Jørdan;96150241 said:Ooh, I like the flipcard thing they have going on.
10:03 PM - Stallion Free: YO IT FUCKING SOLD
10:03 PM - Stallion Free: SOMEONE PAID 50$
Now give it all back to Gaben. The circle of Steam.
Any reason why DLC achievements are shown even when you don't actually own the DLC?
So apparently they have "regretted the whole thing" in the exact same way for the past two years now too?
Jørdan;96150742 said:Looks smooth though great work, more than happy with Enhanced Steam browser plugin![]()
- I didn't care for the "storytelling". The game has no dialogue, no text, no narration. It relies on "gibberish" (maybe it's a language, but the repetition of the "words" makes it seem unlikely) and animation in places, but I found these very limiting. Combined with somewhat predictable and cliche content. Especially at the end which I will not talk about unless further prompted due to heavy spoilers.
- I found the controls to be more of an annoyance/gimmick/limitation than an enhancement/innovation. There's also some really odd design decisions on some of the puzzles/areas that I just felt were completely out of left field.
- Any challenge in terms of puzzles came mostly from the controls rather than design, as outlined above.
- It's extremely short and light on content, which turned out to be a blessing as I just wanted the game to end so I could delete it and move on.
The game has a few cool moments, but I was ultimately bored and did not find myself playing for fun or because it was engaging... I was merely playing to finish what I started and clear it out of my backlog. It runs under 3 hours long even if you do go for all of the side activities required for achievements.
Overall, it's important to note that I am one of those gamers who cares about the core gameplay above all else. If the story is worth telling or interesting/captivating in some way, I can overlook flaws in the gameplay to experience it and enjoy the ride. I'm not one for "games" that are an 'experience". Sometimes I think they're amusing or clever or provide something new and interesting; For example, I have some positive views regarding The Stanley Parable and the commentary it provides on some of the trends in gaming as well as experimentation. It's clever and funny in spots, even if I still hold a grudge against the narrator for that stupid achievement regarding clicking on a door several times. In the end, I felt like Brothers offered nothing to me outside of it's interesting experiment with the controls and how it uses the dual analogs. There were a couple of cool design touches that I felt were really cool even if it was sort of... predictable (one brother picks up a cat and pets it and it's happy while the other picks it up and it squirms and tries to scratch him, etc.).
I suppose you could spend $3 on worse. But you won't know until you play it, I suppose. Personally, I'd rather put that $3 toward something on my wishlist I might enjoy more.
Congrats to VikasNarula, SourCinnamon and Myshkin. Enjoy the games :3
I still cannot seem to purchase the Deus Ex HR Director's Cut for 5.00, even though I have HR and the Missing Link in my Steam Library. Every time I try to add it, it comes up as 19.99. Is that deal just done now?
You guys better play the Joe Danger games when you get 'em soon. They are actually pretty damn fun.
Lol like anyone plays games from Humble Bundles.
The incentive to play a game scales perfectly with purchase price.
Wait, you can enter for each as long as you do separate PMs? I thought you get disqualified.One for each game.
Bundle Stars has some interesting bundles. Sure tons of garbage but there are a few gems here and there.
You guys better play the Joe Danger games when you get 'em soon. They are actually pretty damn fun.
Sounds good. Says Not Enhanced (entries not present), but it's working fine.Once you get a successful confirmation (it will say "Enhanced!") you can close the launcher. For now, you'll need to run it each time you restart. Just the launcher though, not the batch file.
Just skimmed the last couple pages and saw 3 comments about Swapper. Yall fucked up not making it GOTY.
Welp, I finally got past that part. Turns out it was a game error: the area failed to load properly, which meant a scripted event (a fight in this case) didn't load, and the game didn't put some objects in the level (like a gate you have to raise, or a collectible). But the real problem was that a trapdoor I had to enter was closed, so there was no way to advance.I got stuck in the 5th mission of Remember Me. I feel so stupid![]()
That standalone ES install is cool but you might want to include an uninstall guide for people who don't understand what a hosts file does or how to clean it up.
Lol like anyone plays games from Humble Bundles.
The incentive to play a game scales perfectly with purchase price.
It's damn scary.Is slender the arrival any good?
Ahh.. hmm, did you try it without the wrapper? I had to bind all the buttons manually with the dinput controller too, but you'd probably have to do that anyways with the different button layout on the Neo Geo pad
- I didn't care for the "storytelling". ..
I dunno, I just saw all the featured EA deals in the list at full or nearly full price and figured they were trying to tell me that I didn't have to go home but I couldn't stay here
I'm going to building a proper "Installer" soon that will include the ability to remove it via the control panel like most apps. For now, if you want to remove it you can run "disable.bat" as an administrator.
hmm. for neogeo, I got to remap. so it works in that regard.
but remapping it means my Xbox 360 Controller (a DS3 controller actually) no longer works on default... so I have to keep remapping every time I switch between the two
As has been said here numerous times before, this is how Amazon does things for this now yearly sale. They change the prices of the games back from the low Holiday sale prices to full retail in preparation for the January Editor's Choice sales, they add and remove games from the list, they hold separate sales on a changing selection of specific titles over the month. The sale is evolving because Tony is still dealing with publishers trying to put good deals together, as he has for the past two years. All the people complaining about Amazon/EA might try acknowledging the simple fact that the publishers are the ones who choose to go, or not go, with the large discounts or promotions usually promoted by Tony to them. If EA is more willing to be more involved with this promotion, why wouldn't more of their games be on sale during this promotion?
Start reading the CAG thread and you will notice just how often Tony comments about a deal he is thinking about, usually based to some degree on user comments and suggestions, that he plans on pitching to a publisher.
For anyone interested, I just updated Enhanced Steam Standalone.
The newest version has a much easier install process:
- Download Enhanced Steam Standalone
- Run enable.bat (as administrator)
- Launch Enhanced Steam.exe
- Browse Steam
Just skimmed the last couple pages and saw 3 comments about Swapper. Yall fucked up not making it GOTY.
Now that's easy enough even I can do it.
Does the Enhanced Steam.exe process need to be running while I'm using it or is it a one-time activation thing?
Any reason why DLC achievements are shown even when you don't actually own the DLC?
Thanks for this insight! Apparently the game is coming to PlayStation+ this month so I won't have to spend those $3. We'll see how it goes![]()
Wait, you can enter for each as long as you do separate PMs? I thought you get disqualified.
Sounds good. Says Not Enhanced (entries not present), but it's working fine.
the story is the important part so you missed the point.
They pulled the deal and the former reference to it from Steam's store page for the game, even though they still advertise the deal on their own site. Really a classy/lazy bs move on their part.
I hope some enjoy these games.
This is bullshit. I couldn't buy it for $5 during the sales, and now its gone for good? I was really looking forward to the director's cut but all the bugs and negative reviews had me on the fence. I was away from PC gaming (no proper GPU) when it originally launched and now I regret not buying it when I had the chance.
Wait, you mean Director's Cut? I see the game, or you mean the deal for the game?
Wait, you mean Director's Cut? I see the game, or you mean the deal for the game?
Sorry, I meant the $5 deal for those who own both DE:HR and The Missing Link.
During the last Seal, they did the deal for everyone @ $5, regardless of what you owned.
Question from the audience at a Valve CES presentation: Microsoft just announced 3 million units of xbox one were sold at launch for the last three months, can you hit that target by the end of the year? Can you do 3 million units?
Newell: Well, it'd take a while for them to catch up. I mean, we're at 65 million.
(Huge laugh from the crowd)
Part of why we think that this is the right direction to go in is that we can benefit from everything that people have already done. If I buy a game on Steam and am running it on Windows, I can go to one of the Steam Machines and I already have the game. So the benefit as a developer, you benefit as a consumer, having that PC experience extended into the living room.
I think he's referring to the streaming feature where you'd have your PC in x room with windows and then your SteamOS box in the living room streaming windows games from it.Does this mean that a steam machine can run a purchased game from SteamOS or would the steam box need Windows first?
Does this mean that a steam machine can run a purchased game from SteamOS or would the steam box need Windows first?
Reposting the giveaway~! It's time for Jack to let er rip!
He means the promo (which I took advantage of once upon a time when the game released) where the Director's Cut was only $10 if you owned the base game and only $5 if you owned both base game and Missing Link DLC.
During the last Seal, they did the deal for everyone @ $5, regardless of what you owned.
Now that the Seal has left us, it seems that the promo has left Steam.
Any reason to upgrade? Bugfixes and all that? Or new features now working?
Thanks for the generous giveaway!
There have been a few new features added, such as DLC checkboxes.
Another feature I'm working on building into the launcher is detecting if there is a newer version and giving you the option of installing it.
Reposting the giveaway~! It's time for Jack to let er rip!
Thanks for the giveaway!Reposting the giveaway~! It's time for Jack to let er rip!
The card inventory market checks didn't seem to be working for me -- are those supposed to work in the standalone yet?
It was kind of slow for me -- any way to speed it up?
Wishful thinking or confirmed? Because I would love to get them in the bundle
The inventory / market stuff isn't there (yet) but it's on the list of functions to port.
As for speeding it up, I'm afraid that the Steam client is still the Steam client, even if it's Enhanced.
I just finish Guacamelee, awesome game and I got theending. On a side note,happydon't collect all the mask orbs before you defeat calaca, It really ruins the last stage platforming sections.