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Splatoon | Review Thread


Yeah, it's basically tilting.


While the gyro is on you can assist horizontal camera control with the right stick and reset the position with the Y button. I'm not the biggest fan but many people like it once they get used to it.

The gyro is definitely a faster way to aim than the sticks in splatoon, but as someone who squirms a lot as I play I still found it basically unusable. I felt like I had to maintain a fairly stiff position to use it effectively.


Did you try using the y button for quick 180s? I'm pretty sure that's faster than turning around with analog. I haven't played enough to be sure, but I would bet that in the end the gyro people will have the advantage just based on the ability to quickly make fine adjustments.

Gyro players get the fine adjustments and faster turning overall. I actually prefer starting my turn with the analog and then using the gyro to speed it up since it gives me more control and I don't have to go the full 180 degrees if I don't need to.


Neo Member
I just wanted to say that I really like that Paste Magazine review. It's few and far between that I see any piece about gaming so well written (most reviews are so full of re-cap content and tropes they numb my mind before I get to the conclusion). Very nice little piece, and it gets me even more excited for Friday.

Thanks for the suggestion. Great read.


Yeah, it's basically tilting.


While the gyro is on you can assist horizontal camera control with the right stick and reset the position with the Y button. I'm not the biggest fan but many people like it once they get used to it.

After watching some vids it doesn't really look like I need pin point aiming anyway.
That's why Nintendo advertised the shit out of this game.

Yeap and I'm glad since this game was basically a unexpected surprise when they showed it during last years E3. I'm not lying when I say that it got me more excited than any other game shown during E3.

That's pretty much the case for all IP, not just Nintendo's. By the time sequels roll around, it's got a much bigger buzz and public awareness.

With that in mind, I fully expect Nintendo to keep this franchise moving. It's unique, highly visible, critically adored and fills a huge gameplay gap in their library.

What I'm saying is Spla2n on NX is going to be fuck-awesome.
I'm surprised at how well Nintendo is keeping the hype at a high level....the hourly demo was actually genius of them tbh. It gave a small sample of the online mode and showed that they can make a great online TPS if they really wanted to. If they did a sequel, it will no doubt be full of greatness as their big multi-player games like Mario Kart and Smash Bros are always full of content.
Truth be told, I wasn't really interested in it at e3 last year. It's more of a "you need to play it" kind of thing.
It also left me wanting a single player mode which wasn't announced till much later.
That and the Global test fire sold me on the game. Glad to see the reception is mostly positive as well
Read through the blurbs, as expected: Everyone agrees that it's an outstanding game, then the sites that stand to gain clicks from continuing coverage dock points for the stuff being added in the summer updates. THE SCORE WILL GO UP, WE PROMISE


I haven't been following this game, but I am hardly shocked to see another quality Nintendo title.

Dat Seal.

technically the seal was just a guarantee the cart wouldn't brick your console

i'm seconding the paste magazine review, it's really entertaining
I just wanted to say that I really like that Paste Magazine review. It's few and far between that I see any piece about gaming so well written (most reviews are so full of re-cap content and tropes they numb my mind before I get to the conclusion). Very nice little piece, and it gets me even more excited for Friday.

I enjoyed that review, thanks for sharing it :)


Huh? I don't feel like this is true. Most of the Wii U titles I purchase have been $60, or at least were $60 at launch as far as I'm aware.

It is. Toad and Kirby were $40. DK was $50. MP10 was $50 and included an Amiibo. Just a few examples but there are others. (sorry, just in a rush but wanted to reply)


great to see this game getting such positive reviews.

I honestly hadn't paid it much mind,but after playing 3 of the 4 test fires I absolutely fell in love.

the only complaint I could muster after having played it is 4 hours might be a bit too long for the 2 map rotation. I feel like it should be dialed down to 1-2 hours.

make map #1 randomized and implement a community voting option similar to their "splat wars" thing where the most voted for map takes slot #2


I just wanted to say that I really like that Paste Magazine review. It's few and far between that I see any piece about gaming so well written (most reviews are so full of re-cap content and tropes they numb my mind before I get to the conclusion). Very nice little piece, and it gets me even more excited for Friday.

Yep. Good read.
Well I preloaded but I won't be able to play it for about two months, because I lent my Wii U to my cousin visiting from out of town. I figured it'd be better this way - by the time I finally get around to it, the content shouldn't be as lacking as it will be at launch. Plus I won't have to deal with the inevitable midnight server implosion.


or, How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Realize This Assgrab is Delicious
I might buy this. I never buy Nintendo games anymore at launch so this is really saying something. A new core IP goes a long way to making this feel like a meaningful release aside from Mario again! Donkey Kong again! Kirby again!


Huh? I don't feel like this is true. Most of the Wii U titles I purchase have been $60, or at least were $60 at launch as far as I'm aware.
Nearly all the Wii U retail games I bought were from 30€ to 50€. Splatoon is around 35€ at every major online retailer. 60€ is just a distant memory from the Gamecube area, and a handful odd Wii releases.


If I hadn't played the Global Testfires I would be hesitant to pick it up.

But damn, this game is just so much fun to play and I think many of the negative reviewers are failing to describe that. I don't think it should be excused for being light on content, but it is worth mentioning just how much fun it is to shoot, swim and splat


If I hadn't played the Global Testfires I would be hesitant to pick it up.

But damn, this game is just so much fun to play and I think many of the negative reviewers are failing to describe that. I don't think it should be excused for being light on content, but it is worth mentioning just how much fun it is to shoot, swim and splat

So much fucking fun.

Shame people are overlooking it
So the average score is low to mid 8s? About what I expected, despite the amount of content at launch.

It's more "because of the amount of content" rather than despite. If the game had 20 maps & 5 multiplayer modes at launch, it'd easily be getting a 9-10 average but everybody's afraid to give a game that's missing expected features such a high score.


When reading the lower score reviews are rather... Sad.

When you read the top scores you can see that the people actually took the time playing it and was able to express the game's entirety, when the lower scores sounds like they didn't dive into the game too much and they were complaining about things that were either their error and or things that are easily solved if they actually went out for a solution.
So the meta critic is at 81 at the moment. Are there a bunch of scores missing? That's solid but some people in here are celebrating like it's a 9+ average. Not that scores matter much, but I'm just saying!


So the meta critic is at 81 at the moment. Are there a bunch of scores missing? That's solid but some people in here are celebrating like it's a 9+ average. Not that scores matter much, but I'm just saying!
Lowered expectations? I don't know, same thing happened with Sunset Overdrive. I just hope the game does well financially, Nintendo should be rewarded for doing something like this, it feels very fresh.

Look again.
Metacritic says 81, am I missing something?
So the meta critic is at 81 at the moment. Are there a bunch of scores missing? That's solid but some people in here are celebrating like it's a 9+ average. Not that scores matter much, but I'm just saying!

No, it's that the sites that docked points because the game didn't have one of their magical TPS bullet point features are weighted more heavily into that average.


It's more "because of the amount of content" rather than despite. If the game had 20 maps & 5 multiplayer modes at launch, it'd easily be getting a 9-10 average but everybody's afraid to give a game that's missing expected features such a high score.

Yea that's what I mean, I'd expect mostly 9's if it launched with even say, 8 maps 3 game modes.

Look again.

I didn't look at metacritic or anything, I just looked over the scores and made a guess at the average. Maybe I'm underestimating all those 9's.


It's a game where a shit ton of it's content is coming later. 81 metacritic is really good. Once this game does have everything it will at least be a 9. (like personally i mean. I may love it even more than I think I will)


I’m not sure if Nintendo pushing back the features that will make online battles decidedly less random was simply because it wanted to cut down the feature set to get the game out the door (quite possible, considering Wii U’s lack of big games), or as part of a sneaky trick to get more people playing and enjoying themselves with a rule set that makes battle outcomes a little more evened out.

That's a pretty good point, it's what I hinted in a post in the other thread.
If Team Match making was added since the start before everyone is accustom to the game getting completely owned by a well organized team might not be the best impression for a team of friends.
Watching some videos I'm certain people who have played shooters on consoles will be better than me - especially at first.


Gyro players get the fine adjustments and faster turning overall. I actually prefer starting my turn with the analog and then using the gyro to speed it up since it gives me more control and I don't have to go the full 180 degrees if I don't need to.
Nice, I was trying to use both as well but it's all a blur once things heat up. I did find that at one point I was doing a lot of my turning with the y button and that it allowed for smaller turns as well, just point where to turn and press y. Seems that people will find their own balance between y turns and analog and gyro.
are you asking me personally? The game is arguably low on modes/maps at launch, enough that it is a problem for some and not for others. That problem will be fixed later but they have to review what they've been given.

Why do they "have to" do anything? Will all of the old GamePro/Nintendo Power/EGM/etc reviewers get fussy and write a letter-to-the-editor? Will the Video Game Reviews Standards Commission revoke their membership?

For example, that Paste review is perfectly written but they ruin it by slapping a big 9 on the top. How in the blue fuck does that piece of writing quantify as any kind of arbitrary number? What is the point of putting it on there at all?

Magazine reviews are horrifically outdated and need to stop being the framework for how modern games are critiqued. This"it's an 8.1 now BUT WAIT FOR THE AUGUST PATCH THEN IT WILL BE A 9.27" bullshit isn't helping anyone and needs to go.


The gyro is definitely a faster way to aim than the sticks in splatoon, but as someone who squirms a lot as I play I still found it basically unusable. I felt like I had to maintain a fairly stiff position to use it effectively.

Is the tilt aiming comparable to Killzone: Mercenary on the Vita? The gyro implementation in that game is superb. Tweaking your aim ever so slightly to nail a headshot while sniping was so much fun.

I can't afford to jump on the WiiU train right now, but this game is making me wish I could, Just like Bayo did, and Smash, and MK, etc.


Why do they "have to" do anything? Will all of the old GamePro/Nintendo Power/EGM/etc reviewers get fussy and write a letter-to-the-editor? Will the Video Game Reviews Standards Commission revoke their membership?

For example, that Paste review is perfectly written but they ruin it by slapping a big 9 on the top. How in the blue fuck does that piece of writing quantify as any kind of arbitrary number? What is the point of putting it on there at all?

Magazine reviews are horrifically outdated and need to stop being the framework for how modern games are critiqued. This"it's an 8.1 now BUT WAIT FOR THE AUGUST PATCH THEN IT WILL BE A 9.27" bullshit isn't helping anyone and needs to go.

idk man all im saying is that the game is good now and it will be even better later. that was my point.


Why do they "have to" do anything? Will all of the old GamePro/Nintendo Power/EGM/etc reviewers get fussy and write a letter-to-the-editor? Will the Video Game Reviews Standards Commission revoke their membership?

For example, that Paste review is perfectly written but they ruin it by slapping a big 9 on the top. How in the blue fuck does that piece of writing quantify as any kind of arbitrary number? What is the point of putting it on there at all?

Magazine reviews are horrifically outdated and need to stop being the framework for how modern games are critiqued. This"it's an 8.1 now BUT WAIT FOR THE AUGUST PATCH THEN IT WILL BE A 9.27" bullshit isn't helping anyone and needs to go.

They don't know how good that future content will be. They can only review what they have access to.


so why not just score it a 9

Because games don't score based on what comes down the road, be it free updates or paid DLC.

In an ideal world websites would update scores but unless it's a major title I doubt we'll see that become standard anytime soon. And even that is still far-fetched.


Sgt. 2nd Class in the Creep Battalion, Waifu Wars
Why do they "have to" do anything? Will all of the old GamePro/Nintendo Power/EGM/etc reviewers get fussy and write a letter-to-the-editor? Will the Video Game Reviews Standards Commission revoke their membership?

For example, that Paste review is perfectly written but they ruin it by slapping a big 9 on the top. How in the blue fuck does that piece of writing quantify as any kind of arbitrary number? What is the point of putting it on there at all?

Magazine reviews are horrifically outdated and need to stop being the framework for how modern games are critiqued. This"it's an 8.1 now BUT WAIT FOR THE AUGUST PATCH THEN IT WILL BE A 9.27" bullshit isn't helping anyone and needs to go.
A numerical scale is something the general populace can understand and numbers are very appealing. Their audience is looking for this and they will deliver.
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