Thanks for the feedback everyone, lots of good suggestions. I'll try to answer a few of the questions:
- Yes we are thinking that you can get multiple booster packs drops for the same game, but it'll take quite a while to get multiple booster, certainly far from infinite.
- 'Participating in the community' wouldn't mean grinding out posts but doing at least one of some set of activities each week. It could be as simple as logging in and playing any game once a week keeps you eligible for boosters; it could be more complicated like at least one thumbs up on in your friends activity feed. Idling in games will not increase your chances of getting a booster.
- Game Collectors badge will be based on the # of games, regardless of price and where they came from. We're working with a few of the serious game collectors on getting the counting method just right.
- The Card Binder won't show cards you've sold or traded away; only ones that you have in your inventory or have been made into badges (ie. the same card won't show in multiple users binders). If people have a different suggestion for the name of Card Binder please post.
- None of this is going to ship this week. OK maybe the Game Collectors Badge will. Just don't hold your breath
For boosters, we were thinking that we would add a bonus to your booster pack drop rate based on your Steam Level, to give more incentives to craft badges while still giving everyone a chance. Something like:
Level 10: +20% booster pack drop rate
Level 20: +40% booster pack drop rate
Level 30: +60% booster pack drop rate
So a Level 50 users would get boosters at double the rate of a level 1 user.
Another option would be to make it so the booster you can get are better somehow at higher levels, but we haven't thought through what that would look like.
Feedback, thoughts, suggestions are all welcome, thanks.