So I read there's a new DD Hokuto no Ken series airing this season- WHY DID NON OF YOU TELL ME OF THIS?!! DD Hokuto no Ken is the best HnK anime ever.
Only maybe in it for the Hyadain OP.
So I read there's a new DD Hokuto no Ken series airing this season- WHY DID NON OF YOU TELL ME OF THIS?!! DD Hokuto no Ken is the best HnK anime ever.
Attack on Titan OP: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nGcpNah7HO8
It's alright, definitely gets me hyped.
I agree with what Reknoc told me on Twitter though, it does look generic, they could have done something somber.
The manga is way better, yes.
I enjoyed it more than the anime. I still love the latter though, it was one of my first animes ever when I was still 9 years old so I'm deeply attached to it. The OST is really good.
But you know, half of the manga has not been adapted so... I definitely recommend reading it.
Love GTO so much... One of my top 3 mangas ever.
Attack on Titan OP: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nGcpNah7HO8
There is nothing "somber" about an Araki show.![]()
[Oreimo 2] 01
I got past the stupid, retarded, FBI-listing opening scene, and all I can say is that this shit is like crack. Kirino is a bitch and Kyou is a moron. So, another Oreimo. Save us, Kuroneko!
It will get better .
Zettai Bouei Leviatan - 01
A little suprise for me ..i went in without expectations and the first episode was kinda nice.
It was a good first episode in a intresting setting ..now it's clear the 3 girls will form a team but it was intresting to see how they met.
A big bonus to syrop , the fairy that managed to bring a special of cuteness and crazyness in the whole cast thanks to her actions.
Chaos was innevitable and i loved it .
"i'm sorry for speaking the truth !"
That line was golden !
Anime put on the "will watch weekly" list
Oreimo S2 - 01
Classic & predictable ..yet well done.
This isn't really a show with teams.
Kirino is one of the worst characters ever, Kuroneko is a goddess.
That's what happens when I've forgotten to take my 3DS out with me for over a month. Least I unlocked that one achievement for it.
Because purple is the best colour in the world and if I had my way all consoles would be purple. Take that anti GameCube people.
It signifies the protagonist's extreme focus on his love interest!
I wrote stuff like that in my book reports.
There is nothing "somber" about an Araki show.![]()
So is Jexhius making his Oreimo thread?
We all know the world can't handle such a thing! It's been proven twice.
haha... that makes me a little worried for later stuff. Though I guess either way it'll likely be entertaining to watch!
people need to stop forgetting about Azazel-san
people need to stop forgetting about Azazel-san
Ore S2-
I don't even hate Kirino. I hate this sack of shit main lead. He has nothing better to do than babysit his sister on a Saturday. He truly has no pride and just lets people walk all over him. He really represents the worst of harem leads. If someone took an X-Ray of his body, I would be amazed if they found a spine.
I do like the ClariS song a lot though.
A lot of those things usually fly over my head. A lot of the time, I don't even notice weird things like "QUALITY" or inconsistencies (like all of the PP ones people mentioned).
Fun fact: I've never cried at any work of fiction. I've been emotionally worked. I've had my stomach turn and in knots. Hell, I've even been choked up at times. But I never unleashed the waterworks. I'm a jaded fuckbag.
That doesn't surprise me.
Amazing! Little Witch Academia not only saves animation, it also brings back GAFfers! The mighty power of LWA compels you, my brothers! Bask on its reviving light!
Why can't Japan just speak English and use our bullshit sound words instead of their own bullshit sound words?
Irisu is taller than Chitanda no doubt, but not extremely tall by any means. Probably like 5'6" or 5'7"
Still she's quite big, in more ways than one.
Haha, well, I can't remember what he said about the ending but I remember trying to probe him about it. Given how it and Psycho Pass ended, I was just annoyed at the time.
I've been busy and the thread seems to have increased quite a bit in speed recently so I apologize if some of these responses seem a bit late to some.
At times I can sympathize with some here in that you look at the art in some shows and it's very noticeably of a lower quality, sometimes distractingly so, but other times some people seem to come across as really nitpicky by taking advantage of being able to go frame by frame through a show if they can.
Sometimes it's maybe just for fun or out of curiosity in a "here's what you may have missed" kind of idea but other times it seems like people are complaining and thinking a show is just awful because a few inbetweens that go by so fast that you can't even tell may have off art. Other times some art might be off and you can tell even in real time but it goes by in less than a second that I personally think "Who cares?". There's enough cases like that even in western animation.
I personally didn't cry during my watching of Wolf Children Ame and Yuki but it does stir up some emotions where you feel sad or worried about a character or maybe mad at another for what they do. You can feel quite happy or proud as well, it's not just negative emotions.
With that though, I'm certainly not some "emo" person nor am I big on "tragedy porn" but I actually quite like music that is often sad in tone. Where others might feel it makes them want to cry I actually think many of those pieces can be quite beautiful and relaxing.
An example might be Hepatica 3 from Xenosaga Episode 3. I actually quite enjoy songs like this. Instead of crying they actually make me relax as I mentioned or maybe even stir up some memories of when I went through the game or similar games or maybe even shows. I guess everyone is just different in how they can handle something.
I like Nonna the best but I didn't realize she was also supposedly the bustiest. With that though, it doesn't look like Katyusha is on that chart,haha.
Haha, usually I'm later to responding about something so I often don't want to retread on familiar ground but I guess sometimes the reinforcement of ideas can be a good thing and Little Witch Academia is pretty good, so I just felt like further emphasizing the general consensus this time.
Someone needs to train their pets to speak Japanese so they can say "Okaerinasai goshujinsama" when they come home after a days work or schooling, haha.
That first picture makes me think "Kunka Kunka" haha.
I'm also aware of her bigger bust, yes. I don't think I've seen that artwork of her before though.
Yeah, I might listen to the latest podcast actually just to hear your final thoughts on the different shows you watched.
I personally still quite liked From the New World despite it's problems and Crazy Canuck seemed to feel that way from listening to the fourth episode. He seemed to like Psycho Pass more than me but also seemed to agree with a lot of people here that despite it's interesting premise there was a lot of problems in it's execution. That and the quotes or book references just came across as so thin with how they were trying to be deep but wound up coming across as the opposite with how forced or unrelated to events they were.
At least Psycho Pass will be remembered for giving us the name "Spookie Boogie", haha.
Have you tried giving them the "firehawk challenge" yet where you have to watch the first episode of every available show wasn't it? It might be kind of funny if the idea of :firehawk caught on a well since they already seem to be aware of mono no aware.
I don't think either of them would want to suffer through every first episode of a season. Probably for the best. lolHave you tried giving them the "firehawk challenge" yet where you have to watch the first episode of every available show wasn't it? It might be kind of funny if the idea of :firehawk caught on a well since they already seem to be aware of mono no aware.
I don't think either of them would want to suffer through every first episode of a season. Probably for the best. lol
Speaking of which...
Even scrubbing through OreImo S2, I was reminded that I fucking hate all the characters and the entire premise. The fact that they did what amounts to a premise sophomore season premiere episode and kept everyone in stasis makes me hate the show even more.
The shitty thing is that in a post-SAO world, OreImo isn't really the worst piece of otaku excrement out these days. In fact, it almost feels quaint and obsolete. Like a Playboy from 1960 or something.
We just got started. I'm sure the rabbithole goes much deeper with both. The Kirino not being bloodrelated is surely coming and all the drama surrounding that should be delicious.
Attack on Titan OP: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nGcpNah7HO8
I don't think either of them would want to suffer through every first episode of a season. Probably for the best. lol
Speaking of which...
Even scrubbing through OreImo S2, I was reminded that I fucking hate all the characters and the entire premise. The fact that they did what amounts to a premise sophomore season premiere episode and kept everyone in stasis makes me hate the show even more.
The shitty thing is that in a post-SAO world, OreImo isn't really the worst piece of otaku excrement out these days. In fact, it almost feels quaint and obsolete. Like a Playboy from 1960 or something.
I don't think either of them would want to suffer through every first episode of a season. Probably for the best. lol
Speaking of which...
Even scrubbing through OreImo S2, I was reminded that I fucking hate all the characters and the entire premise. The fact that they did what amounts to a premise sophomore season premiere episode and kept everyone in stasis makes me hate the show even more.
The shitty thing is that in a post-SAO world, OreImo isn't really the worst piece of otaku excrement out these days. In fact, it almost feels quaint and obsolete. Like a Playboy from 1960 or something.
Yea, it's pretty rare for me to say this, but I hate this OP. Feels like a bunch of monkeys throwing shit at a wall and hoping it works.
Potato girl version.Hope he repeats that in Attack on Titan, just remove the "chips" part
Except that just sets them up to be together which is horrible and wrong.
Well, that sums up the standard titans' behavior.
Oreimo Episode 1
I'm hoping manami (the childhood friend) is the one Kousuke ends up with, since this show has now turned into a harem.
They're still going to end up together related or not, just a question if they use the copout or have the courage to win.
Cant understand all the Attack on Titans hate. I'm pretty excited about this.
Cant understand all the Attack on Titans hate. I'm pretty excited about this.
Oh shit, I was intrigued by the video someone linked before but I am sold on this.Muromi-san 1
This was more fun than expected, and has the mermaid voiced by the great Yukari Tamura. Will probably only continue watching because it's 12 minutes.
Yea, it's pretty rare for me to say this, but I hate this OP. Feels like a bunch of monkeys throwing shit at a wall and hoping it works.
I didn't see anyone say anything about it yet, lol. I don't know what's airing when. I'm only going by episode impressions in this thread.
I don't think anyone hates it. Just the OP is a little, eh
Naw, in 2013, people who need to emotionally fap and self-insert themselves into a power fantasy already have SAO.Only people from the 1960s hate OreImo.
Yep, classic sophomore slump. In a way, it's almost refreshing to see a show do this old fashioned 80s sitcom thing of just resetting everything and pretending that the characters are exactly the same.Oreimo S2 seems to have reused some of the exact same scenes and even poses it looks like. Pretty sure I saw Kirino and Kuroneko doing/saying exactly the same things in the previous show.
Honestly, I don't trust any of that to happen until the final episode. And even then, since they're doing that weird 13+3 thing, I bet that only happens in the off-air episodes that will be streamed on the internet instead of on the episodes that are part of this broadcast.We just got started. I'm sure the rabbithole goes much deeper with both. The Kirino not being bloodrelated is surely coming and all the drama surrounding that should be delicious.
I think the only way that happens is if people can pay studios to make them the main character of a harem show.I look forward to the day when something outdoes SAO.
Why do you like Kirino? I'm actually curious. what about her character is even remotely likeable? I cannot think of a single solitary thing.