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STEAM | July 2015 - Nothing To Buy With Our Arkham Knight Refunds

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Tempted to buy Age Of Wonders III (Deluxe Edition)..


It's not a bad game at all but... I don't know, late game it's just spamming the heaviest unit you have, because units do not counter each other, they're just plain better.

Also upgrades are kinda shitty

The idea of the game is great though.

Have you played Endless Legend?


It's not a bad game at all but... I don't know, late game it's just spamming the heaviest unit you have, because units do not counter each other, they're just plain better.

Also upgrades are kinda shitty

The idea of the game is great though.

Have you played Endless Legend?

Nope I haven't played EL (don't own it). I think I have their other two games though.


Man you really have to work super hard to play non-lethal in watch_dogs. Shooting people in legs is good and all but I do hate it when I occasionally do it and the game considers them "dead"



Cheater Clicker Heroes
yah , i used cheat engine to get gold..many many many of gold
but i didn't use other save file

the strongest hero ( the last one is ~3700 lv )

fun time wasting game , better then boobs clicker
sakura clicker is soo basic ,there is only one factor .. only leveling up the heroes



Cheater Clicker Heroes
yah , i used cheat engine to get gold..many many many of gold
but i didn't use other save file

the strongest hero ( the last one is ~3700 lv )

fun time wasting game , better then boobs clicker
sakura clicker is soo basic ,there is only one factor .. only leveling up the heroes

7.5 hours... shaking my head. To each their own though. I'm right in the middle of playtime compared to all my friends who play it with 84.5 hours.


It would be nice if Steam notified you when someone unfriended you - it always saddens me a little to see the number of friends drop, all the more because I can't tell who it was that has banished me forever from their Steam life.

Having said all that, perhaps it's best not to know?


Low Poly Gynecologist
uuuuummmm the composer for Jet Set Radio and JSRF just retweed the Sega PC ports tweet.

Get on this fucking hype train.



Uhhhhhhhhhhh. Fuck. Looks like a real announcement could be incoming. Hopefully its better than the JSR port though. That framerate cap is a bummer.


It would be nice if Steam notified you when someone unfriended you - it always saddens me a little to see the number of friends drop, all the more because I can't tell who it was that has banished me forever from their Steam life.

Having said all that, perhaps it's best not to know?

Probably it is for the better, although it does feel bad.
It would be nice if Steam notified you when someone unfriended you - it always saddens me a little to see the number of friends drop, all the more because I can't tell who it was that has banished me forever from their Steam life.

Having said all that, perhaps it's best not to know?

i sent you a friend invite. need more steam gaf peeps.

steam id is unknown


Well Windows 10 just found it's first malware on my machine, I don't know if that's good or bad. Something called "peapoon".

Dusk Golem

A 21st Century Rockefeller
Kind of a quick review for the recent horror multiplayer game, Dead Realm:


Going to do a casual review for now and update when more is added to the game. On launch, it's a good early access. There's some optimization to be done, and the walking animation is a bit goofy, but the three maps they have currently are all very fun, expansive, & detailed. The two monsters are different and interesting and mix-up how you play, as do the two game modes (the first game mode is basically similar to a Damned/Slender, you need to collect 10 stop watches while the monster is invisible except for on your phone, the second is an 'infection' mode where the monsters kill humans, who turn into malicious spirits to kill more humans).

You can play in a lobby with between 2-8 people, the lobbies are good, don't need to forward ports and hosting is easy, along with some good customization in the lobby for things like time, rounds, etc.

Game is good for a few rounds or hours, but the concept is executed well. I found it less scary and more exciting and fun with some really tense and clutch moments. Both modes out feel different and change the tone of rounds considerably. This game will be made or broke by support to the title, I can see this being a real gem of a multiplayer horror game if they add more maps/monsters/modes at a pretty steady rate, what's there now is quite fun and the seven friends I played with and myself all enjoyed it.

While I personally don't find it hugely scary, I did find it a lot of fun, tense, and I did have panic moments when a monster was on my tail or if I was hiding and hoping to god they wouldn't spot or sense me.

TL;DR - Game is fun, content there currently is fun, needs more of it but a very good Day 1 Early Access, has some kinks but nothing game-breaking, this is a good pick-up-and-play game that is good for a few hour sessions every once in a while, and with more content could get addicting. Look forward to see what it becomes.

LINK: http://steamcommunity.com/id/AestheticGamer/recommended/352460


Unconfirmed Member

Cheater Clicker Heroes
yah , i used cheat engine to get gold..many many many of gold
but i didn't use other save file

the strongest hero ( the last one is ~3700 lv )

fun time wasting game , better then boobs clicker
sakura clicker is soo basic ,there is only one factor .. only leveling up the heroes
The whole point of a clicker game is getting all the achievements, doesn't cheating ruin it?

I'm currently hooked on Time Clickers, it's like a drug. I want to play Saints Row 4 instead, but it's stronger than me...


Thanks! Our trailer just came out today and I'm really excited that people are finally seeing it. Kert Gartner is a trailer wizard.

Also, your synopsis is correct! There are trippy bits, but the game's world is pretty grounded in its own reality. There's a weirdly large amount of lore written for it, especially considering that the game has 0 text.

Sounds fucking great. I remember reading through the entirety of the end-product of the Dropsy forum-jazz quite a while ago and really fell in love with that sweet, innocent, creepy, mass-murderer-looking fingerless clown.

And his dog, mind.


For you.

Cheater Clicker Heroes
yah , i used cheat engine to get gold..many many many of gold
but i didn't use other save file

the strongest hero ( the last one is ~3700 lv )

fun time wasting game , better then boobs clicker
sakura clicker is soo basic ,there is only one factor .. only leveling up the heroes

Why do you even play it if you are going to cheat all the way through? Lol


The whole point of a clicker game is getting all the achievements, doesn't cheating ruin it?

I'm currently hooked on Time Clickers, it's like a drug. I want to play Saints Row 4 instead, but it's stronger than me...

Why do you even play it if you are going to cheat all the way through? Lol

its a fun game,but i rally don't want to waste more then 10 hours on a clicker game
yah , its ruin the fun by cheating,,but that exactly what i want
i don't want to get attached to this game

i do this in many mobile games so i don't get attached to any on those games


For you.
hmmm, i think SAM is dangerous to use

Not at all.

its a fun game,but i rally don't want to waste more then 10 hours on a clicker game
yah , its ruin the fun by cheating,,but that exactly what i want
i don't want to get attached to this game

i do this in many mobile games so i don't get attached to any on those games
If you want to get it over with as quicly as possible, I think your time would better used by playing games you'd actually enjoy.


hmmm, i think SAM is dangerous to use

What. People get banned for using Cheat Engine, no one gets banned for using SAM.


i actually find the guards random behaviour pretty interesting. it was meant to try and force you out of waiting for patrol patterns and get you more involved by distracting them and crap but i feel like it only kind of half works and ends up being a bit frustrating

it's the one thing that i found really interesting about the game

Maybe I'm being too harsh, I remember there was a SteamGAFer who got totally into it, I realize rating NotGTAV higher isn't really warranted and I may start getting game-completion-fatigue but thinking about it more the randomness of the guards (behaviour and initial placement) made it impossible to design really intricate levels with constantly changing challenges. They had to make everything so open that there are always escape routes and then the dogs kill every pre-planning completely. Despite them Chapter 5 basically plays exactly like the first. Most of the time I felt that just going for it and rushing was the best course of action since going slowly and using gadgets lead to me getting caught more often than not and that got boring fast. They realized this when some of the guards weren't moving at all but that only happens a few times and by then felt forced/arbitrary. Maybe they needed some levels that are 100% puzzle to change the pace.


Unconfirmed Member
its a fun game,but i rally don't want to waste more then 10 hours on a clicker game
yah , its ruin the fun by cheating,,but that exactly what i want
i don't want to get attached to this game

i do this in many mobile games so i don't get attached to any on those games
This is weird. Clicker games aren't supposed to be "fun", they are time wasters. Addictive maybe, but fun? Whatever, to each their own. I'm the guy who spent the last few months playing Cookie Clicker at work (and I made a coworker and my boss play too), so who am I to judge? :p


This is weird. Clicker games aren't supposed to be "fun", they are time wasters. Addictive maybe, but fun? Whatever, to each their own. I'm the guy who spent the last few months playing Cookie Clicker at work (and I made a coworker and my boss play too), so who am I to judge? :p

for me , its fun to see i have +1000000 kajilion gold in the game and spend them to buy upgrade and useless stuff

What. People get banned for using Cheat Engine, no one gets banned for using SAM.

yah , for a VAC games , and online one too


For you.
for me , its fun to see i have +1000000 kajilion gold in the game and spend them to buy upgrade and useless stuff

yah , for a VAC games , and online one too

There isn't even actual evidence that SAM actually results in a VAC Ban at all anyhow. And even if it does, that would only happen if you were using SAM as the same time you were playing in a VAC-server.

There's zero risk on just using SAM to unlock achievements. You don't connect to any gameservers at all.

I use(d) it, no problem at all.
Just run it while playing VAC or online games, but feel free to use it if you are not playing the game at the same time you're using SAM
There isn't even actual evidence that SAM actually results in a VAC Ban at all anyhow. And even if it does, that would only happen if you were using SAM as the same time you were playing in a VAC-server.

There's zero risk on just using SAM to unlock achievements. You don't connect to any gameservers at all.


Ok, that's new for me.
Good to know!


Maybe I'm being too harsh, I remember there was a SteamGAFer who got totally into it, I realize rating NotGTAV higher isn't really warranted and I may start getting game-completion-fatigue but thinking about it more the randomness of the guards (behaviour and initial placement) made it impossible to design really intricate levels with constantly changing challenges. They had to make everything so open that there are always escape routes and then the dogs kill every pre-planning completely. Despite them Chapter 5 basically play exactly like Ch1. Most of the time I felt that just going for it and rushing was the best course of action since going slowly and using gadgets lead to me getting caught more often than not and that got boring fast. They realized this when some of the guards weren't moving at all but that only happens a few times and by then feels forced/arbitrary. Maybe they needed some levels that are 100% puzzle to change the pace.
yeah, i see

i didn't get far enough to get frustrated with it and i actually really like the fact that they went with non-path-pattern enemy ai but i think the tools you get to interact with it are kind of limited and the game does feel a bit too samey after a while

but for the few hours i gave to it i thought it was fantastic, just really stylish looking and smooth and felt really fun to play

the dogs kind of killed my interest a bit, as they tend to do, but i'm planning to go back to it at one point, not out of completionism or anything, i just want to play it some more


ModBot said:
Instructions for participants:
I am giving away 3 Steam keys. To enter this giveaway, send a PM to ModBot with any subject line. In the body, copy and paste the entire line from the message below that corresponds to the game you want. (if you include more than one game, you will be blocked from entering). Confused? Watch this GIF tutorial or ask for help.

ModBot Basics:
- I really appreciate thank you messages, but please send them to me (Vandiger, not ModBot!) via PM instead of in thread.
- Do not trade keys you win off-site to enrich yourself. Don't try to claim games you have no interest in collecting or playing. Don't claim games to give them to friends off-site.
- If the key is already taken you will not receive a reply. Replies may take a minute or two.

Vanguard Princess -- MB-389E5FDC63E59BFE - Taken by Belgarion
Vanguard Princess Lilith Pack -- MB-DB036553F10165C0 - Taken by dot
Vanguard Princess Hilda Rize Pack -- MB-DF887DD42431BF6F - Taken by darkchewie


There isn't even actual evidence that SAM actually results in a VAC Ban at all anyhow. And even if it does, that would only happen if you were using SAM as the same time you were playing in a VAC-server.

There's zero risk on just using SAM to unlock achievements. You don't connect to any gameservers at all.

I don't want to look moral is something
But the beauty of achievement is to get them in the right moment
even if I changed the value of the clicks I made in the game to 49000 then got the achievement when I reached 50000 it gives me good feeling
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