I haven't seen but:From the author of the Twilight Saga,,,

Comes to mind.
I haven't seen but:From the author of the Twilight Saga,,,
Darkness 2 - $4.50
Do it for Jenny
So Tigel gave me a copy of Darkness II at the start of the year and I promised to play it when I had free time, managed to complete it a f ew weeks ago.
It's a pretty decent shooter, being able to quad wield weapons is absolutely hilarious, combat gets a bit too easy so I recommend playing it on the hardest difficulty setting. The game is pretty short but I found it to be the perfect length clock around less than 5 hours so it's quite quick to complete. The story holds very well right until the end where it gives you a cop out choice which didn't make any real sense.
Overall it's a fantastic little game with some very clever ideas, well worth the playthrough, not on the same level as Bioshock for story reasons but it's a sold little gem if you want to blast through something in one day.
Apologies for screenshot quality. Was playing at 640*480
Valve announces they'll be hiring Enhanced Steam's creator!I wish
It's a pile of shit alright.I haven't seen but:
Comes to mind.
Does Steam keep going down for anyone else?
Does Steam keep going down for anyone else?
No really it's mostly hardware and maybe some more SteamOS info.
I can summarize the NeoGAF thread for this in one sentence:
"I still don't understand who the SteamBox is for".
Does Steam keep going down for anyone else?
Currently under a new round of DDOS attacks, apparently.
Does Steam keep going down for anyone else?
I'd even take a Alien Swarm 2 announcement as a victory, I'm expecting the keynote to be all about console crowd chasing hardware that doesn't interest me at all.
Currently under a new round of DDOS attacks, apparently.
If I can get my dick on a Steam controller within the next 3 months, I'll start getting my erection ready, Valve.
So thirsty.
Noooo....please don't.Left 4 Dead 3 F2P.
I have a visual of the NSA and other agencies turning their computing power towards them like the Eye if Sauron searching for the Ring.Currently under a new round of DDOS attacks, apparently.
I'd suggest answering every single time with this link:
Steam box makerers
Currently under a new round of DDOS attacks, apparently.
Alienware? Time to see more overpriced hardware I guess.Steam box makerers
Needs to be the start-up sound for all Steam Machines, I don't care if it's 5 minutes long.
Still workin here fortunately. My Bioshock Inf download chugging along courtesy uni wifi as well.
Orange Box 2: HL3 + L4D3 + Enhanced Steam for everyone.
Ugh. And apologies if this has been asked, or you're welcome if you hadn't thought of venturing there, but are there any plans/pipe dreams/expectations of doing an Enhanced Steam on iOS, like an app?
Gabe is on stage. Everyone freak out.
Noooo....please don't.