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Star Ocean 3 Bonus content?


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
Prior to release, I recall seeing this listed as a bonus with the game...

Trailers of Final Fantasy XII and Brave Fencer Musashi.
Interview section with the studio of development.
7 tracks with more than 17 minutes music composed by famous Final Fantasy composer Sakuraba.
Gallery section featuring artwork from the game.
Trailers for Ghost Recon 2 and Myst Revolutions (Ubi is publishing in EU)

Is ANY of this actually in the game? Or was there some bonus DVD released apart from the main game? I've finished the game (loved it) and have seen no mention of anything like this...

There is still plenty of gameplay remaining, but those extras would have made a nice bonus.


works for Gamestop (lol)
7 tracks with more than 17 minutes music composed by famous Final Fantasy composer Sakuraba.



Running off of Custom Firmware
Errr, I read that as 7 new tracks, my bad.

Sakuraba and Final Fantasty, huh?

Not even CLOSE to Sakimoto, at that.


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
Mejilan said:
Errr, I read that as 7 new tracks, my bad.

Sakuraba and Final Fantasty, huh?

Not even CLOSE to Sakimoto, at that.

What does Sakimoto have to do with FF (outside of FFXII and FFT)?


Running off of Custom Firmware
Not much, except that Sakimoto has actually DONE some FF music, whereas Sakuraba hasn't.

And that the names Sakuraba and Sakimoto aren't really close enough to confuse.

In other words, it's a really stupid error.


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
Mejilan said:
Not much, except that Sakimoto has actually DONE some FF music, whereas Sakuraba hasn't.

And that the names Sakuraba and Sakimoto aren't really close enough to confuse.

In other words, it's a really stupid error.

Why would they confuse them, though? They aren't close enough to confuse and, as a result, I don't understand where you pulled his name from or why you pulled it out. :D


Running off of Custom Firmware

I was a little befuddled by the mistake they made. The only name that I can think of that would be musically associated with Final Fantasy that sounds vaguely similar to Sakuraba is Sakimoto (both begin in S, both monosyllabic, both have 4 syllables, etc.) That's why I mentioned it. But then I went further and added that, ultimately, they aren't really close enough to confuse.

What's the big deal?

Waiting for me to say that SO3's music blows ass? ;p

Cuz I will, if you REALLY want me to. :D


well not really...yet
Mejilan said:
Waiting for me to say that SO3's music blows ass? ;p

Cuz I will, if you REALLY want me to. :D
This opinion is really baffling me and Im not sure what to say


Running off of Custom Firmware
DeadStar said:
This opinion is really baffling me and Im not sure what to say

I meant that comment as more of an ongoing joke with dark than anything else.

Though, I'll readily admit that as far as Sakuraba soundtracks go, SO3 is one of the few I'll probably never listen to again. (Any of them.)


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
Wario64 said:
Isn't SO3's music the only redeeming factor about the game?

Hell no. I loved SO3 and it is one of the very first RPGs that I'm still playing even after completing. The battle system is incredibly fun and there is so much extra side content.

Sounds like SMTIII and Shadow Hearts 2 will both be better, but I haven't had this much fun with an RPG since Dragon Quarter. The music is stunning, but is far from the best thing about it.


dark10x said:
The battle system is incredibly fun and there is so much extra side content...The music is stunning, but is far from the best thing about it.

Totally agree. Funnest battle system in an rpg ever for me (Grandia series, Valkyrie Profile were previous favorites), the graphics are great (love the cities/towns especially), and I even love the voice acting (although the music being louder than the VA sometimes is annoying).
Inventing can be a pain sometimes, but it's very addicting. I'm baffled at some of the mediocre reviews

Brandon F

Well congratulations! You got yourself caught!
I dug it quite a bit myself. Though the battle system is rough in spots, by the endgame I was pulling off some insane shit. Combo numbers were flying well into the hundreds inducing screen jammed lightshows. Crafting owned me too...

The story arc in the second act got a little strange though, but thankfully didn't overload the foreground with inane philosophy and haugty dialogue like so many of these games tend to do.

I didn't quite follow what the purpose behind the antagonist's actions were though, I mean the villain was more or less a kook. The eventual meeting with the final boss shed zero light on his intentions, and well the pre-fight dialogue may have just been ripped from any other game of this type over the past decade. "Die! Bring nothingness! Blargh!" ...yea, whatever.

There is easilly a good 20+ hours worth of bonus dungeons to pour through in the post-game for the completist, I may return someday to pad them out during a lull. Lenneth and Freya bouts entice me.


is beloved, despite what anyone might say
Still haven't really had time to beat it... Gradius V pulled me to the side for a bit. I just got to the part with the big twist... fairly interesting... I like the way this game handles its story, the game is certainly more interesting on disk 2. The dungeons in this game are great, and the graphics are awesome. Moonbase in particular looks phenominal, much better than anything in Xenosaga. The battle system can still be a bit annoying, it's not as fun as it was in 1 or 2, IMO. It's also rather frustrating at points - like those enemies with their rapid fire machine guns or the enemies who kept getting knocked down (though, I didn't find the latter to be as much of a problem as anyone else). I am still loving this game, and its more proof that reviewers opinions don't mean shit to me.

And how could you say the music is bad??? The Moonbase theme in particular I like a LOT. I also liked that one song with the cheesy rap that sounds like it was ripped out of an early 90's eurodance track. The ambient/softer music is good too. It could do with a bit less buttrock, but that is all :p

So, is this gonna be the last SO? I think what would be interesting is a prequel to the first game... set in the near future of Earth, when we first start exploring the galaxy. And this time, make the game be more sci-fi all throughout :p

Brandon F

Well congratulations! You got yourself caught!
Spent a good portion of last night running through the first bonus dungeon. Maze of Tribulations. I was swatting stuff down left and right and ended up running the entire 8-level dungeon stright to the final boss with all 4 bonus gauges full the entire time (Must have leveled 20 times)

Overconfident, I avoided the emergency exit to the surface for saving, and proceeded straight to the boss, Gabriel Celesta, whom began with an AoE paralysis attack against my party right off the bat, and then nuked the screen with lightning and death as I sat there helpless because I didn't equip anti-paralysis gear. Foolish me, all my progress lost.

Oh well, Nocturne arrives soon anyway...


He has an AoE Paralyze effect? I don't remember that in the original JP version o_O. I just remember the bastard being tough because he didn't stun through certain moves and a number of his attacks would just eat through you.
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