EU is working hard on AI.
February 2nd 2025 is when the EU Artificial Intelligence Act comes into force, becoming the world’s first comprehensive set of rules for artificial intelligence.
Banned AI systems in EU:
AI systems that manipulate individuals' decisions subliminally or deceptively, causing or reasonably likely to cause significant harm.
AI systems that exploit vulnerabilities like age, disability, or socio-economic status to influence behavior, causing or reasonably likely to cause significant harm.
AI systems that evaluate or classify individuals based on their social behavior or personality characteristics, causing detrimental or unfavorable treatment.
AI systems that assess or predict the risk of an individual committing a criminal offence based on their personality traits and characteristics.
AI systems that create or expand facial recognition databases through untargeted scraping of facial images from the internet or CCTV footage.
AI systems that infer emotions in workplaces or education centers (except where this is needed for medical or safety reasons).
AI systems that categorize individuals based on their biometric data to infer their race, political opinions, trade union membership, religious or philosophical beliefs, sex life or sexual orientation.
AI systems that collect “real time” biometric information in publicly accessible spaces for the purposes of law enforcement (except in very limited circumstances).
At this point I'm convinced Brussels and the WEF actually want to see Europe become irrelevant. The amount of policies that stifle business (climate), agriculture (some of our nations largest export) and (high-tech) innovation at an increasing rate is staggering and alarming.
On the contrary. WEF aims to make Euopean nations irrelevant. Their goal is a European super state. They created EU debts (which they weren't allowed) and they will introduce different EU-wide taxes on top of EU countries' taxes (which they aren't allowed either). The project is called
There's some pros to that. It's basically a United States of Europe, which would be a global superpower like USA and China. So pro-EU folks argue that anti-EU folks must be manipulated by USA, China or Russis, because these countries don't want EU to become a single entity.
What these people ignore is that the EU is not really democratic. Much less so than single EU nations or the USA. EU Commission is the most powerful entity and its members don't get elected democratically. EU Comission constantly overrides national constitutional laws. These laws exist for a reason: they are the firewall of democracy. EU is a step back for freedom and we citizens never got asked asked if we want it. WEF guys just decided on it.