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Spring Anime 2013 |OT -7| My Giant CG Pony Can't Possibly Read This Much Baudelaire

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Don't forget to make your Attack on Titan bets:




From the PVs alone, I'm more than hyped.

Indeed. They've done a great job at really fleshing out everyone in Conan. I love how Shiratori evolved from being a smug asshole in his earliest appearances to becoming an absolute favorite. I really like how Aoyama fleshes out everyone's backstories and building their relationships.
Even Chiba, the best metropolitan detective.


Rapid Response Threadmaker
How did I miss my thread on gaming side? My little moejita couldn't possibly have not posted in that thread.


I was fixing my PC.


Girls Bravo 15

Oh dammit, this episode was so lame, but then I felt bad for thinking it was lame cause the guy was abused by his mom, and Lilica (who was awesome, by the way, especially choking that bitch who littered his cigarette) is a former soldier/mercenary who was tortured at times.

Only question now is why is a former hardened badass merc now working as a maid at Fukuyama's house?


A few other things about [Little Witch Academia] that I thought were worth bringing up:

Audio Direction: I notice this hasn't been brought up in the comments but I suppose that's not really surprising. The most appealing part about this property is definitely the eye candy but we're really doing this OVA a disservice by neglecting to mention how strong the sound design is.

Consider, for example, the opening concert:


Or really any scene with a high volume of extremely pretty effects animation. On screen all you have is a lot of pretty lights and colours dancing around but that on it's own would lack a certain sense of weight. It would feel far too light and inconsequential. To rectify this they use really punchy sound effects that match the animation to give the magic a sense of heft and weight, you can literally hear the magic cutting through the air and roaring over people's heads. This really helps to substantiate the excellent display of animation.

Location: As I mentioned earlier, this really feels like the work of a mature director. You can detect experience not only in what he shows but what he chooses not to show and not to bother creating. For example, consider the setting of this OVA. A less competent director (or writer) would probably waste your time explaining all kinds of details about the world and filling in information that you didn't need to know, where as here the entire subject is basically ignored. It's actually far harder to tell a story by explaining less because exposition or even a simple visual montage are quite effective ways to convey something. Here there's just a handful of shots:


Which confirms that Chariot's concert takes place in Tokyo, and this:


which situate Lunar Nova Academy as being somewhere around Bristol, UK. The change in location and setting is never highlighted or even shown through explanatory text, there's just a handful of establishing shots and that's all you need to know. This restraint is emblematic of the production as a whole: not a single shot is wasted and the director never doesn't attempt to tell a story that outstrips the running time of the OVA. Restraint is difficult and Little Witch Academia is a perfect demonstration for how restraining the scope of your vision to the core details really pays off dividends.


So is Tweeny Witches actually good? Saw Cajun mention it with regards to LWA and I've been thinking it may fill the LWA shaped void left in my life.

So now that a KyoAni cm is becoming an anime does that mean we could get cats driving flying buses and swimming anime?
Well this CM was advertising an LN KyoAni was publishing so the anime is basically additional promotion for the LN. The other two are as far as I know just KyoAni original works so they have far less chance of branching off into full anime projects.

Don't forget to make your Attack on Titan bets:




#team MAGI_2.0 vote for the underdog!

What does a Japanese English accent sound like?
I would expect something like the K-ON! movie.
Well, I'm glad someone fought the good fight! As I've mentioned on many occasions, it's a truly a 'unique' series in the manner in which it delivers it's story and the amount of work it expects the audience to put in. For a far simpler, but still creatively told, story you should check out the Aoi Bungaku section directed by the same guy: Run Melos.
Time for me to plug the Masaaki Osumi version of Run Melos!
It's my impetus for staying in this thread, I know

Yet, even though there's quite a number of characters visible in the frame your eye is drawn to Diana. Now, this is a very brief shot and you'd probably not notice this unless you watched the short twice (because how else would you know who she is) but she's present in this initial crowd scene very briefly and the way the director highlights her presence is not by zooming in on her face but by simply having her wear a purple outfit while everyone else is in green and brown. It's simple but elegant.
Cool analysis. This reminds me of a technique Rintaro used for Take the X Train.


Here, though, a totally separate conversation between the protagonist and his girlfriend is taking place in the middle of his boss' proposal. So there's this stylistic play on narrative that's largely unique to Rintaro. This is the only anime I know of that has a blue-freeze moment like this, unfortunately.


Which confirms that Chariot's concert takes place in Tokyo, and this:

How so? Forgive my ignorance, but that could be any city, couldn't it? I've rewatched the opening now and don't see anything on the skyline that really specifically locates it in Tokyo. Plus the programme that one of the audience is reading is in English, which wouldn't make sense at a Japanese performance.


GTO 43

The actual end of the series is pretty awesome, in which Onizuka takes the heat for Miyabi, and will likely be paroled in no time, since Saito just woke up. Yoshikawa finds some evidence and Mrs. Sakurai and Mr. Uchiyamada have an epic showdown with SEELE, but I still think Saito is the world's biggest creep for knocking up a 14 year old girl.

The REAL end of the series is the biggest WTF moment I've had in awhile. Onizuka apparently runs away from Japan, fleeing the cops over a crime he didn't commit, and goes to California, where, from the looks of things, he will be teaching 30 year old 8th grade bike gang members.

I have no damn idea what that last scene is about.


Samurai Champloo - 11

Wow, this was a nice little fairy tale episode involving Jin. Nothing special, but it was nice to watch.
Sorry, but what is #teamMAGI_2.0 referenced to? :/

Magi was a hyped up anime here because of the very well received manga. Once staff information started trickling in and the first few episodes aired, people started being a bit less optimistic as it became clear it would be taking some liberties with the source material that people didn't find favorable.

Some people are expecting Shingeki no Kyojin to be the next Magi in that it will be a poor adaptation.


Shouldn't that say "Philosopher's Stone", then? At least, that's what Harry Potter taught me, and it's basically a perfect encyclopedia of British culture and customs.

No; they called it 魔導(madou)石(seki) in Japanese; madou means magic or sorcery and seki means stone. gg's translation was perfectly accurate for once.
Crunchyroll got Hayate the Combat Butler! Cuties.

Hayate the Combat Butler! Cuties is set to broadcast every Monday starting on April 8th at 10:35 am Pacific Time for its premium members. Free members will be able to view one (1) week after initial broadcast on Crunchyroll.

HAYATE THE COMBAT BUTLER! CUTIES will be available to Crunchyroll’s audience in the following territories: Worldwide except Asia

Crunchyroll added more TBD boxes.


Gundam 00 S2 18

This was going to be a good episode about how Soma grieved the loss of Smirnov while his son trumped himself up to be a cool guy.

Then it turned out to be a bunch of bullshit innovators standing around mocking people.

God this is such an awful show.


Setec Astronomer
So is Tweeny Witches actually good? Saw Cajun mention it with regards to LWA and I've been thinking it may fill the LWA shaped void left in my life.
It's worth watching but you'll be disappointed if you expect LWA from it. However, it is notable for being one of the fastest paced anime there is. And it has a good OP theme.


It's worth watching but you'll be disappointed if you expect LWA from it. However, it is notable for being one of the fastest paced anime there is. And it has a good OP theme.

The first half has fast pace, but the second half is like 15 episodes of moping around over absolutely nothing.

Regulus Tera

Romanes Eunt Domus
A few other things about [Little Witch Academia] that I thought were worth bringing up:
Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't this Yoshinari's first time as concept designer/director/producer? LWA was quite eye-opening in terms of his directorial skills.


Also New Lockon sucks. Officially not as good as Lockon. Which is no surprise because this show is officially not as good as any Gundam show not called AGE.

I would honestly rewatch Stardust Memory again before ever watching this again.


Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't this Yoshinari's first time as concept designer/director/producer? LWA was quite eye-opening in terms of his directorial skills.

He also served as director, concept designer and animation director for the Lord Genome flashback music video. You know, the one everyone righteously loves.

Regulus Tera

Romanes Eunt Domus
He also served as director, concept designer and animation director for the Lord Genome flashback music video. You know, the one everyone righteously loves.
Anything would have looked impressive after that god-awful Libera Me From Hell video.


I really hope you are joking.
Wasn't it obvious?

It's worth watching but you'll be disappointed if you expect LWA from it. However, it is notable for being one of the fastest paced anime there is. And it has a good OP theme.
Oh I'm not expecting quite LWA quality out of it. Just something similar to fill that void!
Though I guess it will be hard to not compare them.


GTO 43

The actual end of the series is pretty awesome, in which Onizuka takes the heat for Miyabi, and will likely be paroled in no time, since Saito just woke up. Yoshikawa finds some evidence and Mrs. Sakurai and Mr. Uchiyamada have an epic showdown with SEELE, but I still think Saito is the world's biggest creep for knocking up a 14 year old girl.

The REAL end of the series is the biggest WTF moment I've had in awhile. Onizuka apparently runs away from Japan, fleeing the cops over a crime he didn't commit, and goes to California, where, from the looks of things, he will be teaching 30 year old 8th grade bike gang members.

I have no damn idea what that last scene is about.

I recommend readig the manga now, the anime ending is pretty dumb. Still, I'd like to see a spin-off in that alternate timeline :lol
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