So contagious!Jem was truly outrageous, though. Truly, truly, truly outrageous.
Well it added to the mundane gritty tone of the whole thing. Though I'm left kind of wondering why bother make it an animated show at all and not a live action show.
Live action is expensive. What they are doing here is probably more expensive than if they just animated it normally, but it is still less expensive than making a live action production. There are lots of stuff you need to make an actual competent live action production - props, proper sets, lighting, etc. Plus, while you can do a lot of post-production touch up on animation to mask the actual age of the cast, it's a lot harder to do that in live action. It's already obvious most of the cast is too old to play middle school students as it is.
The only reason I really ask is because the 13th movie, The Raven Chaser, actually deals with some cool Black Organization themes and has that overall darker tone to it that can be found in their respective episodes/chapters. It does all this and somehow manages to not step on the actual plot's shoes. It's a lot of fun.
The irony is that it still looks better than any live action version of the show would look. This is an industry that can't even make outdoor lighting look right, let alone everything that's show indoors.
Yeah I agree. The worst thing about Asian TV industries is the lighting. I mean, sure it's not easy, but goddamn it doesn't have to look THAT amateur... does it? Lol.
anime is post-savedSo did Aku no Hana save anime or
So did Aku no Hana save anime or
anime is now japanimationanime is post-saved
I really don't know why they can't figure it out. They really should just hire some Americans to shoot some shows for them and train up their guys.Yeah I agree. The worst thing about Asian TV industries is the lighting. I mean, sure it's not easy, but goddamn it doesn't have to look THAT amateur... does it? Lol.
It killed it, shit on his grave, revived it and then killed it again then saved it once more.
I really don't know why they can't figure it out. They really should just hire some Americans to shoot some shows for them and train up their guys.
Unless it really is a case of not being able to afford the proper lamps and trying to get away with natural lighting.
Four short films with the best lighting ever seen in Japan. I'd watch that. lolTime for Young Lighting Artists Training Project?
Shit eater!Aku no Hana 1:
I quit anime.
New Lockon is shit compared to old Lockon.
Gundam 00 S2 20
Live action is expensive. What they are doing here is probably more expensive than if they just animated it normally, but it is still less expensive than making a live action production. There are lots of stuff you need to make an actual competent live action production - props, proper sets, lighting, etc. Plus, while you can do a lot of post-production touch up on animation to mask the actual age of the cast, it's a lot harder to do that in live action. It's already obvious most of the cast is too old to play middle school students as it is.
So did Aku no Hana save anime or
Aku no Hana vs. Gundoh vs. Kingdom
Which one is most responsible for the death of anime?
Does anyone know what anime this is from?
Does anyone know what anime this is from?
Yondemasuyo, Azazel-san and it's really good.Does anyone know what anime this is from?
Yeah I agree. The worst thing about Asian TV industries is the lighting. I mean, sure it's not easy, but goddamn it doesn't have to look THAT amateur... does it? Lol.
Truer words, my man. Truer words.
So has it been announced if anyone is getting the licence to simulcast Railgun yet?
literally hours after you accuse me of meme spam.
:ironyliterally hours after you accuse me of meme spam.
Now I wanna stay up just to see you self-destruct.
Damn right!
literally hours after you accuse me of meme spam.
New Lockon fits the show, because he's as awful as the rest. Old Lockon didn't belong in the show because he was a quality character with development and thoughts.
Yondemasuyo, Azazel-san and it's really good.
literally hours after you accuse me of meme spam.
Nah, I meant your posting was worthless. hth