Dont cry dude, things will be fine, this Morales guy can still be your favorite spider-man, even if most of the planet doesnt give a fuck about him.Bitch ass people like you can't see a black Spider-man for a second without throwing a fit and feeling like the world is caving in around you. You're weak. I have no sympathy for you.
You really hate Miles don't you?
Axactly this. This game will have a slow burn, lots of people will pick it up when PS5 will EVENTUALLY be available to buy..Main reason is people want to play it on PS5. I have PRO but I skipped PS4 version but couldn't secure a PS5. I am sure a huge percentage of people are waiting just like me
That’s the opposite of what I said but whatever. If you aren’t able to relate to a character that doesn’t look like you then I’m sure reading comprehension isn’t a strong suit of yours either.
Yikes. Because I'm black you're accusing me of having poor reading comprehension? That is like a total racial stereotype you just hurled at me and I just can't even rn.
Just you wait ExpanseKong, cos imma round up my 3 followers on Twitter and my legion of head mates and once I'm done, you're gonna be so cancelled people will be calling you Firefly for the rest of your life.
I think this is the answer.Most people actually think it’s a PS5 exclusive.
Anecdotal but I have plenty of friends who wants to play Miles Morales but tells me they don’t have a PS5 yet so they haven’t bought the game yet.
I don't have a PS5 but I looked on Amazon a couple weeks before Xmas and didn't even see a PS4 listing.Because it's not a full sequel therefore wasn't marketed as bigly as 2018.
I'm also under the impression people want to wait till ps5 to play it, or they don't know it's on ps4.
You’re...kind of making my case. “If you don’t like switching the main hero you know and love for diversity then fuck you.” That’s why almost every woke movie has bombed when theaters were still a thing and spider mans sales cratered 70 percent. Because if you don’t like it then fuck you, what a sales pitch.
wow at some of these comments in here..since its a black character its a bandwagon driven agenda or woke?? if people only think Spider man is Peter then how come Into the Spider-Verse banked almost half a billion? smh ignorance at its finest with some of you in here
It's not ignorance. It's pure racism. Lets call it what is it.
Yes, let's call everyone racists. Worked wonders for that other forum.
Peter Parker is spider-man for me. I dont care what 90s comics or stuff you point out, I didnt even know those exist. Not everyone is american on this planet to have access to those comics, and not all PS players are american. I repeat, Peter Parker is Spider-man for me and everyone else looks like a poser or woke agenda driven.
The first thing that came to my mind when I saw this black guy being spider-man in the reveal trailer, was : who the f**k is this guy ?
I'm tired of these alternative characters pushed in front for the woke agenda. I dont care how long back it goes,
you do realize Miles isn't a new character..his comic started in 2011, with a full origin story..lets have facts before typing nonsense...regardless the game is great and it will sell fine just like others have said once the ps5 inventory catches upBecause Mile Morales isn't Spiderman, Peter Parker is. I hate it when they shoehorn characters into established heroes role. Especially to check those boxes. Create NEW heroes. I don't care that he is black but would there be uproar if a white actor became the new Black Panther (or even as the character in a new BP comic)?
People acting as if there's a problem with a black Spiderman have issues. Mainly since he's not "THE" Spiderman. He has his own origin story. There's nothing so-called "woke" about it. The character was created 10 years ago. And it wasn't to get rid of the "white" Spiderman that we all know and love.
So yes, comments like the one below are due to some form of racist intent\thinking.
why the fuck do you types always invoke Black Panther? Do you realize that he is the king of a strict isolationist African country that has absolutely 0 white people in it? You have to literally be of his bloodline to get powers from the heart-shaped herb. A white Back Panther wouldn't make sense at all. But even still, it's been done! A white baby survived a planed crash outside the borders of Wakanda, was adopted by the king, and grew up to be:Because Mile Morales isn't Spiderman, Peter Parker is. I hate it when they shoehorn characters into established heroes role. Especially to check those boxes. Create NEW heroes. I don't care that he is black but would there be uproar if a white actor became the new Black Panther (or even as the character in a new BP comic)?
I guess a better way to phrase what i meant was, replacing established characters with new ones for the sake of diversity. Movies that have done this and flopped have been Ghost busters, the most recent terminator, Star wars sequel trilogy.What movies do you consider "WOKE"?
I guess a better way to phrase what i meant was, replacing established characters with new ones for the sake of diversity. Movies that have done this and flopped have been Ghost busters, the most recent terminator, Star wars sequel trilogy.
Nothing racist there.
why the fuck do you types always invoke Black Panther? Do you realize that he is the king of a strict isolationist African country that has absolutely 0 white people in it? You have to literally be of his bloodline to get powers from the heart-shaped herb. A white Back Panther wouldn't make sense at all. But even still, it's been done! A white baby survived a planed crash outside the borders of Wakanda, was adopted by the king, and grew up to be:
He was the main character in Into the Spider-Verse so I'm sure people know him now.How many people are even familiar with Miles Morales? Spider-Man is Peter Parker to the majority, and always will. Probably left many confused, or worse left impression of woke tokenism after everything that’s been happening.
I think your reasoning applies to a lot of folks. It was too soon for more Spiderman.![]()
Spider-Man Miles Morales sold 70% less copies than 2018's Spider-Man
Despite launching on two platforms, the sales of Insomniac's Spider-Man spin-off doesn't hold a candle to the 2018 Spider-Man
The game released on PS4 and PS5, what's the reason behind this big decline in sales? for me i didn't buy it because i was already tired of Spider-Man after spending more than 30 hours on the original game, i think Sony made a mistake releasing it too close to the original game.
Great movie. But it was a cartoon with limited appeal simply due to that.He was the main character in Into the Spider-Verse so I'm sure people know him now.
He isn't a shoehorned spiderman though miles morales has a decent history in the run of spiderman lol. After the success of the movie I don't see why he can't get an expansion.Because Mile Morales isn't Spiderman, Peter Parker is. I hate it when they shoehorn characters into established heroes role. Especially to check those boxes. Create NEW heroes. I don't care that he is black but would there be uproar if a white actor became the new Black Panther (or even as the character in a new BP comic)?
he's the white wolf. long story short: plane crashed in in wakanda, baby was the only survivor and was adopted and raised by King T'Chaka.You just blew my mind! WOW! Never knew there was a white Black Panther (sort of). The White Wolf lol. Was he sorta like Black Panther's, Robin?
Wow, 9 whole years!! Peter Parker was the original Spider-man in 1962 so stuff it!you do realize Miles isn't a new character..his comic started in 2011, with a full origin story..lets have facts before typing nonsense...regardless the game is great and it will sell fine just like others have said once the ps5 inventory catches up
Just trying to show the absurdity of it. Why can't Miles be a new hero? Why Spider-Man? That's why comics (mostly) have gone downhill. No creativity.There's a couple reasons, it's basically just a 50 dollar expansion that's going to be cheap later down the line
People want to experience it on next gen and consoles are hard to come by
People didn't like that the games too short
He isn't a shoehorned spiderman though miles morales has a decent history in the run of spiderman lol. After the success of the movie I don't see why he can't get an expansion.
Comparing a white guy to becoming the black panther is different, the hero is rooted in his ancestry and king of an african city. That would be the equivalent of replacing captain america with a Japanese guy lol
It's the only thing some of these people don't like about the character. They all point to his race being the issue.
Great movie. But it was a cartoon with limited appeal simply due to that.
Super Hero’s are nothing but a brand, with certain expectations just like the coffee selection at Starbucks. Any derivative carries significantly less appeal.
Just like she-hulk will never reach the status of the actual The Hulk.
he's the white wolf. long story short: plane crashed in in wakanda, baby was the only survivor and was adopted and raised by King T'Chaka.
in the Marvel movies they refer to bucky as "the white wolf"
I think Sony could have done better by this game.
It really sucks because honestly I think the game is better (love the electric powers), is a really excellent showcase for the PS5 and has better story and characters than the original PS4 game. In my opinion.
This is also one of those times where I think the "woke" angle is not necessary and just makes it seem like any game with a non-white or female lead is going to get grief based on that alone. Yes, I know they have a BLM sign in the game or something but I don't really see this as a big deal personally and others are free to think otherwise.
The marketing teams could do a better job with selling Miles to the audience. If they want the character to get over then they need to properly show how he's a different but still interesting alternative to Peter Parker. Not easy when you have Marvel movies with Tom Holland and your massive PS4 AAA blockbuster was not only centered around Peter Parker but the weakest parts by far were the MJ and Miles sections.
It's a shame because it's a really good game that doesn't deserve the "woke" skepticism and deserves a lot more love.
Oh fuck right off lol. I pointed out that I said "who the hell is this black guy" in the vein that because he was black it was clear from the start he wasnt Peter Parker, as opposed to just having a different face like original release vs remaster. The problem wasnt the color of his skin, it just showed clearly that it wasnt Peter, the problem is that its a different character, one for which I dont care, and it appears a lot of people dont also, based on sales. Stop playing the victim.
The sad part in all of this, is how you and other people of color fall into corpo's trap so easily. So instead of them making new and interesting caracters that are black, hispanic etc, they rehash old chars and you all just embrace it, without seeing how easily they please you with their half-assed attempt at making something for other demographics?? Unbelievable.