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Square-Enix hire staff for new Seiken Densetsu (Sword of MANA) project


new Seiken Densetsu is coming??


The artwork looks alot like Legend of Mana's.

"It better be on console this time"

That's rock, but it probably won't be. An online Mana would be nice.

El Papa

The two main guys that did the artwork for Legend of Mana went to Brownie Brown with some of the other Legend staff. This artwork does look like thier Legend artwork...new Mana for GC?! @_@
It is beautiful, but I just want a good action/RPG that does not include all the eperiments of Legend of Mana that made it cease to be fun.

Akitoshi Kawazu had better come nowhere near this game, as his SaGa elements were among what made legend so poor (aside from the Final-Fight style battles with no real item or magic usage).

It had also better have 2 or 3 player support 100% of the time.


Oh my God, make it good you assholes.

I liked Legend of Mana, I was one of the few, but Sword of Mana was atrocious.
Legend of Mana was fun at times, and I liked the stories, but I was unable to finish some of the plotlines because they were so obscured.

The combat was a moderately fun Final Fight style, which was sometimes acceptable, but there was little challenge. A fight where one of us died consisted of the other hiding until the first revived.

It had a good set of concepts for creature and item buliding, but they were too complex and required too many rare random drops or fruits and vegetables (particularly weapons).

It was an ok game in many respects, but it was an abomination to the Seiken Densetsu style.

Sword of Mana was rushed and unpolished. It contained a few too many Legend of Mana elements, but it was at least a true Seiken Densetsu, if not one of the best.

Of course, each game in the series has been flawed in some way, but I love the series dearly, especially Secret of Mana.


Art Designer, Character Designer, Motion Designers/Animater, BG Model Artists, Effect Designer, Battle Planner, Map Planner, Programmer.

Looking for both part-time and contracted positions.


I don't get the Sword of Mana hate. Maybe cause I played a magic user.. but I really enjoyed it. Sure it was too easy, and the sprite tearing was really annoying. But it was a handheld game and a remake. I think people were expecting Secret of Mana 2 or something.
It's been known for a while that a new Seiken was in production, just that nobody knew what form it would take or who was making it. Apparently it's a big in-house 3D project; wonder where they're getting the staff (apart from the new recruits)


Cool. The Seiken universe could be really awesome in 3D. Or it could suck horribly. Time will tell, I guess. :p


akascream said:
I don't get the Sword of Mana hate. Maybe cause I played a magic user.. but I really enjoyed it. Sure it was too easy, and the sprite tearing was really annoying. But it was a handheld game and a remake. I think people were expecting Secret of Mana 2 or something.

well, I was hoping for something with the same quality as Secret of Mana...

I haven't played the game, but I hear it's far from it...


Man, I was just thinking about a new Mana game, and whaddya know!?

And I echo the sentiments of CONSOLE and NO SUCKAGE PLZ. Legend of Mana, I only keep you because of your hideously kick-ass music.


Has problems recognising girls
All they need is to make it play like Seiken Densetsu 2/3 and I will be sold like a muffin.


Guilty White Male Mods Gave Me This Tag
omgz, new wallpaper GET !

Anyways, we need more Mana games following the proud SD3 tradition. That game was awesome. Oh, and it better be on a console too.


Running off of Custom Firmware
I liked Sword of Mana a lot. Not a brilliant game, but functional, fun, and enjoyable. I've played through it twice already.

Legend of Mana, (gorgeous soundtrack aside) was pure filth.


Mejilan said:
Legend of Mana, (gorgeous soundtrack aside) was pure filth.

So melodramatic. :p Believe me, I've played games that would qualify as 'pure filth', and LoM isn't one of them. Lighten up on the hyperbole, man.

I had a lot of fun with Legend of Mana, myself. Not exactly a classic, but it was a fun little romp with pretty storybook visuals, and it provided a gratifying sense of discovery as you played (an element I prize in games, and one that's been in short supply in recent years). While it might not measure up to some other games in the series, it's far from awful in its own right. :p


The only way I'd consider playing another Mana game is if Square-Enix hire a freaking PhD in Artificial Intelligence to work on the partner A.I. Every Mana game I've attempted has been unbelievably frustrating because of the dumb as nails idiots I wasn't controlling.


I hope they keep this design style and don't give us some crappy 3d BS... I'm pretty sure current consoles are powerful enough to pull of 2d graphics as those in those illustrations. I just can't see the characters and world translating over to 3d as well as just making the game 2d.


Sword of mana seemed allright but not nearly as good as secret of mana or seiken densetsu 3. Legend of mana is an anomaly in an otherwise quality series. They had great graphics, awesome music but the gameplay sucked and the story was nonexistent... that was a bad year for squaresoft... Vagrant story a beautiful but unnessicarily complex dungeon hack , then a dissapointing mana game that could have been so much more then it was followed by chrono cross the most worthless sequel this side of metal gear solid 2. Atleast FF9 was a decent game ... as was front mission 3.


I'm assuming this will be a PS2 game since IGN PS2 covered it - plus Square Enix develops everything for the PS2 anyway, cept CC.


Running off of Custom Firmware
Sorry Tell, the melodrama was undoubtedly a result of the disappointment I felt. SoM was insanely great. We got ROBBED with SoM2 and SoE was a poor substitute. LoM, I thought, was going to correct that mistake.

I was wrong. I have lower expectations for Sword of Mana, and actually wasn't disappointed.
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