Well, i'm on episode 10 and every episode previous has been identical. I'm pretty certain episodes are supposed to be different from one another.What's wrong with 7?
Poor Inferno Cop, he was number one until a bunch of witches came and took his name.
Uta Prince 2000% 01
Ughhhhhh, fuck that opening. What's the point of even having music if it is going to get DROWN out by screaming girls.
Late to the party, man. I even got people complaining their quote didn't get in!
Is Jehxius's OreImo S2 OT going to be reopened?
Did you miss the final episode of last season?
Poor Inferno Cop, he was number one until a bunch of witches came and took his name.
Imma bailout whenever oreimo airs.
I was gonna watch Zeta, then I decided to marathon straight to the end of G instead.
I have to watch this a second time later... totally didn't catch this the first time around!
Red Data Girl 01
Not a good first episode. I don't really need to watch anymore meek girl rediscover herself shows and there's really nothing going on besides hair.
And I was promise shinto stuff. Where's my shinto stuff.
The real question is who's gonna make the Aku no Hana one.so when is Shingeki no Kyojin getting its own thread?
i can make it if someone hasn't claimed it
Gintama' Four Devas of Kabuikcho Arc
The way you guys were hyping this up, I was expecting to be disappointed. That's typically the way it goes. Fortunately, I was not. Wow, what an amazing arc. So wonderfully executed. It's as close to perfection as Gintama has gotten. Funny comedy, stunning animation, great emotion, it had it all. Just so much fun. The way all the characters from the little Kabuki side stories all came together for this was great.
If I had a couple, super minor, complaints the first would be it honestly felt a bit too short. There were aspects they could have shown us a bit more of and just let it breath. The massive battles would have worked better if they were a hair longer. Another thing is the Four Devas were really poorly setup. Their existence felt cobbled together and really MacGuffin-y. They could have really used like an episode or two in a previous arc to set up and establish their presence. My most major complaint is I sort of hated Pirako. Her personality was annoying and terrible. Honestly, I'm surprised her emotional journey and story ended up working for me as I really didn't like her. Shows the real strength of the writing here to accomplish that.
Overall, so awesome. I haven't felt this super jazzed about Gintama since Benizakura. I've always loved it, but nothing has reached that level for me until Four Devas.
Finally, Samurai Heart (Some Like it Hot) is amazing and possibly my favorite piece of Gintama music. Goes so well with the arc.
Nanoha StrikerS 2 (rewatch)
So we now know that Hayate put together her own elite magical lesbian squad in the Space Bureau because they're all tired of doing paperwork instead of befriending people/saving the universe. The other new main characters Caro and Erio are also introduced, and they're no replacement for loli Nanoha and Fate. This gon' be a tough rewatch.
So I need to just take some high octane doses of good shows tonight, as I intend to steamroll through all my homework for one class as well. As such, I'll be doing both in one go.
Mobile Fighter G Gundam
HOW MANY PEOPLE HAVE TO DIE FOR THIS! Oh man, I just. Oh man. See this is why it's stupid when modern Gundam shows kill off characters ad nauseum. I'm not saying mooks, but people who're given some share of the plot. In total, somewhere between 6-7 characters have died here, with like, 8 max over the course of the series. All of them were incredibly important characters, and their "deaths" have been significant to the plot, and meaningful to the characters to boot.
You know what really makes this show, though? Not the animation or the plot, but the MUSIC. When a melancholy version of the Burning theme began, just before Domon delivered the final blow, it was awesome. Freaking THIS SHOW.
So it turns out the other Shuffle Guys are alive, but judging from the fact that THE ANNOUNCER just choked back a tear, I'm betting that's not true of every sacrifice made here today.
HOLY CRAP WONG'S EXIT WAS DARK. Almost as dark as Rain stuffing a loaded gun into Allenby's mouth and FIRING. Also, Master Asia's plan is brilliant and tragic at the same time. Loads better than So-Called-Genius Aeolia Schenberg's "plan" or Ezelcant's last minute mustache twirler.
MASTER AAAAAASIAAAAAA!That has got to be the very best, most meaningful death I've ever seen in a Gundam show. Oh my GOSH did they do that perfectly. Build up this man, Master Asia, into something I thought for certain we were to hate, make him out to be a total monster, and then, in the end, tear it all down, piece by piece. Show us that he was a man who looked at the damage mankind's false wars had done to the world and, tasked with maintaining order in it, despaired. Show us that he was good, and he loved Domon until the end, and make them send him off together, with one final lesson. Build Master Asia as the perfect monster, and then tear him down until he is the most human of villains this series has ever known. Juxtaposed with the terrible fiend that Dr. Mikamura and Mj. Ulube turned out to be, Master Asia has been a truly noble villain.
Only one image can sum up so glorious a reversal and so emotional an end to so excellent a character:
I just need to be alone for a minute to think about why other villains aren't as mother effing awesome as MASTER ASIA, THE UNDEFEATED OF THE EAST.
StrikerS is not bad it's just very inferior to A's .
And finally it was a nice way to end an arc with a nice use of black and white to do a fight between light and darkness.
Uta No Prince-sama: Maji Love 2000% 1
I have no knowledge of the series before watching but this is a harem show for girls right? Haruka's eyes bother me for some reason. I had the same problem with Yuri Yuri. The idols seem okay, I expect there will be a lot of comedic moments. Probably won't stick with it.
Well, it's "amazing". lolI haven't no. Is it really that amazing? Haha.
Yeah, I had no idea Han was an export from Better Luck Tomorrow. It's funny though, because as much as I like the fact that Justin Lin is a "mainstream" director now (along with the GI Joe guy, I guess), he's basically never allowed to make another Asian angst movie ever again. Keeping Han alive is the best he can do... even though he's supposed to be dead. lolI listened to all of the fourth podcast you did as well. It turns out it was that one in which you guys talked about Chihayafuru. Just quickly about the foreign looking team and how great the soundtrack is.
The thing that blew your mind is that apparently there's some character named Han, I think that was it, in all or most of the Fast and the Furious movies and his character also appears in some movie Better Luck Tomorrow. I don't think I'd heard of that one so I had to look it up.
For the most part, we all seem to watch different shows (and Kurt doesn't watch any shows) so it works out in that regard. Love Live and Kotoura-san were the weird crossovers that we could talk about because we just had that in common (except, of course, there really isn't much to talk about with those shows).The other guys don't post on NeoGaf but they seem to be watching a lot of the same shows overall as people here, like Love Live!, haha. I'm actually surprised at how much you guys wound up talking about the show in the two, do you call them episodes for a podcast?, that I've listened to. You started with that Kotaru or something in this one that different ones here are watching but I'm personally not so I couldn't really follow the conversation. After that I think I was watching all the shows you guys were commenting on.
I was actually surprised when Crazy Canuck mentioned that he didn't recall any problems with the art for episode 18 or whatever it was for Psycho Pass. It wasn't even a case of being nitpicking but more along the lines of being really obvious like the missing animation in that episode of Magi. He seems to share the general opinion that Steins;Gate is better than Robotics;Notes and that it has some interesting ideas but they don't all come together and the show just takes too long for anything major to happen.
I haven't played the games you guys were talking about, like the Souls games and Revengance but I'd like to try them as they're more the type that I'm into. That and having similar opinions on the PS4 conference reveal thing.
Haha, have you seen the thread about that guy from GameTrailers getting his own quick little show starting with comments about that? He was pretty funny. Talking about the guy from sucker punch being so bad and acting like "You think the government is bad now...but what if there were superheroes!? What if YOU were a superhero?" haha.
It's funny, because everyone has either light brown, brown, or black hair in jdramas, it's all about hairstyles to differentiate between the characters. So in a way, it's still like anime.Oh yeah, you guys talking about live action adaptations and Crazy Canuck joking "Everyone's hair is brown(or maybe it was black)" reminded me of a trailer for one of the live action Higurashi no naku koro ni movies that I watched on YouTube and different ones were actually complaining that the one girl, named Mion, didn't have green hair, haha. Others were responding that it would just be dumb since it's live action, haha.
I think I'll maybe go back to the first one and listen to them in order now.
StrikerS is not bad it's just very inferior to A's .
Inferior to A's AND pretty much changed the whole formula of the show for the worse.
Saint Seiya Omega 51
Excited for the new prospects of the next season.
Cuz I know how much yall love SAO.
Kayos with <3s lol.
Cuz I know how much yall love SAO.
Kayos with <3s lol.
it was just a different perspective ... i liked that they tried to go in a way to explain the world in detail ... striker only problem is the huge cast that leave so little time to devellop them all properly .. even with this change of perspective they still tried to do aerial battles and beam spamming ( wait is it befriending ? )
Furthermore, striker made vivid possible
I like strikers despite the flaws ..the trio nanoha , fate , vivio was great and the knights got their time to shine ( vita & signum ) and the new cast wasn't bad , they just didn't have time to be properly exposed.
i welcome that they tried to change things in nanoha .. doing more of the same as a's wouldn't have made them go far IMO
Oh god they blink. How is that I've never encountered blinking CGs until now? Truly this is a revolution in visual novel technology. SAO on the bleeding edge as always.
I'm doing this rewatch mostly because I can only remember so much from the show anymore. I remember I was incredibly bored for the majority of the first half and then some for the lackluster fights and training episode after training episode. It got good when. I think they easily could have done another storyline while they were still growing up in their city, and The Movie 3rd might just prove it.Subaru went crazy and was revealed to be an android. And the rest of the episodes after Vivio was kidnapped were great
So hey guys, after a long break I'm picking One Piece back up where I left off, the Amazon Lily Arc. I'm also going to finally check out the movies. I know Strong World is well regarded, but what else should I see?