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Sports bars and Golden Tee... what's going on?


I swear, every sports bar in my area has 3 to 10 Golden Tee games... I mean, why a small run down sports bar would need more Golden Tee games then an arcade had Street Fighter II's in 1993 gets me a little confused. Worst yet, NO ONE TOUCHES THEM! I swear in the past 4 years, every sports bar I've been to has had at least 2 Golden Tee game, and I've only seen someone playing it 2 times!

Now I do understand that there are tournaments that they sometimes need that many, but come on. And these places usually have only 1-2 other games.

Rant over.


I somewhat agree. Now this might just be the bars I go to, but when I do go to a sports bar, they always have 2 or three golf arcade games, and i've think i've seen one being used once. Most of the time, they just act as somewhere for people to set their drinks down.


you just reminded me of that MTV special, True Life I'm a gamer. They had some guy claiming to be the Golden Tee champion, and he went to different bars everynight and played for money. Funny thing is, he got his ass whupped at the game for almost the entire special.
I was really into playing Golden Tee for a while. I'd go with a few friends once or twice a week, drink and play for a few hours. It was fun and we got pretty good, all of us winning money every now and then (tournaments and high scores). We did this for about 2 1/2 - 3 years.

We stopped playing Golden Tee about a year ago, however. It was a combination of finally becoming bored with it, and being annoyed at the upgrades. The new courses were nice, but the graphics have really started to show their age.

I always used to see people playing the Golden Tees at the arcade and bars by me, but I have noticed that not as many people are playing them lately. I must not be the only one who's become bored with it.


Wasn't it Golden Tee they showed in that MTV special? Some guy going to tournaments in sports bars while his girlfriend sat around for hours on end "supporting" her man. A sad display indeed.

Musashi Wins!

Yea, I've met a few guys who play it all the time. I know one bar owner, and I was telling her that if she traded it in for a Street Fighter or Galaga machine, she would get more customers :) Didn't work.


works for Gamestop (lol)
That was the worthless part on that MTV 'True Life' episode. Actually, the group of gamers playing games all day and working their graveyard shift at UPS was pretty pathetic as well


What did they call themselves? They had some group name like "Lords of Destruction" or some nonsense.

Then there was the Soul Calibur training camp. lol


Wario64 said:
That was the worthless part on that MTV 'True Life' episode. Actually, the group of gamers playing games all day and working their graveyard shift at UPS was pretty pathetic as well
come to think of it, the entire special was rather sad.


I recall hearing that Golden Tee Games do great business -- it makes sense.

Where did Pong first appear?
Yeah I've been to countless bars in Manhattan that have the machine, and yet I've yet to see anyone play them.

Though there might be a reasons.... a phobia regarding making too much noise perhaps. I don't know how many times I used to see a Ms. Pac Man machine at a bar or some odd public place, put in a quarter, and then realize the sound is jacked up so high that I just annoy the everyone there, causing me to die on purpose to not make a scene.
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