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Spider-Man 3 Information

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Looking for Pants
Alucard said:
Why the hell do people want to see Venom so early? Yeah, he looks cool and it would be neat to see Spidey in the black costume but he's still REALLY early on in his crime fighting days. I'd rather see a story with the Lizard and another minor villain like Electro or someone a little more calculating like Mysterio.

I bet you'll see the Lizard in the 4th one. They already have Dr. Connor casted!


Hollywood Square
Man, this Venom hype is ridiculous. Yes, let's take a trilogy that was heading in one direction, completely derail, try to force a villain in it somehow through a bunch of retarded concepts (J.J.'s son? C'mon!) and tie up all loose ends. I thank the LORD you people don't make movies.

This is the last one for Raimi, Maguire and Dunst, but Sony will probably recast the entire project with a new creative team afterwards.


Kills Photobucket
Sam Rami and his brother are working on it....

Spider Man Vs. Darwin!

That lego spiderman video still creeps me how mow much Ted Rami as a legoman looks like the real Ted Rami.

On topic now..

Well, I want to see the Harry thing resoved with fighting, not Harry saying, "my dad was evil, it's cool". Only problem with that, I can't take this guy seriously as a villan. He comes off no more a villan the the nerds in Buffy season 6. Following william Dafoe would be a joke.


Hollywood Square
And for those wishing for The Lizard, don't hold your breath.

It'll most likely be The Black Cat and The Green Goblin (v2.0) as your roster for the third time out. The former is a natural fit with the kind of relationship stuff Raimi likes to work with and the latter is the natural progression of the character. Raimi will tie up this arc before handing it to another cast and crew, but I wouldn't be surprised if he has a setup for a fourth one at the end of Spidey 3.

All I ask is that the new Green Goblin be voiced by Willem Dafoe.


Hollywood Square
karasu said:
I dont think Franco could pull gobby off at all.

Who cares if he can. When he's in the suit, it'll be a stunt double and the voice will be Willem's. That's the beauty of it all.

And Franco is not a bad actor, by any means.


Alucard said:
Why the hell do people want to see Venom so early? Yeah, he looks cool and it would be neat to see Spidey in the black costume but he's still REALLY early on in his crime fighting days. I'd rather see a story with the Lizard and another minor villain like Electro or someone a little more calculating like Mysterio.

Because after Spidey 3 everyone is jumping ship and the movies after 3 will most likely SUCK.

How can you NOT want Venom in Spidey 3? Lets have some more lame baddies instead of bringing out the baddest of them all.
i hope they don't do Lizard. Doc Conners seems like a fuckin doofus in the movies, and the whole "brilliant scientist who is passionate about his work befriends Peter Parker and has an experient backfire creating a supervillian" thing has already been done twice. No more please.


Ninja Scooter said:
i hope they don't do Lizard. Doc Conners seems like a fuckin doofus in the movies, and the whole "brilliant scientist who is passionate about his work befriends Peter Parker and has an experient backfire creating a supervillian" thing has already been done twice. No more please.



Willco said:
Who cares if he can. When he's in the suit, it'll be a stunt double and the voice will be Willem's. That's the beauty of it all.

And Franco is not a bad actor, by any means.

I care, he won't be in the suit throughout the entire film. He's an ok actor (yes I've seen all of his other work) but as far as my imagination goes I don't think this is something he could pull off.

Hadn't heard anything about Dafoe doing the voice work either.


I haven't seen Spider-Man 2 yet, but I don't see how they could add Venom's character to the mix and have it make any sense. The whole thing about Eddie Brock being ruined as a reporter and wanting revenge, and then bonding with the symbiote... they tried to kind of rework it in that Spider-Man cartoon, and it just didn't click right. Without the proper reasons for his hatred, Venom doesn't make sense, and then you'd all be like OMG SPIDEY # IS TEH CASHIN GAY GAY or whatever.

I never thought I'd agree with Federman, but I guess stranger things have happened.
I'm sure if they do another Green Goblin (which makes the most sense) they'll find ways to make it different from the first one. Plus Spider-man will already know who it is so it'd have to be different and more dramatic.

And I think they would've forshadowed it a lot more in 2 if they were going to do Lizard with Doctor Conners in 3.


Just to clear some things up, the only relation that the Hobgoblin has to the Green Goblin is the costume. A thief happened upon one of Osborn's secret lairs around the city and steam dryed the mask (that's why it has that soggy, melted look to it. He never took the formula, either, so he's not crazy. He was just intent on making money, not killing Spider-Man.

And I have to agree with Willco. John Jameson as Venom? You stupid, moronic idiots. :D He's got to be buff, and I've always liked that in Venom's own mind, he was just and right. Yeah, so I hope Raimi does take the route that the comics did and make Harry follow in his father's footsteps. He was a drug addict, moreso than his father was.
since s2 was a direct continuation of the first one, rami would be a fool not to use all the foreshadowing.
but as an intelligent filmmaker, he will be playing on our expectations, that harry MUST be the hobgoblin, because he HATES spidey and IS INSANE because he hears his fathers voice in his head.
as he said in the interview, there are several different ways that Harry COULD go, i would be surprised if it was the obivious.

Dr. Connors to Lizardman seems another obivious choice, but i think he was a red herring a-lá the Black Harvey Dent in burtons 'Batman'.

one character who interests me was the russian girl in peter's appartment. there were some nice moments with her and i feel she had too much screentime to be only a visual counterpoint to MJ, who came across a superficial cunt in the movie.

whatever happens, i am sure that Rami will deliver the goods AGAIN, and perhaps push the envelope even further, although S2 was a 'rami'-movie, he was still playing it safe.

how long? 2-3 more years?
yes, he is not the hobgoblin, but seeing the Green Goblin again for another movie? and i believe there were something like 4 hobgoblins all together.

variety my friend, variety.


Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
Willco said:
Man, this Venom hype is ridiculous. Yes, let's take a trilogy that was heading in one direction, completely derail, try to force a villain in it somehow through a bunch of retarded concepts (J.J.'s son? C'mon!) and tie up all loose ends. I thank the LORD you people don't make movies.

This is the last one for Raimi, Maguire and Dunst, but Sony will probably recast the entire project with a new creative team afterwards.

And thats when the movies will start sucking...watch and see. We better enjoy these while we still have them.

I NEVER want to see Venom, some things just can't be pulled off well, in my opinion. Same reasoning why I wouldn't want to see Brainiac in a Superman movie. Some things are just plain stupid on film.
I'd like to see Jameson become Man Wolf, throw in maybe Electro and have Black Cat in there to complicate matters for Peter/MJ while acting as a wild card in the action stuff.
As soon as I saw the ending to Spidey 2, with Franco making his discovery of the Goblin lair, I was reminded of this article..


It's the IGN review of Episode II: Attack of the Clones, and in delving deeper into it's suckage it went on to elaborate how the wheels started coming off the Star Wars franchise when producer Gary Kurtz left the Lucas camp after The Empire Strikes Back. Kurtz apparently counterbalanced Lucas' more hackish tendencies in the first 2 films.

One quote in particular from the article that immediately shot into my head in relation to the Spider-Man franchise was this:

"Kurtz was adamant the film should not be about attacking another Death Star – he didn't like the idea of blatantly repeating such a major conceit within the same trilogy."

Now Return of the Jedi wasn't that bad, but minus the ewoks, the second Death Star, and the all-too-happy ending (the ending pre-Kurtz departure included the death of Han Solo), RoJ could have been far more cinematically significant..a potential pinnacle for the series.

So my knee jerk reaction with regard to Spider-Man 3 is:


Now with slightly further consideration, I would concede that it would be craptacular to

a) abandon the potential drama of conflict with Harry through his newfound understanding of his father's madness

b) have, as mentioned, a repetition of the "well-to-do scientist befriends Peter but later goes insane through wild experimentation" plotline through a Lizard-as-antagonist story

c) force some kind of revisionist, underdeveloped Venom plot in just because you need him as the villain to cap the series

I think the best option with Harry would be to have him carry the Goblin torch, but not without being conflicted..only through his father's subconscious coaxing. He would work as a dual villain/sidekick, as they could gang up to face the main villain in the end. This of course would require a villain of considerable stature and power, which for me could only be someone like Mysterio or Venom.

I think Venom would be awesome, but I think to use Venom as a one-and-done would be a travesty (a Venom arc could transcend an entire series), expecially considering how much sway the Green Goblin has been given over the initial trilogy. It would also be sad to see them butcher or abridge his backstory just to squeeze him into the film and be done with him. And honestly, if you do Venom in this first trilogy, you leave pretty slim pickings for any future films in the series. Of course in that case you could always come up with film-specific antagonists..remember the sun powered guy from Supes 4?? That turned out great, didn't it??

So basically, I don't know what the fuck they should do with Spidey 3. The safest bet I guess would be a baddie tandem like Lizard/Electro requiring Spidey to make peace with the new Green Goblin in order to defeat them, which would squash the Harry beef as a plot device and ensure no more Franco in any future films *pumps fist*. The only major problem with a plot like that is that super-villain tandems can be a tenuous affair (see the last 3 Batman flicks), but for me it's the only way to get the Goblin in the flick without making him the central baddie again. If Spidey needed the Goblin's help to whup Lizard by himself, that would make him seem like a pussbag. But hey, the good news is, whatever the fuck they choose to do, we'll find out in 2 years, right?


I see a lot of votes for Lizardman in Spidey 3.

Haven't you got sick of the 'scientist gone crazy' bit yet?
Actually, you know what would be the fucking sheeeyiiiiyiiiit?? Do a Hulk/Spidey crossover, where the storylines to Spidey 3 and Hulk 2 interlap. You could have the Hulk rampaging in NY for some reason (although I'm not too sure how keen America would be on seeing buildings destroyed in NYC) in Spidey 3, with Spidey helping distract/corral the big fella. Then you could see the storyline from the Hulk's perspective in Hulk 2 and how things eventually played out. It would be a fantastic cross-comic-cameo and a hell of a marketing gimmick.

But then again, 2 different studios own the rights to these films, correct? And I'm sure, given that Hulk made all of $10 million in domestic profit at the theaters, Spidey's handlers would question why the fuck they would need the Hulk to help push their movie. But hey, a man can dream can't he?


Mrbob said:
I see a lot of votes for Lizardman in Spidey 3.

Haven't you got sick of the 'scientist gone crazy' bit yet?

A valid point. Part of the attraction for me is the fact that Connors/The Lizard was in the old cartoon quite often.


Spider-Man 3 is going in an obvious direction, so lets end this trilogy with that. But when Raimi, MacGuire, and Dunst leave, and it's recast, I think that should be when Black Cat comes in to screw up his love life, and Venom comes in to kick his ass.

Also, using Jameson Jr. for Venom is the most logical way of doing it based on where the movies went. Jameson Jr. hates Peter most likely, and after the symbiote comes off Spidey, it should grasp onto him. He won't be buff like with Brock, but it'll still be Venom since they'll have twice the hate for Peter/Spider-Man.
at this point, anything that doesn't resolve the harry arc would be dumb...

maybe he could hire the hobgoblin AND ALSO be the green goblin...
BUT THEN the hobgoblin goes crazy and then harry has to work with spider-man to stop his deranged creation from destroying THE WORLD!!!!!

hahahah, see, anyone cam pull shit like this out in a few seconds...


if you see me in a fight with a bear, don't help me fool, help the bear!
Save Venom for later... (My favorite of all time bad guys!)

And give us some more old school action with the Sand man!!!! GC work at its finest!!!


I think it'll just be Black Cat and GG2 also, theres no way they're not gonna do GG2, and another major villian might be too much, but i dunno. I dont think GG2 is a strong enough villian to carry the film, even if black cat is introduced as an ally/villian, it still seems abit recycled. They also need to just get rid of the damn costume, Green Goblins costume was absolutely terrible in the first.

I dont really want to see Venom in the next film, it'll be stupid with all the stuff they've still got to wrap up from 2, and it'll blatantly completely cut out the black suit spiderman. However I think most spiderman villians are pretty shit, and have no real interest in seeing Rhino, Scorpion, Vulture, etc in the films really, despite Venoms apparently weak motives they could easily write pretty decent motive based on the eddie brock stuff, which IMO is already considerably stronger then the bullshit AI arm stuff they did in spidey 2, and he'll be a hell of alot cooler to see in film.

What i actually want to see in the next bunch of films is something like this.

Spidey 3, GG2, Black Cat, possibly Lizard
Spidey 4, Black Suit Spidey, Scorpion?
Spidey 5, Venom
Spidey 6, Venom + Carnage.

I dont think they can even get to 6 films without the franchise seeming tired anyway, I really dont see the Lizard being in the next films now anyway, Conners casting seems pretty weak, and quite old, i really can't imagine him being a main character in future films.
There may be a possibility of Spiderman's mutation being in next movie, seeing as how Peter was losing control of his spider powers.

Also, who thought that train scene was kinda dumb and not really Spidermanish. Spiderman is smart guy, he wouldn't try to stop the train by brute force, that's Supermans departman. Spiderman would come up with something clever. Plus, Spiderman isn't strong enough to stop a train, he would've broken his leg when he tried to use it as a brake.


I don't know shit about shit
Did some of you guys actually take that "I think there should be nine movies" shit seriously? There's no way they're gonna milk it that bad, at least if Sony has any sense. Regarding the whole Green Goblin/ Harry's revenge plot, I think Harry would hire that crook that was the Hobgoblin to off Spidey in part 3 using the weapons that he found in his father's lair.


They'll definately have some sort of conflict story between Peter and Harry. Alot scenes where Harry has doubts both aways about killing Spiderman/Peter becuase he is his freind/enemy. I think there might be another villain to sweeten things up abit and maybe Harry sees the light at the end but maybe too late?


Chili Con Carnage!
I think a straight 'GG2' is enough for spidey 3, it would be totally different to the first film.

Even if harry took the syrum, he seemingly still wouldnt be as strong as his dad, he's not as smart as his dad, his dad knew all Peters weaknesses just as well as him and he has the added weakness of actually liking Aunt May and Mary Jane. Plus Peter is now an experienced crime fighter, not the newbie he was when he first fought GG.

I see it playing out as Harry becoming the goblin and getting beat by spidey easily within the first 45 minutes of the film, after which one of two things is gonna happen, either harry is gonna create a new monster (doesnt seem likely, theres no one in the spidey universe for him to create that would make a decent end of saga bad guy) or do something to make him a better Goblin, Harrys no science wizz so he wont be able to improve the technology, plus he doesnt have the pull over Oscorp that Norman has so he has no help there. So that leaves one option, he's gonna take another dose of the syrum (pretty similar to the end of the Green Goblin storyline in the Ultimate comics) i doubt he'll turn green but he'' bulk up to the point where he wont need the metal suit anymore. Then everything will be set up for a climatic battle (probably in the rain, with a thunder storm, and someones life at stake maybe Black Cat, Mary Jane, maybe both) at the end of which Harry will die, I call his last words as "Peter....thank you".

And then theres the whole "I am Peter Parker No more" Black Cat emotional 180 side story to the plot aswell, i think they've got a film there, no need for the lizard. Definatly no need for Venom.


That's it! Have Harry help out Spidey in the end but lose his life in the process! Now...how would the Black Cat figure into all of that though?...


Chili Con Carnage!
Well even though Mary Jane knows about Peters secret, the look on her face at the end of the film gave away that she is going to be terrified every time she hears a police syren, so Peter still isnt going to be able to talk to her about it. She'll try to persuade him to 'take time off being spidey' and he'll come to the conclusion that she can never understand why he does it. Enter Black Cat, who will play the role of that perfect woman you ALWAYS meet right after having a huge argument with your gf (if you live in TV world anyway)...stuff happens, then in the end (without ever touching cat) Peter gets some reminder MJ is the woman for him.


Personally I would love to see Venom or Carnage...or even Doppelganer.


I think it would be a little stupid to have 3 bad guys in a row with mix, conflicted or split personality's. Doc Ock talked to his arms, Green Goblin went psycho and Venom speaks in third person.

Thre of these type of characters in a row is a little....well you know what im getting at.


Die Squirrel Die said:
And we all know Jake ain't picky about taking Tobey's sloppy seconds.


Ninja Scooter said:
i hope they don't do Lizard. Doc Conners seems like a fuckin doofus in the movies, and the whole "brilliant scientist who is passionate about his work befriends Peter Parker and has an experient backfire creating a supervillian" thing has already been done twice. No more please.

Heh, yeah. And Lizard is a second tier villian at best.

bjork said:
I haven't seen Spider-Man 2 yet, but I don't see how they could add Venom's character to the mix and have it make any sense. The whole thing about Eddie Brock being ruined as a reporter and wanting revenge, and then bonding with the symbiote... they tried to kind of rework it in that Spider-Man cartoon, and it just didn't click right. Without the proper reasons for his hatred, Venom doesn't make sense, and then you'd all be like OMG SPIDEY # IS TEH CASHIN GAY GAY or whatever.

I never thought I'd agree with Federman, but I guess stranger things have happened.

Eddie Brock isn't shit without the symbiote. People that hate Peter Parker and/or Spider-Man are a dime a dozen, which means anyone could wear that symbiote and become Venom. Betty Brant could be Venom if developed well enough. JJ Jr would be more then fine for Venom. Wasn't he already a football player in college? That means he's pretty well built already. If they wanted to develop Brock, it should've happened in Spidey 2. I mean he was already mentioned in 1, so what's he been doing all this time? Darning his socks?

Ned Flanders said:
Of course in that case you could always come up with film-specific antagonists..remember the sun powered guy from Supes 4?? That turned out great, didn't it??

Ah...but remember Zod and his crew? They're the reason Superman 2 is regarded by many as the best of the series, despite the movie being rife with problems behind the scenes. Basically, if someone wants to create a cool villian and has enough imagination, they can come up with one. Look at the Batman animated world...Phantasm worked out just fine, and Harley Quinn was an unqualfied success far beyond anyone's expectations.

Teh Hamburglar said:
You did watch the entire movie right? It was explained.

Stupidly explained, heh...still can't believe how weak that was.

Someone mentioned it earlier...Spider-Man's gallery of villians are weak as fuck. Rhyno, Sandman, Vulture, Hydro Man? Gimme a break...they're the epitome of cheese. Carnage is a total retread, and Hobgoblin is just a watered down GG. Kingpin I like a lot, but I guess Daredevil has him. So I don't know, I guess that leaves Electro and Shocker...but they're pretty cheesey as well. Plus there's no way the fights could touch the first two movies, since Spidey wastes either of them with one punch if he ever gets close (and yeah, I know Doc Ock suddenly became invincible once he got the arms...I suppose their reasoning is that the arms being fused to his spine made his entire skeletal system stronger or whatever. Hard to buy, but it still beats the explaination for how he lost his powers). Really, Venom's the only rogue I know of that could provide the same sort of ridiculous close encounter fights seen in Spidey 2 that would still be plausible. And with their abilities, they could fight almost anywhere. And yeah I know the movies are about more then just the action, but let's face facts...the action's gotta be there at some point.

With all that said, it doesn't make the likelihood of seeing Venom next movie anymore likely. I imagine it'll be Lizard and Harry as GG2 (hopefully ditching the sad ass costume from the first movie...he oughta become more mutated ala Ultimate Spider-Man). The symbiote thing could be setup quite easily for a fourth movie.
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