLC (hopefully not in three parts as previously) with Carnage. Venom is cool and all, but now that Insomniac has nailed that (as far as visuals/mechanics go), I think they'll go for something different in the inevitable sequel.

But I have a few questions for those more invested in Marvel lore/games. First, the ending of the Spiderbots collectathon. Is that a reference to an old Spider-Man game? Just judging by the (I'm assuming very intentional) low-poly graphics, but I have no idea who that was.

And then there's whatshername, Miles' mother, and her new boyfriend. When I completed the main story it was so late I don't remember his or his daughter's name anymore (and didn't ring a bell then), but I'm guessing I should be able to tell who that character is. So... whodat?

Yes! Thank you I completely forgot about these.

The low poly graphics scene I thought mightve been something from Across the Spider Verse but an older game seems more feasible..


My guess is we'll get a DLC (hopefully not in three parts as previously) with Carnage. Venom is cool and all, but now that Insomniac has nailed that (as far as visuals/mechanics go), I think they'll go for something different in the inevitable sequel.

But I have a few questions for those more invested in Marvel lore/games. First, the ending of the Spiderbots collectathon. Is that a reference to an old Spider-Man game? Just judging by the (I'm assuming very intentional) low-poly graphics, but I have no idea who that was.

And then there's whatshername, Miles' mother, and her new boyfriend. When I completed the main story it was so late I don't remember his or his daughter's name anymore (and didn't ring a bell then), but I'm guessing I should be able to tell who that character is. So... whodat?

AFAIK the Spider-bots cutscene mentions Miguel O’Hara from 2099 (and Across the Spider-verse).

Albert’s daughter is Cindy, aka Silk (another girl with spider powers).
Gotta admit I was disappointed with the final act of the story. I was hoping Harry becoming Venom was a misdirect and that the symbiote would bond with Kraven. Harry becoming Venom is basically just a different coat of paint on his turn into a villain, except this time it's not the Goblin. What a twist... not.

First, the ending of the Spiderbots collectathon. Is that a reference to an old Spider-Man game? Just judging by the (I'm assuming very intentional) low-poly graphics, but I have no idea who that was.

I've seen people saying that the low-poly graphics scene was intentional but to me it just looks like an LOD glitch... it even runs at half the FPS of your selected visual mode (15fps for Fidelity, 30 for Performance) like LOD objects often do. I just can't accept that a character in 2023's PS5 graphical showcase looks like this intentionally, because she looks somewhere in between PS1 and PS2-era Lara Croft (especially the glasses).

As for the character, she's apparently named Delilah and is a bartender at a villain bar in Nueva York (2099 universe). She was supposed to be in Across the Spider-verse but was cut, so I guess this counts as her debut.
Here's her concept art:
It's pretty clear that including Miles Morales in these games was the biggest mistake Insomniac made, and he is dragging down the entire Insomniac series. Miles has no reason to exist in this world, and is merely an outlet for all of the corporate approved diversity and inclusion rather than being an actual character. There is no reason for Venom to be jealous of Miles, and Harry only interacted with Miles very briefly, and he is just forced into a story that should be focused on Peter and Harry.

Most of the conflicts are told rather than shown, with the story not even bothering to show any hint that Peter and Miles' fears are legitimate. There is no hint that Miles' friends are going to abandon him. The dialogue ranges from mediocre to awful, and honestly the acting seems weaker in this game than the last one, particularly with Norman Osborne.

I don't know what it is, but each sequel as of late (GOW Ragnarok, Horizon Forbidden West, TLOU 2) by Sony has a worse story, characterization, and dialogue. The combat was built with very little ability to grow and expand in complexity, and in some cases the gameplay has been simplified even further, taking away combat options for the sake of further streamlining. I fully expect Spider Man 3 to be even worse, with the same stale combat with an even more rushed plot. Spider Man 2 was clearly made by Insomniac's B team (at least that is the cope I am going with).
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How is this on Insomniac and not Marvel?

I've seen people saying that the low-poly graphics scene was intentional but to me it just looks like an LOD glitch... it even runs at half the FPS of your selected visual mode (15fps for Fidelity, 30 for Performance) like LOD objects often do. I just can't accept that a character in 2023's PS5 graphical showcase looks like this intentionally, because she looks somewhere in between PS1 and PS2-era Lara Croft (especially the glasses).
Its entirely intentional because its the art style of those Spiderverse movies. Go turn on the Spiderverse FX setting in Visual settings and your character will animate in the exact same way.
Its entirely intentional because its the art style of those Spiderverse movies. Go turn on the Spiderverse FX setting in Visual settings and your character will animate in the exact same way.
Yes, it's supposed to be stylized similarly to the Spiderverse movies (the comic book filter is a dead giveaway), but I believed it was lower poly than intended. From what I remember, nothing in the movies appear that blatantly low poly (as evidenced by her concept art for the movie), and the framerate appears to be HALF of what you selected instead of a flat 24fps like the movie which led me to believe it was a glitch. It just looks off... but whatever, you're probably right. I've been playing too many glitchy games lately so I assume a lot of weird occurances are just glitches now lol
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Just rolled credits wow just blown away by this,

Played in both fidelity and performance mode switching every now and then.

The venom stuff was absolutely incredible that’s exactly how I wanted venom probably the best portrayal in any media other than the comics, beautiful.

Visuals were absolutely stunning the views and lighting was on a different level absolutely top tier.

I really really love miles I think he’s a brilliant character and done really well, I hope there’s a miles morales 2 with him on a mini style adventure looking after NY as Pete builds up the foundation and there’s teases to the goblin / ock story line.

I can’t wait for 3. For me I’d like to see an older miles bit more settled as spidey then Pete coming back into it in the final act or something.

Nah man this game was amazing , every battle was so big , loved lizard thought that was straight up horror vibes.

Loved it, looking forward to fidelity 60 on PS5 pro
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