It begins in just over 4 days and it's actually the first thing listed in the OP!When does it begin and why is it not in the OP?

It begins in just over 4 days and it's actually the first thing listed in the OP!When does it begin and why is it not in the OP?
I guess this is what I felt about it too. All I remember is being really hyped for it, only to finish the movie thinking, "Well, that was a movie alright." It's actually pretty remarkable how little of an impression it has left on me compared to the others.
Has someone posted the new AnoHana PV yet? I tried searching but couldn't find it in the thread...
I think you misspelled 3.
Little Witch Academia
Just watch it already it's awesome. Not much to say that hasn't already been said but I do think the music deserves more props. Kind of makes me wonder how much of that grant money went to hiring a full blown orchestra.
Citizen Kane was famous because of how it influenced all of film making that came afterwards for the better. As great as LWA was I don't think the lower tier studios are going to look at this and suddenly pump out things anywhere nearly this good. In other words anime isn't saved just yet.
But man, if LWA did pull a Citizen Kane and save anime then it would be the tastiest crow I've ever eaten.
we all know the real citizen kane of anime is gonna be aku no hana. bow down to your rotoscoped future
Same here, its 5 > 2 > 4 > 3 and the rest for me.I think I like 2 way more than most people. I was actually really surprised by all of the lukewarm-to-negative reactions to the movie when it came out. It just hits all of the right buttons with me. The only reason it isn't my favorite is because of how well 5 pulled off the spiral motif.
I'm liking what I'm seeing so far of the movie. It's not too terrible.
Meat between the buns.
Has someone posted the new AnoHana PV yet? I tried searching but couldn't find it in the thread...
Nichijou S2 announced
Kill Me Baby won Anime of the Decade
Toonami to show Chitose Get You
I'm being made a mod tomorrow
darkside31337 is enjoying his Wii U
Kayos90 was born in the 80s.
Jexhius doesn't wear a coat.
DTL reads Playboy.
firehawk12 ships Gintoki x Toshiro
Mad Pierrot is el Cantare reborn
AnimeNewsNetwork said:Aniplex confirmed at Anime Contents Expo on Saturday that the second Ore no Imōto ga Konnani Kawaii Wake ga Nai (Oreimo) anime season will have 16 episodes. The first 13 episodes will air on television, and the last three episodes will be made available at the same time together. The new season will adapt the plot of the original light novel series all the way through the final novel volume.
The second seaon will premiere on Saturday. Aniplex of America already revealed release plans, and Crunchyroll will stream the series outside Japan as it airs.
The prologue is just 30 minute of Maaya Sakamoto dubbing Nasu's bullshit that he write while drunk <3Kara no Kyoukai: Murder Speculation 2
I know a lot of people hated this and part of me hates it too, however, just like the other OVAs there are redeeming elements. Nonsense murderer, stupid sentimental murder philosophy, and some idiotic banter aside I really enjoyed it. I always enjoyed Shiki and Mikiya's dynamic combo together and I thought it came together rather well. I think the show prides itself on atmosphere and it felt extremely worthwhile watching it. I find many of the CG stuff and background crap questionable but w/e. Oh yeah, that SAO scene was stupid as fuck and had it was pretty fucking distasteful. I actually find it more offensive than the SAO scene.
In short, I enjoyed this series for being interesting and more about mood rather than an actual narrative. I'll just view this as an overly-glorified love story with a twist of identification.
I heard the Epilogue OVA is utter and complete garbage so I'll get around to that after Future Gospel.
Happy April Fools to you as well. :3
Also, not so April Foolsy
Also, re: little witch academia:
Oh, diana
Gooooo Ooarai Team!
It's going to finish the entire LN series/storyline? Is this new information?
Also, re: little witch academia:
Oh, diana
I actually have both Mikoto (the winner of ISML 2011) and Kuroko in my Yomecolle. It's just so hard to choose between them, so I had to choose both!
And I'll just leave this here. I <3 fripSide. <3 <3
Anybody wants a majestic burger?
[Pretty Soldier Sailor Moon] 022
FFS girl, will you ever stop being so dumb?the next episode preview says no
All the signs point towards them finally closing in on Nephrite. Good, that pedo deserves it.
That's total bullshit and you know it.
Little Witch Academia
It has been a long time since I have seen this kind of 2D animation (should I count Young Animators?). Gosh how I missed it.
WTF, only 30 minutes of heaven.
I turned off all my lights and got a bowl of grapes and treated it like a movie ;__;
Ms. Cavendish for you, lowly peasant.Also, re: little witch academia:
Oh, diana
Let's talk about waifus aka isn't Sucy adorable?Oops, sorry! Didn't think it was of much consequence, but I guess it's so short everything's of consequence.
Did someone hack MAL?
FMA: B and Cowboy Bebop have a Naruto image on their pages lol, I assume some other series too.
I'm sure its just the beginning of a shitty April Fools jokeathon. I hate April Fools Day.
Let's talk about waifus aka isn't Sucy adorable?
Let's talk about waifus aka isn't Sucy adorable?
edit: Posting this so as to not make this post entirely useless:
that's not sucy lol
Looks like key art to me.Based on those sketches I'm going with yes.
So many people are praising this show so I will probably give it a try.Girls und Panzer: Final
After marathoning the entire series, I have to say this is by far my favorite show this season. I definitely hope that a Season 2 or a spinoff comes out of this.
Girls and tanks, now really Japan.
April Fools. Inferno Cop never cries.![]()
poor inferno cop ;_;