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Stars Battlefront ....Online PC? or Xbox Live?

awe man...after trying this game out for a couple of hours, it ownz

its like a Kick ass mod for battlefield 1942

Im thinking about buying this with the TRU deal now,
so which is better?

pc or xbox?

i will probably be playing the game mostly online so im wondering which is more enjoyable online?

Im leaning towards xbox just because of being able to communicate on headset.....and less possiblity of cheaters....

but.....i want my high ass resolution and kb/mouse control dammit! (although kb/mouse sucks with the starfighters)



IGN says xbox because kb/mouse are too accurate for this game. Also:

On PC, unfortunately, the problems are all amplified by an overwhelming amount of competition that simply makes Battlefront look a bit simplistic.

TekunoRobby said:
PC, this shouldn't have been asked but it was nice of you.

read the post as to why i asked. trust me...i usually go for the PC version but this game seems to be built with the Consoles in mind....plus..voice chat > no voice chat.


In fact, the mouse actually adds a lot of problems to the PC version. On Xbox and PS2, it's possible to either enable or disable auto-aim (disable being the unanimously approved method of choice). This allows players with a bit more skill to excel in firefights and alleviates some of the unfair advantages ultra-powered vehicles, such as the airborne Republican assault transport, have against their enemies. On PC, the mouse lets players pinpoint and eliminate just about anything, often making the game a little more frustrating than it needs to be.



Tag of Excellence
Fixed2BeBroken said:
read the post as to why i asked. trust me...i usually go for the PC version but this game seems to be built with the Consoles in mind....plus..voice chat > no voice chat.
Ohh sorry I didn't know that voice chat was that important to you. Actually I really like it, I wish more PC games included it.

Yes voice chat is very well done in Battlefront and it actually DOES add a lot to the game and really streamlines the tactical process when you're in a very well formed team. Usually though it's a bunch of retards who don't shut the fuck up and don't know what they're doing or the sole lonely type that secretely racks up the highest kill count and never utters a word. Of course that's from my impressions and they ran the gamut from awesome team and voice chat was an absolute boon for the game to the regular Live matches where people just spam the hell out of it and act poorly as a team.

The KB/Mouse comments are pretty ridiculous, I had no problems whatsoever but I have a top of the line machine so I can't comment when the game runs in less than optimum conditions. Also I haven't encountered any cheaters, just a ton of guys who are VERY GOOD and will probably rape you unless you spend a decent amount of time with the game.
Cerebral Palsy said:
TeamSpeak solves this problem.
is team speak a program like ventrillo?

if so, yea....it might barely solve the problem because everyone doesnt have the program and arent using it on the same channel whenever u join a game.

TekunoRobby said:
Yes voice chat is very well done in Battlefront and it actually DOES add a lot to the game and really streamlines the tactical process when you're in a very well formed team. Usually though it's a bunch of retards who don't shut the fuck up and don't know what they're doing or the sole lonely type that secretely racks up the highest kill count and never utters a word. Of course that's from my impressions and they ran the gamut from awesome team and voice chat was an absolute boon for the game to the regular Live matches where people just spam the hell out of it and act poorly as a team.

The KB/Mouse comments are pretty ridiculous, I had no problems whatsoever but I have a top of the line machine so I can't comment when the game runs in less than optimum conditions. Also I haven't encountered any cheaters, just a ton of guys who are VERY GOOD and will probably rape you unless you spend a decent amount of time with the game.

i cant control the damn starfighters for SHIT with the KB and mouse.....its just a BITCH going up and down.

(i had the same problem in battlefield 1942 when flying the planes)

Its just easier controlling planes with a controller. Everything else controls sweet tho, and I rather play fp with mouse and keyboard of course. thing is , you dont spend much time in the starfighters so its not a big deal.

and When I talk about Cheaters...I speak of the future. There will be haxxors to come....its just a garunteed fact. (At least with my experiences with online fps games.)



I'm glad Grandpa porked a Chinese Muslim
Fixed2BeBroken said:
i cant control the damn starfighters for SHIT with the KB and mouse.....its just a BITCH going up and down.

(i had the same problem in battlefield 1942 when flying the planes)

Its just easier controlling planes with a controller. Everything else controls sweet tho, and I rather play fp with mouse and keyboard of course. thing is , you dont spend much time in the starfighters so its not a big deal.

That's why you go out and buy a $15 or less console to USB adapter for your console controllers ;) I can't imagine flying in BF1942 with the mouse/keyboard, or even with my old non-analog Sidewinder gamepad. The thing works wonders in emulators too.


Man, I think I've pretty much perfected flying with keyboard/mouse in BF.. better than I could with a joystick :eek:
DarthWoo said:
That's why you go out and buy a $15 or less console to USB adapter for your console controllers ;) I can't imagine flying in BF1942 with the mouse/keyboard, or even with my old non-analog Sidewinder gamepad. The thing works wonders in emulators too.

yea but i dont like switching back and forth between controller and kb/mouse.

cause i much rather control fps stuff with kb/mouse (which is like 70 percent of the game depending on how you play).

I have to say I'd go with XBox. The voice is really just great, nothing beats when you hear 'the first transport is away' and a few guys like myself who really love Star Wars shout "Hoorah!"

But it's a double edged sword. There are times when jackasses just sit and talk needlessly about stupid things or openly insult anyone they even see. Also it's difficult to boot Team Killers, and you can't ban them from a 'server' there are several Xboxes that pretty frequently serve as a dedicated server.

You get about 12 players per team max and then a few AI cannon fodder types. The lag isn't usually an issue though sniping is a bit difficult, since not just the lag but also the odd way they determined that lasers travel so slowly, it makes leading a target tedious.

On the whole my experience has been good with the game, I reccomend you at least pick it up regardless of platform. Though about all the mouse vs. controller thing I don't really think it makes a huge difference since the 'projectiles' in this game never register as instant hits. You always have to lead at a pretty good arc for my taste, maybe I just expect everything to play like Halo or CS where when you pull that trigger the guy on the other end feels it right away.


It runs fine on LIVE. They tweaked things after the first week or so... Just use optimatch and look for a good server. The game also warns you if you're about to join a match where "network conditions may affect this game."

Baron Aloha

A Shining Example
PC.... if only because I've heard that the console versions crash from time to time. I haven't heard that about the PC version....at least not yet anyway.
I don't know that it's neccesarily always a crash situation. Some games on XBL, like MechAssault, play host to what I like to call 'Bitches' when things don't go the way they like it, off goes the power and the game locks up for everyone else. In the instance of a dedicated server where the server's owner is playing on another Xbox, all he needs to do is lean over and turn off the server.

So yes, perhaps the PC doesn't have this particular problem as much as live does, but at the same time Live gives you voice, that's really something that I've come to pretty much expect in a multiplayer situation. Even if half the time I wish I didn't have it for all the whining, arguing, insults and not to mention those little kids from ages 9 to like 12 who hop on after school and in their high pitched, fingernails on a chalkboard voices start singing, complaining or calling people names they shouldn't know at that age.

But you always have to take the good with the bad and there's plenty of good to be found on BattleFront on XBL.


Man that shit was still laggy for me even after the supposedly "fixed it".I never lag in any other game either,so I blame it on their shitty servers.

But if you want my personal opinion on the whole thing,the game becomes extremely boring after about a week,the one game mode blows after a while.
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