Multi-Quote post inc!
It's not really crying about restrictions, it's that it's a crappy F2P system. Many other games have better systems that actually promotes players to play. SWTOR's system is just really weak and is going to turn away many players.
You are right, it made one good point about the specific implementation of race restriction for F2Play players:
Take character creation. Free players are now only allowed to create Human, Cyborg or Zabrak characters (the latter of which I think we have to assume aren't in the store purely as a pre-emptive strike on the "Darth Mall" joke). Subscribers can also access the original race choices, like Chiss Imperial Agents, and unlock others in the store or via the Legacy system. Free players have to pay up. Seems reasonable enough... until you actually try to do it.
If you want, say, a Twi'lek Bounty Hunter, you can't simply click the button, spend the money and start playing. Instead, you have to first create another character that you don't actually want and play them all the way to Level 10 - a whole planet's worth of content - to unlock the Legacy system that connects up your characters. Only then are you permitted to hand over your money, quit, go back, and start the game for real. Somebody implemented this!
While I think something like that should have been addressed out of the gate, and something like restricting action bars should simply never have been a consideration from the word go - I know they will be addressed.
EDIT: As Tim showed, they have already addressed the Action bars.
The rest of of the article is padded out by fucking lazy, vague, hyperbolic pap.
Moving on to the rest of your post.
A player can buy unlocks, all of which temporary, while other f2p games let you buy your unlocks that you keep.
Will the real Minister of Misinformation please stand up? Literally every unlock from the unlocks tab is a permanent unlock. A player can choose to buy weekly passes instead of subscribing and feeling pressured into playing on that level. They can choose to purchase temporary XP bonuses as well.
It's pay to play how and when you want. It's not exactly where people want it to be yet, I agree and I am right there with them, but it's not as awful as some people are making out to be.
And the game still locks out various parts that a f2p player can not purchase. F2P players truly don't have the option to play as they want, because no matter how much they choose to spend, they are still locked out and restricted in many areas.
The review is for the F2P system itself, and as it stands, it's been a really sloppy and restrictive experience for the freebies.
Not if they have expectations of being granted everything people paying for the game are getting. I agree with Action bars being limited as being a fucking stupid move, but, beyond that, everything else is pretty reasonable - provided that you don't assume that the model is done and this is all there is ever going to be.
They have shown consistently since they announced months ago that they are developing content at a faster pace that they are capable of addressing the concerns of it's playbase(While finding other ways in which to make you think "WHY".
Updates to the F2Play model should not take too long at all.
------------------------------------------------------------End of rine.
Hi, Alur.
I know you say you can buy unlocks with in game credits, Cystm, and some you can I agree. However, the credit cap also prevents BW from making money by not allowing them to accrue enough to buy the more expensive unlocks. As it stands, the more expensive ones (and arguably, the most useful) like Artifact Equipment sell for two or three times what a F2P can accrue in credits, as well as just "perks" like say the Chiss race or what have you which are still running about 1.5 to 2x the credit cap.
The F2Play specific unlocks will generally not go beyond the limit to which people can actually pay for them, not if the market is smart.
Also, Stop fucking destorying my Smuggler with your twenty god damn healer, competent tank, group queued Warzone teams! I saw you and got so happy. Then your tank guarded you and I was sad. PHAT ASS 800 CRITS ALL DAY, SON!
Yeah, it sucks that they made some pretty dumb "why in the hell could you ever think this was reasonable" blunders, but growing pains are better than stubbornly sticking to a bad idea.
They just need to make Preferred an actually viable option for people who want to pay for access to content. The way someone chooses to pay for content should not have such a drastic impact as it does now. There should be virtually no penalties or exclusions for paying customers just because they would rather buy than rent. Every one of the limitations currently in place that cannot be mitigated at all for non-subs (currency caps, 2 trade skills, price increases, exclusion of lockboxes) need to be able to be removed via cartel coins.
How much do you charge someone to buy rather than rent and why should those renting then continue to rent?
EDIT: Found this
article on Darth Hater, thought it might be if use some of you.