Oreimo S2 - 1 & 2
The new OP is rather bland. I wish they had just stuck with S1's OP, but gotta get dat revenue.
Ep. 1
Nothing significant really happened. I'll sum up my opinions of the heroines with a point table. Should be interesting to see who wins my heart by the end of the season.
Appeal table (total points):
Kirino: +5 (5)
She's gone back to being a cold, shrewd little sister that pays no attention to Kyousuke when it doesn't benefit her.

She was kind of cute in that intro scene when they were kids, though.
Kuroneko★: +20 (20)
Her fidgety, nervous reaction when Kyousuke asked her about the meaning behind her kiss was super moe. Despite little screen time, she was the star of the episode.
Manami: +5 (5)
I'm not a huge fan of her but she was slightly cute when helping out Kyousuke. I'll throw her some pity points.
Ep. 2
Decent episode. Kirino is so adorable when she's lost in her eroges. I wish she'd stay in that perpetual stupor more often than not.
Kirino★: +20 (25)
Her personality is so charming when she's glued to her games.
Kuroneko: 0 (20) - No appearance during this episode.
Ayase: +15 (15)
Dat tsuntsun. It's a shame that she'll likely never fight for Kyousuke's feelings. :|
Manami: +10 (15)
Points for the effort shown trying to imitate Ayaka-chan.
The character designs in the ED looked pretty nice. I wonder how they'd compare to the current ones in motion.