[Little Witch Academia TV] - 19
This series has always been afflicted by bad writing but this is usually counterbalanced by strong visuals and some snappy direction. You can, occasionally, get caught up in the ride because it's being executed so well that you forget how poorly the show handles certain fundamental aspects of storytelling, such as characterisation. This episode, unfortunately, doesn't even have the decency to look good. It's just a bore. It's not like I expect the show to 'magically' fix itself, 19 episodes into it's run (this isn't
Fafner, after all), but could it at least avoid being
ugly? Couldn't they at least wheel out some decent storyboarding for a two-part episode dedicated to one of the most important people in the show? Can't they find someone to draw a decent piece of background art? What's going on at Trigger?
The background art of this show has always bothered me because it feels bland and empty. It's purely functional lines and colours that fail to convey any emotion, ideas, or information. Background art, as a key element of mise-en-scene, is a hugely powerful tool that can give the audience a feeling, tell them about a space or convey ideas about a character. One of the most important places where we can learn about a character through background art is when we visit their most personal space - the bedroom. A characters bedroom is often a reflection of their tastes, hobbies and personality as well as acting as a window into their past and present. It can tell the audience a lot of key information very succinctly. How does
Little Witch Academia fair on this metric?
Consider the below three bedrooms from this episode:
These bedrooms are almost completely devoid of any character information at all. They're just empty, hollow spaces filled with familiar household objects. Apart from Diana's bear and box, there's absolutely nothing else going on with these three key spaces. It just feels like such a waste of potentially useful visual information. It doesn't feel like anyone is actually
living in any of these rooms.