www.starwars.com used to have this thing called "Ask the Jedi Council" where fans could e-mail questions to different people who have worked on the series. Questions ranged from film techniques to the fantasy-fiction of Star Wars. However, I can no longer find this thing on the site. Did they discontinue it and abolish the archives?
Anyway, I remember one 'article' in particular that was concerned with the "sonic bombs" that Jango Fett shot at Obi-Wan in the asteroid field after their fight in Attack of the Clones. I remember the article saying that this was not scientifically correct. There was a nice explanation on the science of the issue. Can anyone explain it with their science knowledge offhand?
Anyway, I remember one 'article' in particular that was concerned with the "sonic bombs" that Jango Fett shot at Obi-Wan in the asteroid field after their fight in Attack of the Clones. I remember the article saying that this was not scientifically correct. There was a nice explanation on the science of the issue. Can anyone explain it with their science knowledge offhand?