that's the thing, i didn't try toWhat you did wrong is trying to max out all the social links first time round. Just enjoy the story and characters, and do it in new game plus. It's even easier in Persona 4 Golden!
It's perfectly possible to max out all the social links and read all the books, but you'd really have to follow a guide to get the timings down right, which would spoil a lot of the enjoyment for me. Especially the first time round.
i like that aspect of persona 3, you could only max a reasonable amount of dudes
this is too low tho, in p3 i got like 70%, here it's like 30
idk, i don't feel like i fucked up so much as to have this shitty of a scoreThat seems really low. I feel like i managed twice as many without really going out of my way to max them, but i do love to save scum...
You might not have discovered the links early enough? It also helps to have a matching persona with you.
I did however have a lot of free time due to my self imposed rule of never spending more than two days on a dungeon.
like 8/21 is TERRIBLE
idk how this happened -___-