They can always rebuild him![]()
Man the Joker in Batman: Origins freaks me out more...son of a gun must die.
They can always rebuild him![]()
Man the Joker in Batman: Origins freaks me out more...son of a gun must die. can always rebuild him
Hmm, maybe I'll go this route. Add me to your group if there's room. I'm loving the hell out of Dark Souls 2 (nearly to NG+) and can't wait to see what I missed the first time around.Save files may or may not be compatible. Worst case scenario someone will come up with a hex editor to force compatibility.
I'm looking forward to starting from scratch and earning all the achievements. I will probably get a small GAF group together to get the Rare Weapons achievement.
Oh wow, I just noticed this
I don't know what I should get for my 300th game. Hopefully there will be a good sale soon.
Either you give a motherficker like me control and Serious Sam games disappear overnight, or you have to express some self control and a little forethought before spending money.
So i pre-ordered Watch_dogs special edition from uplay, is there anyway i can see my uplay key before release. sorry if someone already ask this question.
Guys, does everyone know if Killer is Dead works in a 32 bit OS? The store page lists 64 bit OS as a requirement.
Yeah, I know I should upgrade, but I'll do that whenever I get a new rig, it's not worth it reinstalling everything at this point.
*continues to waffle indecisively over SS4AE* Man, you guys are no help at all.![]()
isn't ultra street fighter coming out soon
isn't ultra street fighter coming out soon
Yeah, but owners of SS4:AE will receive a loyalty discount ($15 versus $30).
Haha, your spoiler made me laugh. I promise I won't lie, I don't want to own Bad Rats!Yeah it should do as the .exe is a 32bit process and Precision's overlay pops up and it's doesn't work with 64bit applications. No idea how that got into the requirements but hey. I can't check because I can't remember the last time I used a 32bit OS and don't have any spare hardware (or want to speak to Microsoft CS to get them to rescind a key) to do a fresh install but if you buy it and it doesn't work because I told you so I'll personally reimburse you.I find out you're fibbing and I'm buying you Bad Rats!
*continues to waffle indecisively over SS4AE* Man, you guys are no help at all.
You just reminded me. Having recently played well into Serious Sam 3, it's not the horror you've made it out to be. On the other hand, I don't think it's the best thing since sliced bread either. It's a love letter to Doom, composed by a barely-literate person who gave up trying to form words partway through and settled for scrawling a crude picture of a guy with a giant gun running backwards while being chased by monsters in crayon.![]()
Yeah, but owners of SS4:AE will receive a loyalty discount ($15 versus $30).
From what I understand, isn't there supposed to be a discounted upgrade path from Super to Ultra when it releases? (And right now Super SS4AE is on sale at GMG for $7.49. I have enough Playfire credit built up to cover it, but since I'm in a hole financially right now, I've debating whether or not I ought to pull the trigger. Cash is tight, but I've always been an SF fan, so...)
Edit: Beaten by Saoirse (again). Wah-wahhhh~{/i]
what have you done jasec
Haha, your spoiler made me laugh. I promise I won't lie, I don't want to own Bad Rats!
I think I'll buy it once it's cheaper. As you said, it'll probably work, but since that is still part of the requirements, I'd rather not risk it on the off chance that they are actually true and it doesn't run on my PC. It's a shame, because I'm willing to spend $20 on a Suda51 game on Steam.
Its main crime, besides being ugly, is that it's just so horribly boring. The fact that it gets a pass because "it's old school," just makes it worse. The series is basically a love letter to Doom that ends with a "pls respond."
I will say that the engine in SS3 seems pretty solid, and the guns feel gratifyingly meaty, particularly the double-barreled shotgun. I'd like to see what someone else could do with the tech.
While Croteam has scheduled Serious Sam 4 for Q4 this year (big surprise), it's also planning on releasing a new IP that is supposedly comparable to Portal.
While Croteam has scheduled Serious Sam 4 for Q4 this year (big surprise), it's also planning on releasing a new IP that is supposedly comparable to Portal. Unlike Sam 4 there's no release window other than "2014" so there's a good chance it'll slip into 2015 as I imagine Sam 4 is the priority.
To be announced at E3: From the makers of Serious Same comes BoreAll.While Croteam has scheduled Serious Sam 4 for Q4 this year (big surprise), it's also planning on releasing a new IP that is supposedly comparable to Portal. Unlike Sam 4 there's no release window other than "2014" so there's a good chance it'll slip into 2015 as I imagine Sam 4 is the top priority.
Comparable to Portal the way SS is comparable to Doom most likely lol.
Did serious sam hurt your mother or something? Why are you so determined to bash it all the time?To be announced at E3: From the makers of Serious Same comes BoreAll.
Hey, I don't go into Serious Sam threads and shit on it. Serious Sam comes to me.Did serious sam hurt your mother or something? Why are you so determined to bash it all the time?
While Croteam has scheduled Serious Sam 4 for Q4 this year (big surprise), it's also planning on releasing a new IP that is supposedly comparable to Portal. Unlike Sam 4 there's no release window other than "2014" so there's a good chance it'll slip into 2015 as I imagine Sam 4 is the top priority.
Did serious sam hurt your mother or something? Why are you so determined to bash it all the time?
hmm that's tough, because you're going to be paying $15 for ultra and $7.49 on gmg with your credits, I guess it depends on if you're really eager to play ultra right away :0
Reading the last couple of pages I realised I have been cruising with 399 games for several days and thank god no one gives a shit about going to my Steam profile checking if I need a Bad Rats. Oh well, I rush-bought the Humble Weekly PWYW tier so I should be safe for at least another 96 games yay
Reading the last couple of pages I realised I have been cruising with 399 games for several days and thank god no one gives a shit about going to my Steam profile checking if I need a Bad Rats. Oh well, I rush-bought the Humble Weekly PWYW tier so I should be safe for at least another 96 games yay
Reading the last couple of pages I realised I have been cruising with 399 games for several days and thank god no one gives a shit about going to my Steam profile checking if I need a Bad Rats. Oh well, I rush-bought the Humble Weekly PWYW tier so I should be safe for at least another 96 games yay
The Summer Sale is only about 8 weeks away so you won't be safe for long.![]()
You probably aren't considering the fact that I'm not you.![]()
I understand what you mean about it getting dull. I still intend to power through to the end (from what I've read, it looks like I've got about a level and a half to go), but I needed to take a break from it because the monotony was starting to wear on me.
Humble EVE Online bundle
TIER 1: 1$
TIER 2: BTA (3.82$ start)
- EVE Starter Pack
TIER 3: 20$
- EVE Vanity Pack
- 1 PLEX
Everybody has their tipping point! I was like you myself until the closing days of the 2012 Summer Sale.
For some reason I find Tier 3: 1 Plex hilarious