LEGO Batman 2 I say is better for story and characters talking to each other in the cut scenes for more than quick jokes. The city can feel a bit empty however.
LEGO Marvel s the better world with a lot more to do and find, poor Stan Lee. However it is the easiest to never finish due to fatigue. Story is fun, but not as well written, closer to old comic plots rather than the full just basic parody Batman 2 did of old World's Finest.
Has far better characters to play and see interact with however, with a wee bit more variety such as each flier being slightly different to each other.
Both good and of course which IP you enjoy will go farther in entertaining you. LEGO Batman 2 especially with the various movie music
LEGO City Undercover for Wii U is the best for story and fun world to play in.
LEGO Marvel s the better world with a lot more to do and find, poor Stan Lee. However it is the easiest to never finish due to fatigue. Story is fun, but not as well written, closer to old comic plots rather than the full just basic parody Batman 2 did of old World's Finest.
Has far better characters to play and see interact with however, with a wee bit more variety such as each flier being slightly different to each other.
Both good and of course which IP you enjoy will go farther in entertaining you. LEGO Batman 2 especially with the various movie music
LEGO City Undercover for Wii U is the best for story and fun world to play in.