Lucky you.
Not-so-fun fact: if you crash win 10 enough times, all apps from windows store(including the store app itself) would stop working.
You were talking in the last thread about "all of your programs"?
How many do you install?
I just have the two main browsers, livestreamer, ds4windows, steam/origin/uplay, idlemaster, and flawless widescreen, I think.
Random side story:
When I was back in college, right around the time win98 came out, my buddy was doing a fresh install of win98 after something went wrong (don't recall what, might've been a stint trying out linux). My buddy, during restoration of his files from zip disk, was doing as many installs as possible before forced restart... so he'd be restarting and then windows would hang and we couldn't figure out why at first; this happened two or more times... until he did his next re-image and restarted after ever thing he restored.
Finally he says to me, "Frost! I figured it out. It was restoring my fonts that fucked it up. I wonder if they're corrupted or something?" I replied that I used the same restore data for fonts and it worked fine for me and I hadn't seen any problems.
Come to find out, he was not aware that when restoring the fonts he should not have been just copying and pasting the old fonts folder into the system directory and overwriting the fresh version.
Not sure why your comment made me think of this, but I randomly remember it at times and it gives me a bit of a laugh, so I thought I'd share.