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Spring Anime 2013 |OT -7| My Giant CG Pony Can't Possibly Read This Much Baudelaire

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I only caught a bit of this, it looks really weird in motion but I actually kinda liked it. The backgrounds were fucking amazing and it had some really unnerving moments when the music started to kick in so I expecting good things of what's to come next. Oh and the ED was creepy as fuck, holy shit.


It's Pablo backgrounds so hardly surprising. That character art looks super weird though.
I guess I'm a shiteater after all. Sorry.
Look, I realise I'm overthinking this, and very few other people are going to feel as creeped out by Photo Kano as I am. If the girls' personalities are appealing and the fanservice shots are sexy then I'm sure there are loads of people who will enjoy it. But I just wanted to try and explain what exactly it was that makes this show a bit more uncomfortable than most other bishoujo adaptations.

I didn't watch Photo Kano and I'm also not very interested in the show.

But yeah I think some people are overthinking the photography part in Photo Kano. I mean the statement that girls are reduced to mere objects of the audience is something you can say about the entire entertainment industry like I wouldn't say that an idol group is the right place for developing an own identity.
Well, you can still criticize it and I think I would even share your point of view most likely after watching Photo Kano but the statement that gif is the most creepiest anime related thing ever is an exaggeration.

So guys.. uh I dunno if I should spoiler this or not



Why not just making a live-action show?


Hi there, delurking to say thanks for writing these impressions, Windy Tales is one of only 7 (out of 200+) shows I gave a 10 to on MAL and is very close to my heart. I was really curious how you and others would react to the last episode, for some reason it really hit hard for me emotionally, the lack of sentimentality gave it a feeling of "mono no aware" that I found almost overpowering. Sigh. Anyway thanks again, time to relurk.

You're welcome. I'm glad you appreciated them enough to post. Writing impressions can feel rather thankless sometimes, so it's nice to remember that people are reading them even when they don't respond.

I enjoyed this backlog season a lot. It didn't quite have the sheer variety of my last backlog season, but every show was interesting and left me with plenty to think about. And I don't think I would have ever considered picking up Windy Tales or Mouryou no Hako without others here to encourage me.

Not everybody followed every show, but there was a lot more participation this time. I think that's great, and I'm glad we could build a little book-club-esque community around some older, overlooked shows. Thanks to everyone who participated.

Spring looks like it has enough to keep everyone occupied, but I look forward to doing this again. I don't think I can keep finding shows with thirteen episodes or less that are this good, though...

Windy Tales > Wandering Son > Mouryou no Hako > Hataraki Man



Photokano – 01

Well first off, OP and ED songs are alrightish I guess though besides that, boring enough that I don't care about watching them a second time (which is unusual for me when it comes to anime. I tend to enjoy watching Ops at least several times)

The actual episode is okay, lots and lots of stills in it with lots of panty shots and based on the club he joined (I kinda wish he joined the other one but oh well >_> ), there will be plenty more of that in the future.

Still I enjoyed the episode more or less and look forward to next weeks ep.

Also the guy in the screen cap is creepy. Just... that face/voice combo.
Majestic Prince 1

I'm not quite sure what to make of this. The action was good and the art-style while odd, didn't really bother me. But if the show is supposed to be a comedy, this episode was a complete failure. To say that the attempts at humor fell flat would be an understatement. I'm not sure how much of the show will continue to focus on this aspect, but the tone seem lighthearted enough, so the humor really needs to get better than this.


Tried out a bunch of #1s.

I'd say I was most entertained by Yahari Ore no Seishun Love Come wa Machigatteiru. Mostly for the salty exchanges between characters. I hope that continues.

Surprisingly I found Devil Survivor 2 quite watchable for someone who has no prior knowledge of the games.

Got bored and have decided I have no further interest in both Crime Edge and Uta no Prince Sama 2.


Maturity, bitches.
PROTIP: There are spoilers in this! Like seriously don't read this if you want everything in the film to surprise you.



I'd like to start by clarifying I knew nothing about this series going in. I think the most I knew was that the guy who wrote the original manga wrote an A Link to the Past manga adaption. I'm refraining from looking up anything else to do with the series and judging the film on its own merits.

OK, so lets start with the story and how easy it was to follow for someone jumping in. For about 90% it was fine but the final 10% will make you feel like you've walked into another Happy Science film by accident. Thinking about it, this film could be described as Killer7 the movie. Both are cel shaded, both have a merry band of heroes and both leave you scratching your head after it has finished. OK, that was stretching it rather too far, it's not quite as crazy as Killer7.

So yes, it's about a merry band of heroes who are cyborgs hence the name of the film. They are numbered 001 to 009 and guess what, the British one is 007! So witty (his name is also Great Britain which is totally bananas especially when the rest of the cast have normal names). They all have powers which you eventually work out except for one of them who basically disappears off the map two minutes after getting screen time. He still contributes to the movie but I have no idea what he can do unless his power is thinking and writing since that's basically his contribution to the team effort. But at least that's more than James Bond had to offer who is basically there to tell us the name of the "main baddy" (the director claimed the main baddy was someone else and it's his movie so who am I to argue). So for most of the movie two members are basically non existent which put a dampener on the whole team movie thing but oh well I digress.

Since it's a movie with limited time the director wisely chose to focus on two of the Naughties, 002 and 009 with the rest of the team minus two helping them. Kind of. 002 apparently had an argument with 009 in the past and has broken away from the group and while you're reading that you probably already guessed he'll reform and come in at the last moment to help 009 save the day in a heroic sacrifice. Whoops, getting a little ahead of myself there, I haven't even mentioned what they are saving the world from even. Oh by the way, 002 having a hissy fit and leaving makes his the main baddy of the film (yes, that's what the director claims) What I'm about to explain now is apparently just a minor thing (yeah right).

The start of the film informs us that religious nutjobs are committing suicide attacks in the name of "The Voice" (thanks baldie for telling us that, now go get hit by a truck or something since you're not needed anymore). So this is rather similar to what is happening in the world today, but rather than nutty religious leaders convincing others to do things in the name of God the terrorist actually claim to have heard "The Voice" of God. And wouldn't you just know it, the people in the most dangerous positions, like "Mr. SitsNextToTheBigRedButtonAllDay, are hearing it. But in the end this is nothing too outlandish and even I can follow it.

But this is where things get a bit bonkers. The big theme is "What is The Voice?" To further the religious connections fossilised angels are being found throughout the World and those who get near them claim to have heard The Voice also. Then it gets really deep. What if the brain was (The Voice of) God? Woah! That has like changed my whole perspective on life. But still that only gave reasons for why people believe in God rather than why people suddenly think it's a good idea to fire a nuclear missile into a city. For which the answer is... oh, we never find out. So anywho we end with the team trying to stop a really big devastating attack that could kill everyone. They manage to stop all the missiles but one so it's up to 009 to stop it himself by literally attacking the missile with his own bare hands. Unfortunately he fudges it up but thank God (or maybe not in the world of this film) 002 is here to help him. They stop the missile and we all live happily ever after. OH WAIT I LIED. 009 just screams at God and the missile explodes and we all died. The End? Nope, the film manages to continue. Seriously now, the ending, my word, the ending. I still have no idea what was going on. Seriously, after the selfless sacrifice the film should have wrapped up happily and called it a day, but no, it goes overly cryptic and everyone has become Jesus (no joke). And of course half the questions remained unanswered (I didn't even mention the little ghost girl). To put it succinctly. What happened? God knows.

For the most part I'd say it stood up on its own. I understood the world of the Double Ohs and for the most part found it enjoyable. But that ending was so odd that I'd be cautious to recommend it to everyone. To my fellow AnimeGAFfers I wouldn't blink because you've probably put up with weird Anime Deep Philosophies before, but for the mainstream who only know of Miyazaki, that ending would put them off so much they'd wait their previous 90 minutes of life back. Yes, I'm saying Miyazaki's non endings are a better conclusion.


That's my thoughts on the story wrapped up, but the part people are probably more interested in is the CG. This may disappoint some, but I thought for the most part it was pretty good. Now remember, I have gone on record as saying I didn't find the opening to Girls Und Panzer sickening so my tolerance for CG seems to be higher than most. It takes a little getting used to and you'll never fall for the illusion you are not watching 3D models, though if they avoided such close up on people's faces you may have started to. For example the movement it done in such a way that it feels like they tried to replicant hand drawn frames so they are a little janky as if the in-between frames have been taken out. Also weird were their eyes. For some reason they felt the need to add the lacrimal caruncle (that's the little pink bit near your nose) which was kind of off-putting at the beginning. However they managed to get over the dead eyes problem, mostly because they realise they didn't have to stick to one eye model for all expressions. 3D was rather good I must say. You probably wouldn't lose anything from not seeing it in 3D but even the most hardened anti 3D miser out there wouldn't complain about the use of it in this film. Now the 3D wasn't prefect and 2D characters still looks better, but it's obvious they are able to pull off certain things that would be very difficult if it all had to be hand drawn. So yes, CG is the future of anime!

EDIT: I forgot to mention it even has CG sexy time. I know you'll all like that.

In conclusion if you watch "The Voice" on BBC One you are to blame for all that's wrong in the world. Tom Jones and Will.i.am will be the end of us all.


Uta no Prince-sama is starting and I'm not sure why but I'm actually watching it.

Thankfully, the next program is JoJo's last episode.
GTO 12-15

The constant battle to get Onizuka fired never ends, this time its a math teacher who is in love with Azusa, Onizuka ruins his plans of a date with Azusa and incurs his wrath. He calls for the help of a parent lobby group, Onizuka must take a junior high school test and score the highest to retain his job. Azusa helps Onizuka and invites him to stay over at her house to study a week long. After he returns from a kidnapping (in which he gets shot), he takes the exam. Despite the school leader manipulating his scores, Kunichi reveals Onizukas real score is a perfect 500/500.

Needles to prevent him from falling asleep!


I think it would have been better if Aku no Hana kept same character design as Manga...or am I spoiled too much by several years of moe?


That labcoat teacher in Snafu, anyone else get any Sawashiro vibes off that VA? Or do I need to watch MLP and Prince-sama to make up for this blasphemy?


I had to look it up because I was thinking the same thing while watching it. So it's not just you.

I was like looking @ the MAL entry for that character going wtf it's not her? Nozomi Sasaki needs more roles! Only thing I've heard her in is the MISAKAs.....


°Temp. member
Just finished watching Girls and Panzer. The series turned out much better than I thought it would and it also had a really satisfying ending. I definitely hope they do a second season.


Mobile Suit Gundam: The 08th MS Team 01

I want that watch
Off to a great start! I know this is an OVA and this should be sorta expected but the production values were really nice and the setup with the preview both look promising.
Also the OP and ED own.


Tomodachi wa Mahou
Mobile Suit Gundam: The 08th MS Team 01

Off to a great start! I know this is an OVA and this should be sorta expected but the production values were really nice and the setup with the preview both look promising.
Also the OP and ED own.

Congrats on starting best gundam. 08th MS Team is the best the franchise has to offer on every level.
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