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Square Enix’s president says it will be ‘aggressive in applying’ AI



Holy fuck of a puke this article is; how the fuck can a Japanese guy not understand just how really bad AI is? It's not going to bode well, right? We've seen all the ways it was used in the bad ways. I thought that they will learn from last year, but in fact, they are doubling down on usage of NFT and blockchain technology...

Let us tell them like this: "We as customers, will be aggressive in not spending any money to them, until they can realize how bad AI is."

“We also intend to be aggressive in applying AI and other cutting-edge technologies to both our content development and our publishing functions,” the exec wrote.

“In the short term, our goal will be to enhance our development productivity and achieve greater sophistication in our marketing efforts. In the longer term, we hope to leverage those technologies to create new forms of content for consumers, as we believe that technological innovation represents business opportunities.”

Earlier in the letter, Kiryu spoke about the impact of generative AIs such as ChatGPT, which he noted had quickly expanded to cover images, video, and music.

“I believe that generative AI has the potential not only to reshape what we create, but also to fundamentally change the processes by which we create, including programming,” he said.

Square Enix’s previous president, Yosuke Matsuda, used last year’s letter to express the company’s commitment to blockchain technology. In the latest letter, Kiryu said the company would continue to support these efforts.

Same shit of AI usage happened for Xbox in november. Xbox announced a multi-year deal with Inworld to build AI dialogue and narrative tools at scale.

I feel like things are going to get soulless...
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Thinks Microaggressions are Real
Dumb NFTs aside, blockchain has a lot of benefits. There's nothing wrong with SE exploring how they can use it to benefit their tech

As for AI, the genie's out of the bottle. I'm speaking as a product designer. A lot of what I do is going to be more efficiently automated in the near future so, as a human in that job, I'm going to have to work on figuring out what I can do that AI can't do better. We all are.

Use of AI in marketing is already widespread. From generating copy to entire campaigns. AI is happening. If you're going to stop spending money on companies using AI, you're going to end up a rich man because you're not going to be spending money on anything.

I can guarantee you every publisher/developer out there has a team working on how to integrate AI into their pipeline and general workflow.


Well, look at any side quest in a recent S-E game. They're absolutely who cares level stuff, so I don't think their quality can change into anything else. Kill 5 monsters of this, get 5 drops of that, take this letter to Y and return back. The sidequests themselves in S-E games are so braindead already that no matter what you write, they are just checkboxes for additional money/xp or a progress toward a trophy. At least Falcom games still have some decent sidequests, but Ys IX already started a bit to go down on the quality.

When they start to use AI for writing the main quests, then I'm just ready for some super weird kino of the writing being so fucking bad that it's actually good!

I'm all for AI. Mainly for generating assets faster so that even B or A-level games can easier reach AA+ status without blowing up the budget. We might even see a PS2 level B-A level games that are quite content rich with a small budget. As long as the main engagement/core game loop is still crafted by humans, who cares if environments, NPC activity etc are fully done by AI. It's mostly noise in the video games after all.
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Square always seems to be jumping on the most recent bandwagon of crap. Nft or ai. We'll see if the implement something useful with it though.


I wouldn't condamn the use of AI, the world is in constant change, this is also true for jobs. Some won't be needed in 10, 20 years thats how it always was and will be in the future.


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives

Holy fuck of a puke this article is; how the fuck can a Japanese guy not understand just how really bad AI is? It's not going to bode well, right? We've seen all the ways it was used in the bad ways. I thought that they will learn from last year, but in fact, they are doubling down on usage of NFT and blockchain technology...

Let us tell them like this: "We as customers, will be aggressive in not spending any money to them, until they can realize how bad AI is."

“We also intend to be aggressive in applying AI and other cutting-edge technologies to both our content development and our publishing functions,” the exec wrote.

“In the short term, our goal will be to enhance our development productivity and achieve greater sophistication in our marketing efforts. In the longer term, we hope to leverage those technologies to create new forms of content for consumers, as we believe that technological innovation represents business opportunities.”

Earlier in the letter, Kiryu spoke about the impact of generative AIs such as ChatGPT, which he noted had quickly expanded to cover images, video, and music.

“I believe that generative AI has the potential not only to reshape what we create, but also to fundamentally change the processes by which we create, including programming,” he said.

Square Enix’s previous president, Yosuke Matsuda, used last year’s letter to express the company’s commitment to blockchain technology. In the latest letter, Kiryu said the company would continue to support these efforts.

Same shit of AI usage happened for Xbox in november. Xbox announced a multi-year deal with Inworld to build AI dialogue and narrative tools at scale.

I feel like things are going to get soulless...

The only reason a person like him would say this stuff is to "jump on the A.I. train" so that people will invest in their parent company for stocks. It's not been proven yet to save money or time in gaming.


Can't wait for AI to become mainstream and AAA-lookin' shovel ware shit can be produced at mass scale and saturate the market with low quality effort and deceit.

Imagine one of these every other week or so



Elden Member
Square games, especially their NPCs and overall writing already ARE soulless. AI could give the ability to have NPC's that speak more than one line. It could give us NPC's that actually react to events happening around them. Quest generation can get far more complex than the cookie cutter/copy paste they do now.

I think you have this strange erroneous thought that things right now aren't already templated out/copy pasted to the extreme. They are, game designers are constantly using procedual system to generate the foundations of things, even dialogue trees. These systems are "dumb" compared to what AI systems are showing they can do.

Are there going to be lots of issues with AI? You betcha. But if leveraged correctly and done responsibly it can be a giant boom for the industry and make games a billion times more immersive. Will that happen? Who knows, but the way things are currently done is already soulless.
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Square is a remarkable company, as just when you think you couldn't care any less about them.... :messenger_winking_tongue:

The effects of AI will alter game development for sure, some will do it right and others will do it wrong.
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