Finally got past the User Agreement freeze issue on Xbox to play the game. I've only played three games of Galactic Assault so far. Early impressions:
- I thought people were overreacting, but they are right: the use of CA is absolutely horrible and out of place; I beg Dice to remove it or at least give the option to turn it off
- This may just be the CA, but the game doesn't look near as clean as the first one, which makes it feel like a slight graphical downgrade
- I don't like Rey, Han, etc in the prequels; wish they would keep heroes/villains era appropriate, at least in Galactic Assault, since that is the mode (at least in my mind) that should be striving to most closely replicate the films
- I know this is a beta, but this seems pretty rough compared to the beta for the first game. Performance is well below solid 60 on Xbox and there were a lot of visual glitches and random slow down (again, I don't recall any issues like that with the beta for the first game). I think this might have a rough launch and it will be a couple of months before the glitches are worked out
- The gameplay/gunplay feels different from the first but I still like it, and I didn't have any issues with how the game played (although I miss the jump pack)
- I like buying heroes with battle points rather than finding a token on the map, since I could never be bothered remembering the locations and trying to seek them out, so I could go a week without being a hero
- I had a lot of fun (most important thing!)