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Star Wars: Jedi Power Battles re-release coming January 23rd 2025



Taking down battle droids has never been more fun. And, yes, Mace Windu has his purple lightsaber in hand this time.

Twenty-five years after its original release, Jedi Power Battles is back. The action-packed adventure from Lucasfilm Games and Aspyr is coming to PC, PlayStation, Switch, and Xbox early next year. Like Star Wars: The Phantom Menace, Jedi Power Battles begins with players fighting their way through a Trade Federation ship. On Tatooine, Naboo, and Coruscant players take down a variety of enemies and bosses including battle droids, mercenaries, Tusken Raiders, and Darth Maul (pre-bifurcation).

And like Maul and his future cybernetic legs, this game is using the original Sega Dreamcast source code with significant gameplay enhancements. For Jedi Power Battles players, that means smoother jumps and better balance while keeping the nostalgic feel of the original game.

Players can choose between original favorites (Mace Windu, Obi-Wan Kenobi, Qui-Gon Jinn, Plo Koon, and Adi Gallia) and previously unlockable characters (Darth Maul, Queen Amidala, Captain Panaka, Ki-Adi Mundi, and a battle droid) from the beginning. There are also a variety of new characters to unlock, including a Tusken Raider, a Rodian, and many more.

For the first time, the game includes a lightsaber toggle that allows players to choose between the original lightsaber colors Mace Windu, Plo Koon, and Adi Gallia used in the game — or screen-accurate sabers. Plus, Cheat Codes are back, including Big Head Mode and Big Foot Mode.

In Jedi Power Battles players can progress through the game on their own or with the help of a second player. In addition to playing the main campaign, Jedi Power Battles includes seven Training Rooms to practice skills like jumping (that tree in Naboo isn’t going to climb itself) and a VS mode where two characters can battle it out.

Get your first look at Star Wars Episode I: Jedi Power Battles with the trailer and image gallery below! Pre-order Star Wars Episode I: Jedi Power Battles for Xbox, Steam, and PlayStation now, then join the fight when the game arrives January 23, 2025.


Gold Member
Robin Williams What Year Is It GIF
Omg YES YES YES YES Hfjdms cdksjenfnfnfcncm
This is amazing news!!!!!

I LOVED this game growing up. Absolutely adored it. Godisreal.gif
praise the sun ☀️
Good timeline

Day 1
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I played through this a few years ago on my og Xbox and had fun.
It was unfortunately designed for the single stick of the Dreamcast before moving over to Xbox, so the movement and shooting controls are poor.
But it has the best lightsaber-throw mechanic of any Star Wars game. No SW game before or since gives you so much control.
Played a lot of this in co-op on Playstation with my best friend growing up. (Dreamcast version sure looks better.)

It was fun at the time, and I have fond memories of it.

Not really interested in going back to it. There are similar-ish games like Gauntlet Dark Legacy where I would.


Man, I know some people talked about this game, but I never played it. I'm surprised they decided to do this with this over so many other more memorable Star Wars titles, lol.
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Danny Dudekisser

I paid good money for this Dynex!
I remember thinking this looked cool in uh.... 1999. Wasn't it a distinctly mediocre action game, though? Weird to see it come back, but hey - this'll definitely make a few dozen people happy.


Even as a kid I thought this game was shiiiiiiiiiiit.

But it sounds like some people have fond memories of it, so good for ya'll. Hope it's better than that battlefront collection.


May I have a cookie?
All these mediocre Star Wars games remasters are wasted resources that could have gone towards properly remastering Battlefront Collection.
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Goddamn I love Aspyr. This game was so goddamn fun when I was a teenager well 19/20 year old. I played the hell out of it and will be again. Yes yes I know I was in the minority too on my love of it. It wasn't great but it was fun for me.
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What about the PS2 Force Unleashed?

They already did, oddly. The remastered version of Force Unleashed is based on the PS2/PSP/Wii version developed by Krome.

(This Krome version is secretly the better-playing "version" by far, but it's a totally different game rather than a cut-down port. The graphics and physics effects work are obviously far below the LucasArts TFU, and the storytelling structure is a little different. I could see Aspyr some day porting Ultimate Sith Edition and having both out.)
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