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Stargate Atlantis = Enterprise?

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Its gonna suck compared to SG1 which rocks.





being watched
I predict one or two seasons.

Cast does look a bit crap - and whats with the fucking flags on the uniforms - these people are representing Planet Earth, not the tiny factions on it.

Stargate: Cosplay - A new team: A new mission. Join the completely made up squad of universale cosplayers as they attend various anime and sci fi conventions dressed as some of their favorite stargate characters.


Plus Carter is 10 times hotter than the two women in atlantis. and she can fist fight tribal leaders.


Can you guys give it a chance before you bash it? SG1 has been nothing but good and will extend the benefit of the doubt that Atlantis will do just as good. It's not like Star Trek where we have had 3 crap shows in a row.


I keep seeing previews for this and I still don't understand it. Is it an entirely new series? Is it a mini series? If it's a new series, why Atlantis only? Do they really expect to keep that up?


I'm hoping it'll be good. SG-1 is easily my favourite show on television.

Canada represent yo. I just can't help but laugh that Rainbow Sun Francks is starring in Atlantis though. I can't take him seriously because I've watched him act goofy and set up music videos on Much Music!


ShadowRed said:
Can you guys give it a chance before you bash it? SG1 has been nothing but good and will extend the benefit of the doubt that Atlantis will do just as good. It's not like Star Trek where we have had 3 crap shows in a row.

I do plan to give it a chance, but no one can deny that they look like losers. I'm hoping for another good SG series (and movie), but these guys look like some cheesy 80s sci-fi throw back :)


"I keep seeing previews for this and I still don't understand it. Is it an entirely new series? Is it a mini series? If it's a new series, why Atlantis only? Do they really expect to keep that up?"

Atlantis is a new series. This crew is based on Atlantis, the homeworld or the Ancients the people who built the Stargates. It's in an entirely different Galaxy than the one Earth is in.


MrAngryFace said:
My favorite SG episode is season 4 where they get caught in that groundhog day loop. Funniest episode ever.

Yup.. most SG1 fans will agree that Window of Opportunity is one of the best... but I think Abyss takes the cake for best SG1 episode... fucking awesome ep.

This board needs some more Stargate love... highly underrated show.


Stargate is one of those lesser known and little watched series that just beats the shit out of any other series, non-sci-fi including.

When I first heard about it, I figured it would be some lamo rip-off of the movie, but it's quite possibly one of the most polished shows around, with a great storyline to boot. I have to give it to the writers for giving us SG-1.
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