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Spy Fiction Contest: Easy Free DigiCam


Okay guys, GD is running a contest with Sammy for Spy Fiction. From playing the preview build the game seems pretty okay, but that's not the point.

Sammy has reserved 15 cameras just for this contest. There aren't a lot of people who are going to enter this thing so your chances of winning are pretty high. I've got one of the cams and they're actually kinda cool for a free camera.

Just send an e-mail to askswery@sammystudios.com with the subject "Spying on GameDAILY" and a question for Swery. Just trying to hook you guys up with some free digicams.


EDIT: I figured this is game-related, but if mods deem it not game-related please move this topic, and my apologies.


Yeah, sorry. This is still the rules of Sammy's original contest on the Spy Fiction site, we just have 15 cams allocated to entries from our site to make it a lot easier to win.


WOO! Big thanks to Dr. Dogg!

I just received a confirmation email letting me know that I'm one of the winners. I almost threw away the email before checking it because I figured it was typical junk mail. Glad I checked!


Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
Yeah, this was an awesome contest. I was also one of the winners, but my email came straight from Sammy like a week ago. I don't know if that meant I won through their contest or the gamedaily one, but great stuff either way. :D


ToyMachine228 said:
Does anyone known if the winners have been drawn? I entered, and I was hoping I won...

It's not a random drawing. The winners are chosen from the best questions. Basically, it's an ongoing contest until all the cameras (15) are gone. I suppose there's still a chance to win, although I haven't really checked.
I received a confirmation email saying I won but I didn't see my question in their "Ask Swery" column. I'll hold off any enthusiasm until I have the damn thing in my hands.

aoi tsuki

i started to enter, but seeing as how i could get the camera for $20 new at FYE combined with the midrange webcam quality of it, i passed.
My ? is there too (Merv Jensen) Apparently this guys a perv like everyone else. I didn't know the camera was only 1mp, it's kinda like the new camera phones. How's the quality of the images?
I got my camera in today, and I have to say I'm pretty impressed. The camera retails for $150, but can be found on the internet for a little less than 100. The picture quality isn't the greatest, and any sort of movement tends to blur the image, but the images usually turn out pretty high-quality. I've only tried the 1280x1024 resolution, so I can't comment on the lower res quality.

Definitely not something I'd expect to get for free, though.

aoi, you probably saw the first generation of this camera at FYE, which got terrible reviews all around (hell, it didn't even have a flash). The reviews for this new version, the Pocket Digital 130, seem to be much better.

I just got the e-mail that I won too. I got it on Thursday and my question isn't up yet, so hopefully things turn out alright. I'm hopeful. Thanks again for posting this contest.
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