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STEAM | January 2017 - Time to get GAMEDUMPED

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So, I've just broken 40 hours in Dragon Quest 7 (about halfway through), and frankly, I can't wait for this bloody game to be over
so that I can start the vastly superior Dragon Quest 8


27 hours in and now at drangleic castle. I always thought of myself that I am a bit experienced by playing demon's souls and dark souls. But I am just as slow as every new player.

I think I normally ran about 7-9 hours on my runs, of course I was avoiding side content but it was pretty fast nonetheless.

Guys, send help. I can't stop playing Overwatch. It's even replaced my Rocket League habit.

I have that problem with Final Fantasy XIV myself. :p


Story of my life.

Yeah. But this is MP only game and if you don't play it in first months when will you??
I mean we all have games that we didn't play. I have many that i will never finish and i am ok with that but why buying Overwatch day 1 to never play it?

I have days when i wish i didn't buy this game tho. because i just can't play anything else rn. It feels bad. :/


I thought ICEY would be on sale for another day/24 hours but seems the discount ended :/

Ah well maybe it'll pop up in a future Monthly Bundle~

Should have been available for another 24 hours or so yeah, I still have the page with the timer going.
Why did you buy the game if you haven't played it at all? I don't get it.

Yeah. But this is MP only game and if you don't play it in first months when will you??
I mean we all have games that we didn't play. I have many that i will never finish and i am ok with that but why buying Overwatch day 1 to never play it?

I have days when i wish i didn't buy this game tho. because i just can't play anything else rn. It feels bad. :/
I impulse-bought the game based on the hype surrounding it at the time. Just one of those irrational situations where I buy a game purely on hype even though I wasn't really interested in it.


I thought ICEY would be on sale for another day/24 hours but seems the discount ended :/

Ah well maybe it'll pop up in a future Monthly Bundle~

BTW anyone got clarification on the $5 credit for Monthly BUndle?
I wanted to buy it too. Well, whatever.
Is there a way to get Borderless Windowed or Borderless Fullscreen for Far Cry 2 in the file?

I could just use borderless windowed (the program) but, I am curious. Also happy Birthday Kain.


listen to the mad man
Well, I remember the crowdfunding campaign quite well, and they were always explicit about things like how many companions there would be included at each specific stretch goal level.

Putting aside whether that was smart or not, I think now making up an alternative history where they never promised these specifics is unfair towards companies who work incredibly hard to integrate everything promised even if it was unwise (e.g. Obsidian), who are good and conservative at designing their stretch goals and content additions (e.g. Harebrained in their returns to KS), or who publicly, months before release, own up to and apologize for not being able to make one stretch goal (e.g. Larian).

Being silent about such rather major changes of documented and explicitly funded plans in a crowdfunded game until explicitly questioned is not something which should be defended, as far as I'm concerned.

I'm willing to engage with someone who is talking in good faith (i.e. not anyone connected in any way to RPGCodex and not trying to start a congressional inquiry). I think it's OK to be bummed if you were looking forward to something that doesn't come to pass, but unproductive to be mad about how something that might've been wasn't instead of approaching what actually is in good faith.

I think people should take Kickstarters seriously but not literally. I think game design should be flexible. You never want developers to be forced into a false binary between "fulfilling promises" (i.e. making a worse game) or "making a better game" (i.e. breaking promises). Now, this is a two way street, I think developers should stop promising very very very specific stretch goals when they know well that flexibility in the dev process might and SHOULD lead to them being cut. So it's not like I don't blame devs. But I basically view the contract between developers and backers as a rough scope expectation to be met or exceeded--not a binding document about every choice they need to make.

Same with the release date. Obviously if you target September 2012 and it's January 2022 and it's not out, you screwed up. But no dev should choose to meet their release date rather than use the resources to make a good game. When fans put pressure--and especially emotional pressure by taking things personally, getting mad, doxxing, twitter harassment, starting Very Ethical investigations into Serious Infractions--they give developers very bad incentives.

It's like the "Cult of 1.0", where fans get mad that games that play well and are making good progress aren't at 1.0 or are still in Early Access after years--when you get mad about that, you send a signal that the status of 1.0 or full release is more important than actually making a good game. (Incidentally, fans getting mad that every idea spitballed for an Early Access / iterative development game doesn't come to past have the wrong attitude too. The question should be "did I get something that I either enjoyed or I think is a reasonable good faith effort by the dev" not "Did the Hover Bumper Cars mode actually have a licensed soundtrack by Hanson?")

One specific way a bunch of devs have "failed to fulfill" is changing platform targets as development rolls out. Like, you promise Wii U or Xbox 360 and then, well... or maybe you promise Vita and you can't get the RAM usage down... or your engine claims it'll support Linux and it doesn't in the end. I think that's pretty reasonable. But since devs list platforms as part of the contract, fans are mad. I think the solution is two-fold: Devs need to stop promising specific platforms, especially as stretch goals, and come up with limited refund solutions for the contingency where they deliver the game but can't deliver a platform. Secondly, fans need to have dramatically more self-awareness about the reasonability of their expectations and the volatility of their emotional reactions when they aren't met.


I agree with pretty much everything you said. But you are leaving out that a company that cares about crowd funding, in the sense that it intends to use the model in the future, simply has to focus on communication and to some extent transparency. No one needs a documentary detailing every little thing, but if major things like Stretch Goals are dropped, you don't want to hear about that from someone data mining the game.
I mean, this is even in the interest of the developer since that's how silly rumours get started and it hurts their credibility. That's the drawback to bringing fans closer to the game making (or at least funding) process. You do get beholden to them to some extent.
Whew! Finally beat the main campaign of Knights of Pen and Paper +1. There's a challenge boss after that, and I got to it, but not sure if I can beat it because damn.


I was banking on RE7 to last me longer than I thought it would.
I literally have nothing coming out that I want on steam until they announce some new games/realease dates.


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
Evoland 2 opens up completely halfway through, in an almost daunting way :eek:


I was banking on RE7 to last me longer than I thought it would.
I literally have nothing coming out that I want on steam until they announce some new games/realease dates.

I still can't believe they didn't do a Raid/Mercs mode. The controls and first person gameplay is really good. Especially with M/KB. That could have been like 20-40hrs of fun.

They better not skip out on that stuff in Revelations 3. Or wtvr they do next. It will suck big time if they do.


I was banking on RE7 to last me longer than I thought it would.
I literally have nothing coming out that I want on steam until they announce some new games/realease dates.

Yea....the earliest thing on my wishlist at the moment doesn't come out until April.

I really hope nier comes out the same day on PC... :(


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
I was banking on RE7 to last me longer than I thought it would.
I literally have nothing coming out that I want on steam until they announce some new games/realease dates.

time to hit the backlog or play RE6 with me :3


Well Sherry Birkin sure did grow up cute. That she can dispatch hordes of zombies and do back flips off their heads is maybe the most Resident Evil thing ever.


listen to the mad man
I agree with pretty much everything you said. But you are leaving out that a company that cares about crowd funding, in the sense that it intends to use the model in the future, simply has to focus on communication and to some extent transparency. No one needs a documentary detailing every little thing, but if major things like Stretch Goals are dropped, you don't want to hear about that from someone data mining the game.

My impression was that Torment is spamming the unholy hell out of everyone with updates. I don't think they can reasonably be accused of a lack of communication. They also had a playable demo. I don't think good communication means explaining every little departure from the original spec, because some of them aren't even made consciously in a meeting where something is axed, they're a gradual shift. I don't for a second believe anyone backed them because they wanted to play the Oasis and ignore the other stuff--rather, I think people backing thought what they had to offer overall was good and the prospect of another large area was good--I don't believe anyone backed them for a specific hypothetical companion, but because a lot of what made PS:T great was characters and writing and other games since have done great companions and the prospect of companions you can really get attached to and more choices was good. If someone is disappointed about this, sucks, I guess, but I have already identified that from my perspective the disappointment is on them for having difficulties contextualizing and setting their own expectations reasonably.

I mean, this is even in the interest of the developer since that's how silly rumours get started and it hurts their credibility. That's the drawback to bringing fans closer to the game making (or at least funding) process. You do get beholden to them to some extent.

To the extent that developers can, they should minimize bad news spiraling out of control, just like any other public-facing entity, but when people think "pizza" means "shoot up a pizza place because it's a secret code for child sexual slavery" I don't think the onus is on the pizza place to do the clarifying. What I mean more broadly is that gamers and most other enthusiast communities are very susceptible to distorting or blowing up irrelevant things, seemingly at random, and that's a bigger root problem then people not putting out press statements faster to damage control.


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stretch goals are such a stupid idea

for all the shit ppl gave double fine, massive chalice made away with that shit and that's the healthiest approach companies should take to kickstarters

changing priorities is normal in gamedev, so overpromising when the game is years from done is such a terrible idea

They can be detrimental to a KickStarter, but they can also be done well; best example of that is Shovel Knight.


They can be detrimental to a KickStarter, but they can also be done well; best example of that is Shovel Knight.
idk, i feel like the massive chalice style thing is the best

all money goes to the game, and if there's time to add unplanned stuff and surprises then great

i dislike how kickstarter campaigns are treated like marketing campaigns, and i very much dislike how inxile does them with like 145% MORE REACTIVITY!! and stuff


Until i can do this in RE7. It'll always be inferior

You're going to be disappointed when Leon has no suplexes in RE2make. At best he'll probably have a kick attack and knife takedown.

I just can't wait to play as Claire with a fixed face. RPD Leon is really cool too, I hope we get to start the game off by investigating the gas station where he arrives in his car.
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