Did Valve explained what is causing that bug?
I didn't have a single issue because I don't keep a ton of games I never play installed. Self-control wins again.
I keep wanting to play DOTA 2, but then I think about people complaining about which Champion I choose and arguing over lanes, and then I just do something else instead.
I keep wanting to play DOTA 2, but then I think about people complaining about which Champion I choose and arguing over lanes, and then I just do something else instead.
One little day till the lord is upon us again, shining brightly over our dungeon-starved souls. Might & Magic, how I long for thee...
... and can't reasonably buy Legacy...
... and will possibly be let down...
... will buy anyway.
Worked for me (after a system restart). Thanks!
I have 104 games installed on STEAM, I feel that is excessive
Looks like Blackguards is available now. Any thoughts?
I have 224, for no good reason. Perhaps to play what I want quickly.I have 104 games installed on STEAM, I feel that is excessive
Ticket closed :3
super excited for dead state. looks like the zombie game we deserve
I have 104 games installed on STEAM, I feel that is excessive
Well that was the least productive day at work in a long time. Mainly due to the fack I've spent the better half of the afternoon trying to find a cheapish copy of Star Trek D.A.C. that will redeem on Steam. Does anybody (and by that you know I mean JaseC) know if all retail copies are Steam redeemable? I've seen a few with packshots that have Games for Windows on the top and others that are like CD cases.
Paging jshackles...!
Sadly, I haven't played this one yet. This and Frozen Hearth are my next 2 games after I finish my current play through of Torchlight 2 (I'm in act 4 now).
Some retail copies of DAC activate on Steam. I found a bunch of them at my local shop a few months back (and that's where JaseC got his copy too). The ones I got were the Cosmi re-release, and they still contained Steam codes.
Like this one.
Cheers dude.
Granted that would probably cost me more to ship it over here than take a chance with Thankfully though they have a listing with the same ASIN so if these definitely register I can pretty much hope I'm on to a winner.
I had over 800 installed... I chopped it down to around 500 now. Trying to work it down to 100.
Is there a thread for Steam API talk or something of that nature? I can't seem to find one by searching. I'm trying (hoping) to get a list of all trading cards in the system in JSON format. It doesn't seem like that exists.
Yeah, my big problem is when someone says: "Hey! Remember <insert multiplayer game we played 2 years ago>? We should play that again!" and I don't have the game installed.I feel like sub-20 is ideal. I try to stay under 15 including my multiplayer go-to games.
So currently Steam is shitting itself for everyone?
So currently Steam is shitting itself for everyone?
You're correct, it doesn't exist. At least not in a public API.
Why do so many people on my friends list have Blackguards? Is it supposed to be good? Just surprised because of the cost and there are several who don't generally play games in the genre.
Well that's a bummer. Thanks for the info.
I bought Hitman Absolution Professional edition on retail so I didn´t get Sniper Challenge. I found it later on g2play, yes one of those shady sites. It is only 0,49e there. I thought it was safe because it doesn't give you Steam key but a key you redeem on which then gives you a Steam key. I would never buy real Steam keys on those sites.
Glad you're enjoying it, despite the long cutscenes, there were a lot of attention to detail, and every character was great in that game![]()
It sucks because it seems like Valve hasn't updated their API in a very long time. I'd say the last big update to the API probably happened around 2010-ish. Since then, we've had great new features (like the marketplace) that could really benefit from a proper, public API.
These definitely register, unless there was some sort of re-printing that didn't contain Steam keys. The game is even listed on Steam's official "Retail CD Keys" list.
Hahaha well it's too late now as I've taken the plunge.
Yeah I've been scouring the retail keys lost for all the stuff that's not available anymore and trying to at least get some of the lost titles in Steam (not the Lost title on Steam *shudders*). Fingers cross I can catch me all before they either disappear for good or get to silly prices.
Cheers for the links though.
I'm kind of in the same boat. My quandary is that I can get retail copies of all of the old Football Manager games for about $10 each. (2009, 2010, 2011, 2012) They've all been removed from Steam. However, I know I'll never play any of these and I'd really just be buying them for the game count.
Anyone getting anything from groupees' retro bundle? Saturday Morning RPG kinda looks good, maybe. Pineapple Smash Crew looks good though.
Anyone getting anything from groupees' retro bundle? Saturday Morning RPG kinda looks good, maybe. Pineapple Smash Crew looks good though.
I grabbed everything but the two adventure games.
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EDIT: beat this time!