I've got 2 Faerie Solitaire Steam codes to giveaway, courtesy of pkeod @ SubSoap. Quote this post if you want one.
I've got 2 Faerie Solitaire Steam codes to giveaway, courtesy of pkeod @ SubSoap. Quote this post if you want one.
Sounds like it'll probably get cheaper, I'd only get it right now if you were sure you'd rip into it right now too.
Sounds like it'll probably get cheaper, I'd only get it right now if you were sure you'd rip into it right now too.
I've got 2 Faerie Solitaire Steam codes to giveaway, courtesy of pkeod @ SubSoap. Quote this post if you want one.
How does one nuke santa in Defcon? I get him to spawn but can't hit shit.
Comments in the thread (and a drop in price to $20 is inevitable eventually), but you're right that in the short term it's probably not going to get much cheaper.Sounds like? Where?
75% off is the most I'd imagine it going for, and now it's 66%, you'd be saving a couple of bucks at best. If that matters to you, sure, wait and hope that it goes on sale for 75% off, just know there's an equal chance it would go on sale for a lesser percentage too if it even does go on sale.
The jingle bells one was easy indeed, but how the hell do you do the Runner ones?Have you guys tried the Bit.Trip ones?
Bonk after missing a Gold Bar to rewind time and try again
Find 3 friends and beat the challenges they are in
Get Bonked by a monster
Make a bell chime in Descent
I got like thirty of those damn presents in CS:S and no achievement popped. Gabe-chan be hatin'.
The jingle bells one was easy indeed, but how the hell do you do the Runner ones?
I don't even understand the words used in them =p
What's a bonk, what the hell are challenges? Do these unlock after you beat zone 1 or something?
You need to kinda predict where he's going to be, since your ICBMS take a while to charge+fly.
Also, the sanctum people should be shot for the "drunk guys singing jinglebells" BGM on the christmas map... that I had to listen to for over half an hour.
The Gundemonium games updated. They have Christmas achievements but no one knows what they are. Hrm.
Well Hitoga Happa has one but haven't loaded it up.
Hm, my Beat Hazard 'Survive Christmas 5' doesn't show up in the achievement overview. Anyone else got this? (I got the thingy in game for it)
that happend to me as well....( it not showing up)
So any idea when the xmas sale will start?
I've got 25 achievements so far. Left 4 Dead 2, Swords & Soldiers HD, and Poker Night at the Inventory + Free2Play games are the only ones left that I own and are unlockable at the moment.
L4D2 is very unlockable. Got it earlier today.
Gundemonium: Keep the holiday spirit alive (Polaris)
Hitogata hapa: Obtain 10,000 candy cane gems in one game (Sweet Tooth)
My logitech gamepad doesn't seem to be recognised by bit.trip beat...
Right, those are the games that are unlockable that I haven't gotten yet.L4D2 is very unlockable. Got it earlier today.
It could be a server issue. A couple of friends had an issue with the achievement popping up until they switched to a different one.
I got the TF2 one without even realizing there was a TF2 present grab.
Like out of nowhere I got the achievement, after only like 20 minutes of playing. I hope some more of them are that easy
I got the TF2 one without even realizing there was a TF2 present grab.
Like out of nowhere I got the achievement, after only like 20 minutes of playing. I hope some more of them are that easy
CS:S took me about 10 minutes.
L4D2 took me nearly 3 hours.
Wow, the KringleJammer achievement for Atom Zombie Smasher is really difficult. I can't get past Wave 2, and you need to get to Wave 7.
Is anyone else still have frequent disconnects from Steam Community over the past few days? I thought it was fixed, but I keep getting booted out of chat and getting the "No Connection" thing.
Deed is done, just got 8gig back. Being monitoring the game and no one really plays. Less than 15 people in my region where playing when i deleted it. Tripwire fucked up bad.