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Spotify nears deal with labels to restrict biggest releases to paid users

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As a big listener of music I can't understand why people wouldn't pay £9.99 a month for all that music, I've discovered loads through spotify discover and it's an absolute steal for us, maybe not for the artist but that's a different argument,pirates piss me off anyway and to get all this for less than a price of a cd is fantastic.
I'll just go back to buying the five albums I buy a year and keep my free version for old music I'm to lazy to rip off CDs I already bought.
If people are okay with paying $10.99 a month for Netflix which doesn't have every TV show or even a free tier, they should be fine with this for music. I know I spend much more time listening to music than watching TV shows and I love TV shows. And for most streaming services, it's a one-stop shop so you only need to ever be subscribed to the one.


~90% of Spotify's revenue is subscription-based. Ads don't make jack and, even if they did, record companies would still be convinced that ads don't make jack.

Well, it makes people used to the service and gives a bit of money. I know a fair amount of people (poor students like me lol) that use the free version of Spotify most of the time. They'll get a job (hopefully) some time in the future and, once they do, they'll get a sub. Because when you have some earnings, paying 7€ a month to be able to have no ads and listen to music offline is a great value.


I didn't even realize there was a free tier of Spotify. Shouldn't be the case at all. 10 bucks is nothing a month for what you're getting..and musicians already make next to nothing if they're not big. Don't see a problem with this


Considering that it's less than 20€ per year for the premium version, I don't see myself switching to free anytime soon.


Wrong about commas, wrong about everything
I tried that 3 month premium for 0,99 deal they had around Christmas and discovered that I just don't listen to enough music to make 10 per month fee feasible for me

Considering that it's less than 20€ per year for the premium version, I don't see myself switching to free anytime soon.

Less than 20€ a year? What are you talking about? It's 10€ a month for me


If it's timed exclusivity I think that sounds like a pretty good idea. It's not like Spotify premium isn't worth it.


Filthy free user here. I can live with this as I don't listen to many new releases anyway. To the extent it would be cheaper to just buy those few albums I want rather then subscribe for a year. It's what I do already really since I prefer to own my favorites so I'm not at the whim of a streaming service removing access in a rights issue.

If they killed free access altogether though I'd just stop using the service.


I like streaming services but I have to say I'm kind of uneasy as to the cut that most mid-artists get. It seems even worse than the traditional record company days.


Create an account on the Philippines with a VPN, Spotify still works worldwide once you have that account. It's incredibly cheap there.

I don't think this is "ok". You are taking advantage of a company good will to set a lower price in countries where the average wage is lower so it's affordable there too.

And then you tell people to do the same.

What if Spotify sees that a lot of people is taking advantage of that reduced price and decides to increase it countrywide? Like what EA did a few years ago when people was buying games from India because they were much cheaper.
As long as this includes other services like google I'm ok with it.

I'm one of those people who grew up on limewire and the like and got converted to paying for my music through vinyl and streaming services.


I've subscribed to Google Play Music for the last year or so, is there any reason people like Spotify more? Besides Kanye I don't think there have ever been any albums I wanted but couldn't get on Play.
I've subscribed to Google Play Music for the last year or so, is there any reason people like Spotify more? Besides Kanye I don't think there have ever been any albums I wanted but couldn't get on Play.

I started with Spotify and see no incentive to switch, I don't really listen to Kanye, Swift, Beyoncé so I really don't care if they withhold their music or whatever.


Wait. So you're telling me people actually want Taylor Swift music on Spotify?

The omission of her music is one of it's greatest draws :^)
I'm part of a family plan with 5 friends. Paying next to nothing, I am really happy with the value. If you can get in on a family plan- Do it. It's really nice being a premium subscriber when the cost is spread out among your friends and family.


I've subscribed to Google Play Music for the last year or so, is there any reason people like Spotify more? Besides Kanye I don't think there have ever been any albums I wanted but couldn't get on Play.

If you love it don't switch. Google Play Music also has Youtube Red, which is nice.

I do Apple Music and the only reason I do is iCloud matching. I have a huge digital music library from the pre streaming days. Having everything in one app is big for me. Before I was switching between Spotify and iTunes.

Google also support unified libraries, so I imagine that's a big thing for you as well.
I'm okay with this tbh. I've been a premium user for over 3 years and Spotify has gotten better and better every time. However I feel like the there needs to be a drastic difference between premium and free at this point. The ads in between are not annoying and it's almost as if having premium. I could never drop to free because of my many playlists but they got to do something to make more incentive for people to pay for the service and I hope this is able to do it.
probably not


Wait. So you're telling me people actually want Taylor Swift music on Spotify?

The omission of her music is one of it's greatest draws :^)
Yes, the most popular pop artist not being on the largest music streaming service is something people notice. Who would have thought?

I switched to Apple Music AGES (re: a few months) ago because I realized it's $5 after student discount just like Spotify. I miss Spotify and have the occasional issue with Apple Music but I don't think Spotify has any exclusives that I'm personally missing out on so it hasn't been worth the struggle to switch back.

Also iCloud library uploading and music match is much much much simpler than the Spotify method of creating an offline playlist and syncing on your device.
I used the free version for a while and then tried our the premium one and it's so much better, especially with the mobile app and offline mode. If there's one service that's worth the monthly sub it's currently Spotify.


I rarely listen to new songs, just use discover weekly and what not, so will this actually effect me all that much as a free user?

I would go for a subscription if there was a discounted annual sub available.


What im seeing

Nah man 5 different streaming services with different prices and different exclusive albums is what the people want! The choice offered to us on the free market is good!

3 months later record executives still wondering why people are just downloading it for free instead of signing up for 3 different services.


this is quite pathetic. just pirate at that point.

I'm paying for a legal service here. Also, piracy is much less convenient and could get me into prison or result in high fines. As a citizen with a global mindset I'm not thinking just within country borders.

You are the problem.

Nope. It's what's been happening for decades now: buy where things are the cheapest. Or would you also consider yourself "the problem" because your clothes come from China or South-East Asia? With the internet we are now in a position where individuals can also directly benefit.

I don't think this is "ok". You are taking advantage of a company good will to set a lower price in countries where the average wage is lower so it's affordable there too.

Good will? It's a simple business decision by said company, it has nothing to do with good will. They want to make money. Similarly, companies go to low cost countries for cheap production because wages and worker protections are lower. Why should only companies reap the benefits of globalisation?

And then you tell people to do the same.

What if Spotify sees that a lot of people is taking advantage of that reduced price and decides to increase it countrywide? Like what EA did a few years ago when people was buying games from India because they were much cheaper.

That could happen. So yeah, people don't do it as otherwise I might have to pay more in the future. ;)
i don't think i could go back to free spotify anymore. now i just pay it annually. i think it's great value. £10 a month and i have unlimited access. if there is an album i really like then i'll buy it on CD for my car or vinyl for listening at home. also the amount of new artists i've found i would never have discovered if it weren't for spotify. i used to only really listen to punk/rock/metal but now i find myself listening to electronic music and classical.
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