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STEAM | March 2017 - IT'S MAHVEL BAYBEE!!!

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A port which doesn't support arbitrary resolutions is by definition a crap port, and K-T is a crap company.

A PS3/Vita-limited game running better than a pure PS4/PC game is very much to be expected, anything else would be utterly ridiculous. Your PC is probably 20-100 times as fast as a Vita.

While it's true that the game could look better, I think that it looks rather good. Aside from a few things it probably looks better than NieR:Automata in a lot of areas


I've been playing Nier on PS4 Pro, and the performance on that is kind of disappointing. Kind of tempted to double dip.


Nier is reminding me so much of Gurren Lagann. Just when you think it's reached peak insanity it one-ups itself immediately.
Speaking about Toukiden 2, KT seems to be listening to people with this one.
Some users were experiencing a crash and they fixed it in a few hours:



How are the Ys games on Steam?

Which would be a good game to start with?

Either Oath or Origin, Ys I & II are different (bump system) and i recommend playing too, Ys6 is kinda unpolished and I'd only recommend if you played all the others and still want more

Games are mostly unrelated expect for I and II which are direct sequels and Origin is a distant prequel to those with some nods
ModBot said:
Instructions for bobnowhere:
Press the quote button to the left of this PM, select the quoted text, copy, and paste in the thread. You can remove these lines from the version you paste.

Instructions for participants:
I am giving away 4 Steam keys. To enter this giveaway, send a PM to ModBot with any subject line. In the body, copy and paste the entire line from the message below that corresponds to the game you want. (if you include more than one game, you will be blocked from entering). Confused? Watch this GIF tutorial or ask for help.
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Disastr_Blastr -- MB-E034BA6F18E02989
Montasayer -- MB-CA183248FA8E19A0 - Taken by Vuze
Socxel | Pixel Soccer -- MB-39668F983CA6C17A - Taken by Baron_Calamity
Visitors -- MB-A7490C26698EBE21 - Taken by illusionary


Aside from a few things it probably looks better than NieR:Automata in a lot of areas
No. It really doesn't.

Other than the (open world) environment assets Nier:A is a damn beautiful game. The character models, animations and effects in particular are very much "next-gen". Conversely, Toukiden looks like a game that has to run on Vita (because that's what it is).
No. It really doesn't.

Other than the (open world) environment assets Nier:A is a damn beautiful game. The character models, animations and effects in particular are very much "next-gen". Conversely, Toukiden looks like a game that has to run on Vita (because that's what it is).

The character models, animations and effects for Toukiden 2 look pretty good. I'd even say that the open world doesn't look so bad either. It's pretty empty, but so is NieR's. Also, it doesn't have the LOD pop-in thingie that happens in Automata.


yeah I won't be playing Nier until the weekend due to the save point system, not sure how long I'd spend with each session

Alright, I've managed to improve performance by 30-60% (in 4K, on a 980 Ti, a friend reports more than doubled performance on a low-end mobile GPU).

Here's the visual differences (and framerate impact). Warning: if you haven't completed Route A you may find this a bit of a spoiler.

Expect to see a fix incorporating this change soon.

neat, should help for people with lower end gpus

His explanation is interesting, it sounds like 40+% of the frame buffer was stuck looping in some arbitrary values. I wonder if this effects the PS4 version as well.

It's not from them. They refunded my money (at least i hope so).

BTW. I am missing that Valve accessory... :(
Not that i care so much but still... not really sure why is SE doing this.

My key was "Day One Edition" but when i activated it there also was "Post-Launch" written. So stupid.

I believe I saw some documentation pointing to the preorder items being available until Friday.


His explanation is interesting, it sounds like 40+% of the frame buffer was stuck looping in some arbitrary values. I wonder if this effects the PS4 version as well.
Not sure if they're arbitrary, since there is a slight difference visible in those diffs, but it does seem like there's something weird going on with the GI-performance/usage.


Not sure if they're arbitrary, since there is a slight difference visible in those diffs, but it does seem like there's something weird going on with the GI-performance/usage.
Yeah, I don't think it's arbitrary.
As I posted in that thread, an idea would be that it's related to GI propagation distance. Or something else which isn't very apparent in those shots. Probably needs more testing.

That said, it could well be that it's ineffective usage of resources, and I'm pretty certain (given how close the game performance is on equivalent hardware between PC and PS4 (Pro)) that it's doing the exact same thing on consoles.
Looks like Code Veronica might be coming to PC.
Highly doubt this is ps4 only looking at all the other ports of RE thus far.
Yeah I doubt Capcom would have an initiative of putting all the resident evil games on PS4,XBONE and PC and just suddenly said "nah screw that, let's just do PS4 going forward".........then again this is Capcom...


His explanation is interesting, it sounds like 40+% of the frame buffer was stuck looping in some arbitrary values. I wonder if this effects the PS4 version as well.

I believe I saw some documentation pointing to the preorder items being available until Friday.

Well i don't have it listed in my DLC section. I only have 5 DLCs and that one is missing. So idk. really.


I hope that GI tweak won't mess up some of the lighting too much in some of the areas, because I think that's basically one of the few things that made the game look decent, it might look a lot worse without it.


Either Oath or Origin, Ys I & II are different (bump system) and i recommend playing too, Ys6 is kinda unpolished and I'd only recommend if you played all the others and still want more

Games are mostly unrelated expect for I and II which are direct sequels and Origin is a distant prequel to those with some nods

Ys 6 could really go with a remake that simply fixes its issues, while still keeping the sense of adventure of exploring the island and its dungeons.


Which tweak and for what game?

This GI tweak for Nier Automata:

Alright, I've managed to improve performance by 30-60% (in 4K, on a 980 Ti, a friend reports more than doubled performance on a low-end mobile GPU).

Here's the visual differences (and framerate impact). Warning: if you haven't completed Route A you may find this a bit of a spoiler.

Expect to see a fix incorporating this change soon.


Depends on the topic. The RaspberryPi thread is fine.

The Raspberry mostly emulates game older than the average gaffer, so no one of them cares lol

Usually it never takes more than a page to check the boxes



It's not from them. They refunded my money (at least i hope so).

BTW. I am missing that Valve accessory... :(
Not that i care so much but still... not really sure why is SE doing this.

My key was "Day One Edition" but when i activated it there also was "Post-Launch" written. So stupid.

That sad 😔


Seems like Interceptor Studios (Bombshell, RoTT remake, Rad Rogers) is Closing doors ..... from Bombshell steamforum
Bombshell - Whats next?
Hi Guys!

I think you guys deserve an update on what's going on atm. with Bombshell and the future of Interceptor.
Times have been rough.. Bombshell didn't do as well as we expected, leaving us in a very difficult situation. Our following game, Rad Rodgers, had been in development prior to the Bombshell release, so we wanted to wrap that up first to see if we could turn things around.
Unfortunately we had to pull the plug as a studio.
Those are really sad news, and a major part of why we've been silent.
We've been working for months on a rescue-plan for the studio, and we didn't want to update you guys before we actually had something substantial to talk about.

We do now;
We're starting up again, under a new name (More info coming soon!).
Our next goal is to make a new agreement with 3D Realms, and get 1.3 out of the door, while working on console ports.

Bombshell was the biggest and most ambitious game we've ever worked on.
It's very dear to our hearts, and not something we want to abandon.
The past 6 months have been very rough, but there's a light at the end of the tunnel.
I'll personally keep you guys updated as things progress - but I want to make sure I can update you with something substantial :)
Thanks for hanging in there!

EDIT: their FB page renamed to SlipGate Studios


Sexy Brutale is 20 euros. 18 € if Steam gets the same discount as GOG.


So, my documented list is complete:

March 28: "a few bucks"

March 29: 20€

April 11: 40€

April 12: 20€

April 25: 20€

May 26: 35€

Total damage: ~140 euros.


in case nobody knew there's also like a dive kick move i discovered yesterday if u press like dodge and jump at the same time?

Deleted member 59090

Unconfirmed Member
Pull out your arcade sticks people, TATE Mode in Downwell got fixed.
Bomb Squad Academy needs more visibility, it looks like it'll be amazing.

Also new kickstarter for a "All Walls Must Fall - Cold War Tech-Noir Tactics Game set in Berlin 2089" from some of the Spec Ops: The Line devs.

The animatics went on a little too long where I was thinking, they have no gameplay, pass. But it morphed right into the game. Got me.
Nice soundtrack

There's a lot to like here. RTW(auto)P, cybering, time manipulation, dialogue or guns, and less than fifteen bucks.

*any help with the gif*


ModBot said:
Instructions for chronomac:
Press the quote button to the left of this PM, select the quoted text, copy, and paste in the thread. You can remove these lines from the version you paste.

Instructions for participants:
I am giving away a Steam key. To enter this giveaway, send a PM to ModBot with any subject line. In the body, copy and paste the entire line from the message below containing the game you want to enter for. Confused? Watch this GIF tutorial or ask for help.
Want to make your own ModBot giveaway? Click here for a quick tutorial thread. Please give generously.

ModBot Basics:
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- If the key is already taken you will not receive a reply. Replies may take a minute or two.

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JumpJet Rex -- MB-3E1FD0D92EE36770 - Taken by Jalal. 1 entrants total.



It's not from them. They refunded my money (at least i hope so).

BTW. I am missing that Valve accessory... :(
Not that i care so much but still... not really sure why is SE doing this.

My key was "Day One Edition" but when i activated it there also was "Post-Launch" written. So stupid.
I think that's only for copies directly bought from the steam store.
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